Free Essay On Narrative Film Analysis

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: World, Environmental Issues, Climate, Development, Cinema, Environment, Earth, Climate Change

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/12/09


The Day After Tomorrow
Based on the film, “The Day After Tomorrow,” the polluting of the atmosphere caused the climate change. The paleoclimatologist, Jack Hall explained that if this practice is not discontinued, then the earth would experience a climate change, much like the one that changed the climate of the earth into the ice age, 10,000 years ago. He stated that researchers had found that because the polar ice caps were melting and allowing fresh water to dilute the levels of salt in the ocean, the ocean had suffered a thirteen-degree temperature drop. Jack was informed, but even so, the other governments were not convinced about his findings.
The effects of climate change are far reaching for everyone. The effects are serious and can cause different types of life-threatening damage. The buoys in the North Atlantic that registered the drop in the temperature of the ocean was a testament to that fact. So too, was the melting of the polar ice that caused a disruption in the current. Everyone who occupies the earth would be seriously affected, but some would be more seriously affected than others. The likely effects to the physical world are hailstones, major flooding and intense winds, snow in places where it had never snowed before, freak storms, man-made natural disasters would be many and even more disastrous than if it was caused by the natural act of god. Communities, infrastructures, health and ecosystems would be severely affected.
In the story, the concerns of the government, the paleoclimatologists, diplomats, the vice president, professors, meteorologists, the US President and other occupants of the earth were all brought to the forefront. Of Cox’s Seven Voices, it would be environmental groups and Scientists and Scientific Discourse. Nature was obviously not given a voice, as none of the disasters that were shown in the movie were natural. They were all man-made and occurred as a result of the damage that was done to the climate. This movie has accurately depicted the effects that climate change and the resulting ice age, can have on the world and its occupants. There is some amount of speculation presently about the level of damage that is currently being done to the earth. Humans should desist from the practice of contributing damaging substances to the atmosphere and try to find a greener and more environmentally friendly alternative.

Beasts of the Southern Wild

In the movie, “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” a 6 year old girl, “Hush Puppy” lives in a world that is depicted as being divided by a levy, the ambiguous result of an obvious fallout of a disaster that was set in place by climate change (Hurricane Katrina). The people who reside on the proverbial “dry side” are pitted against the people who lived in the Bathtub. This is where Hush Puppy lived with her father. It was a barren, derelict, poverty-stricken existence that she shared with her father, “Wink.” The cause of the climate change in this film was obviously the different, unhealthy practices that are evident throughout the film. Awful consequences have been unleashed on society as a result of this damage to the atmosphere and in the movie, people have turned against each other, as a result of the damage.
The effects of climate change can cause dire consequences for the inhabitants of the earth. The movie successfully depicts the destruction and damage that can be caused on the earth if there is a climate change. The condition that Hush Puppy lives in can show just how badly it can get if the environment is not taken care of. The people who inhabit the earth, animals, the landscape and other forms of life on earth are the most affected by climate change. The effects that this disaster can have on the physical world are the ability to completely change the landscape and how people live, forever. The different types of disasters, fire, flooding and threats to the environment, are some of the ways in which it can change the atmosphere.
In this movie, the knowledge of the people who inhabit the earth is important. By educating the ones who cause the destruction, it can go a long way in removing the destruction that is caused to the environment on a daily basis. The concerns of a child and her father, who were seemingly both environmentalists, are paramount in this movie. . Of Cox’s Seven Voices, it would be citizen and community groups or maybe environmental groups. They have literally gone back to basics, with their lack of amenities and processed foods. They are currently living off the land and therefore, not contributing to the destruction of the environment. Nature is ever-present in this movie and it is given a voice throughout.
In “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” when compared to the apocalypse-themed film, “The Day After Tomorrow,” there is a human, engrossed and complex story of the hardship that the survivors face and the faith that they possessed when they were continuously faced with adversity. Both movies depict the effects of climate change and the effect that it has on the environment, but in different ways. One is the disasters that can occur with such damage, and the other, what can happen after the damage.

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