Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Language, English, China, Students, People, Learning, Education, Linguistics

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2020/12/15

Language instincts refer to the unique human capabilities to concerning response to particular communication needs. As a result, the language could differ with regions or individuals. In most cases, people become more conversant with the language learnt and taught the form the childhood days due to the level and frequency of its use. On the other hand, the learnt language acquired through schools and other institutions occur when one develops the need and urge to learn the language or to fit in the communities. For this reason, philosophers and experts encourage people to become more conversant with more than none language to help eradicate the communication barriers. Additionally, it improves the cultural diversity between regions thereby promoting social ties and peace.
Nevertheless, I am well conversant with the Chinese language because my parents are Chinese. For this reason, the Chinese language was very easy to understand and learn because I have grown with it, and the surrounding environments related well to Chinese. However, the Chinese languages evolved from a single language by the name Sino-Tibetan. When growing up, any child takes and learns the language the parents talk. Therefore, I learnt the Chinese language at home from family members and friends. Additionally, it was necessary to learn the language for easy communication with the family members and the peers.
Conversely, everyone needs to learn a language mostly spoken in the communities because it helps one develop a sense of belonging. Furthermore, it becomes easy to solve the community issues because, in most cases, community members fail to address the challenges in the society due to lack of a common language. On the other hand, one needed to learn Chinese to avoid alienation from the peers in the society. Mostly, citizenry form groupings in relation to the similarity of the language spoken. Additionally, the environment also promoted and encouraged the learning of the Chinese language. Small children usually learn things fast due to the emptiness of their minds.
Consequently, I took approximately three years to master and learned the Chinese language because, in most cases, children start speaking well at around that age. Living where people speak the language was an added advantage, and it increased awareness of the Chinese language. However, most people identify well and easily with the native languages due to the consistency of its use. However, learning the Chinese language was to meet the societal norms. As a result, the community did not follow the grammar and the deep meanings of the words because the citizenry learnt it for communication purposes.
Nevertheless, I had no difficulties in learning the language because I had not known any other language that one use to communicate with each other. The exposure of the Chinese language was high due to growing up in the villages where the people share the same cultures and ideas in relation to the language. Additionally, learning the first language is always easy because no other information is in one’s head, and it is because the mind is always fresh during the introduction of the first language. Nevertheless, children with parents from different languages delay in talking due to the confusion the different languages bring about. Therefore, most parents deliberate which language to use when talking to avoid the confusion that delays the talking to their children.
Nonetheless, learning the second language came after in life after joining a school. It was necessary to learn a common language in the school because it enabled one to communicate with both the teachers and the other students. Additionally, the teachers test most of the subjects in English, thereby necessitating one to learn English. However, most countries have embraced the use of English; therefore, our school would not exempt itself.
Most people talk in English, and it leads to the promotion of the economic growth and social ties among the different nations. For this reason, it necessitated the government to intervene to reduce the racism rate in the different countries. However, unlike the native language, I learnt the English language in school with the help of the teachers and the students. Initially, I thought that the only people who should converse in English should those from England. Additionally, the negative attitude concerning the English language made it difficult to learn it faster as compared to the native Chinese language. As a result, the attitude delayed the learning process because most of the people whose native language was not Chinese opposed the learning the foreign language. On the other hand, the critics argued that incorporation of the foreign language led to the loss of morals of the Chinese culture, thereby, leading to the degradation of the Chinese cultures.
Consequently, the negative attitude towards the English language emerged from the number of the international students who pursued the Chinese language out of their will and not on the basis of the force or the necessities. Nevertheless, I had the urge to learn the language to increase the diversity in the languages and understanding other people’s languages. English also was an added advantage when one completed the schools. While searching for employment, most organizations preferred English, and it left out most of the people who did not understand and talk in English. Therefore, to fit in the employment markets, the demands and the requirements led one to study English.
However, in schools, the teachers, and the students advocated the best grammar and pronunciation of the English words. Therefore, it made it interesting to learn the language because it involved a lot of new discoveries. Though, it took me around two years to learn the Basic English language. But, for the linguistics, it was essential for them to understand the English language fully, and it meant putting extra efforts to keep up with its standards. However, the pronunciation of the English words brought about a lot of confusion because the educators would pronounce different words the same. For this reason, it required keen people to distinguish the differences.
Consequently, the diversity of the English language presented a great challenge, and the comparison with the native Chinese language made it worse. There were no language challenges encountered while learning the Chinese language, and this made one hate English due to the pressure it exerted on the students. On the other hand, the delay in learning of the language resulted from its use in examinations. Most of the students demonstrated its use because they viewed it as if the teachers and the government were ashamed of using ones’ language. As a result, many students would demonstrate the use of English in examinations, and it led to the hiccups in the learning speed.
The government implemented English as a lingua franca to aid in the communication between people with different first languages. Additionally, it led to increasing in the population of both residents and non-residents in China. However, the need for social interactions in the country and especially in the learning institutions left no option for every student, but to learn the most commonly used language, which was English. However, the constant undertaking of the examinations in the schools from the lower grades and up the ladder had contributed greatly to a better understanding of English.
Nonetheless, when teaching the English language, the teachers used the simple terms, which the students could easily understand. The school managements also devoted their time and resources to procure the materials that would aid in learning English. For instance, the English books helped the students understand it more. Additionally, the teachers also encouraged the students to purchase dictionaries to help them understand the meanings of the different terms used in English.
Therefore, the learning of different languages becomes difficult with the attitude one gets along the study. Therefore, it is essential to develop a positive attitude if one wishes to learn any language faster. However, the educators should always bear in mind that individuals have different capabilities in response to the different languages, and, therefore, they should not expect a similar response from all the people.
In summation, language instincts differ across different people, and, for this reason, the educators should allow people to take different paces in learning the language. Nevertheless, the urge and need to communicate also influences the learning of additional languages on top of the native language.

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