Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Mistakes, English, Comma, Conversation, Home, Shock, Ability, Spelling

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/12/10

Recently, I wrote an essay about the “Realities of Culture Shock” for my English class. I managed to keep to a fairly high standard of English as required for the essay, but I still made many stylistic mistakes. In this current paper, I am going to analyze the mistakes I made in that essay. For the purposes of simplicity and coherence, I have categorized the mistakes that I made.


1.1 Verb Agreement: I sometimes forget to ensure that the subject and verb agree with each other. For example:

Error: Correction

He go to the store. He goes to the store.
They stays at home. They stay at home.
1.2 Sometimes I use the wrong verb. For example:
Error: My roommate and I were talking to each other when suddenly my roommate asked me what I avoid making conversation with Americans
Correction: My roommate and I were talking to each other when suddenly my roommate asked me why I avoid making conversation with Americans?

Verb tense mix:

Tense mix. A few times I inappropriately switched from past to present:
After I bought it, I take it home.
They arrived around nine. Then I go with them.

The verb in the first sentence should have been “took” and the one in the second,

went,” since those actions occurred in the past.
2. Spelling mistakes
I made several errors because I did not use a dictionary or Spellcheck.
skool > school
different > difference
defiantly > defiantly
The first was due to spelling the word phonetically, instead of looking it up. The second is another mistake I often make because it is a spelling difference not seen in my own home language. The third resulted from not carefully checking the meaning of the options in Spellcheck.

Grammatical mistakes

Grammar is extremely important in writing. Without proper use of grammar, proper writing cannot be produced. Therefore, all writing should be checked for grammatical errors, multiple times if possible. My essay contained many grammatical mistakes, like the ones mentioned above, and the following:


Prepositions are very important in sentence structure. They must be used carefully, and placed properly. I used the word “to” after “regarding.” I should have said “regarding the culture shock,” not “regarding to the culture shock.” Similarly, although “confident in my ability” was grammatically acceptable, “confident about my ability” would have been better usage. I also could have used “my ability in English” instead of “my ability with English.” Special attention must be taken with these usages.

Other Mistakes

I also made some other mistakes in my essay. I used the singular word “this” with the plural word “realities.” I found out that questioning words like “what” and “why”
should be used very carefully. In seeking to speak or write advanced Enlish, one must pay close attention to such distinctions.
Punctuation is also extremely important in the English language. If punctuation is improper, the whole meaning of a sentence can be changed. The comma and its special uses should be handled with special care. Use my blog posts to identify other kinds of problems and examples of them.
Comma splice: comma splice is a commonly made error in English language. I tend to make many mistakes related to commas, although I am learning. I omitted a comma in my essay about “the realities of culture shock.” I left a comma out of my blog, and in another place I left a comma out after the word “now.” In time, I am sure, I will master proper comma usage.

Capitalization is also critically important. Capitalizing, along with signaling the start of

sentences, and proper nouns and names like the United States of America, can also be used for
emphasis, particularly on the Internet.
Proper Formatting is very important to give a document a good appearance. If formatting style guidelines are given, it is important to follow them. Paragraphing, line spacing, indentation, titles, and names are all crucial parts of formatting. I made a line-spacing error in my essay, but I have learned from it. Each and every part of formatting should be done carefully and should be re-checked with the guidelines before submission of the final document.


I know that I face many linguistic challenges. The main reason for these challenges is that English is my second language and I only started learning it more enthusiastically after coming to the United States. Grammatical mistakes, punctuation, spelling, proper word choice, and formatting are essential parts of English writing. It is very important that I continue to learn style formats, and continue to produce documents that are more and more accurate, clear, expressive, and correct.

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"Free Essay On My English Mistakes," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 10-Dec-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/free-essay-on-my-english-mistakes/. [Accessed: 08-Sep-2024].
Free Essay On My English Mistakes. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/free-essay-on-my-english-mistakes/. Published Dec 10, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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