Free Essay On Network Assessment Proposal

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Internet, Network, Wireless, Radio, Computers, Connection, Management, Modem

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2021/02/20


Computer networking is an important component of an organization. The paper will focus on enhancing the network so that it has better features. It will enable the network to have connectivity which will better manage and enhance the network.


Computer networks need to be improved with time. There is a need to ensure that there is an understanding of the network. The current network that is in place is wired and makes use of devices that enable communication to be achieved in the entire network. The network that has been developed and assessed in the last studies has been wired network. The network has been installed on one floor of the building, on the second floor. Most of the computers are desktop computers which are used by managers to access the internet. The components of the network that has been developed include CAT 6 UTP cables, fiber switch, printer which is shared, wired interface card, and a fiber-optic link. The network that has been implemented is wired as it is les susceptible to weather interruptions.
Cable modem – the modem that has been used is used to connect to the internet. It enables the organization to have the devices that have been connected on the internet. The modem will also be used to enable wireless routers to get internet.
UTP cables - they will be used to connect the devices that are used to access the network. The network aspects will be used in this regard to enable users to have their devices gain access to the internet.
Wired router- will be used to connect the devices on the internet. It is a device that is used to enable connectivity to the internet.
Wired printer – it will be used by all the users who are on the network. The printer will be configured so that it will be used by all the users on the network.
Fiber switch – the fiber optic is used to have devices on the network connected to the internet. The switch will be useful when there are subnets that will be connected on the network.

IP addressing scheme

There will be the use IP addressing scheme that will be used to assign the computer hosts on the network. If there are new devices that will be added to the network, it will be possible to have the IP address that will be available on the network. The assigning of the IP addresses will be done by a DHCP server. The DHCP server will be useful in the network and will be used in the entire network.


Project justification
There is a need to have wireless network. The use of wireless network will be useful and will be able to have wireless and mobile computing devices on the network. The use of wireless network will be able to have many features on the network. There are many benefits that will come with the use of a wired network. The management of new devices will be easily done. The network assessment to the point that it is at the moment will be useful and achieved in the entire network. The security of the network will be easily achieved with the use of the wireless. The wireless will easily give a way in which to have a better management of the network.

Goals of the network

The need to have a wireless network will be an issue of concern and will be needed in the entire network. The goals of the network will include:

Have a wireless network where the current wired network will be enhanced and improved

Have information architecture developed and enhanced in the network. The new wireless network will be possible and achieved with the use of the wireless network.

Cost of the new wireless network

The cost that will be incurred in the new network will include:
Linksys E3000 wireless router - $160
Cable modem - $40
Wireless printer (HP C310a) - $130
VoIP Phone - $55
Network storage drive (Netgear) - $170
The cost that have been mentioned have not included computing devices. The cost is the one that is needed to have a wireless network and medium that will be used to access the network.


The alternatives of the goals will be as follows:
Goal one
Have mobile computing devices and have a wireless router which will connect the devices to the network. The managers can have laptops and palmtops that will be used to access the network.

Goal 2

The alternative is to have a hybrid architecture where the users will still be able to access the network. The users will have the network that is current and at the same time be able to have a network for their computing devices. The disadvantage of this option is that it will be expensive. The disadvantage is that the network will be hard to manage the two networks.


Rezazadeh, J. (2012). Mobile Wireles Sensor Networks Overview. International Journal of Computer Communications and Networks (IJCCN), 2(1).
Gelvin, D. C., Girod, L. D., Kaiser, W. J., Merrill, W. M., Newberg, F., Pottie, G. J., & Vardhan, S. (2014). U.S. Patent No. 8,812,654. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Halsall, F. (1988). Data Communications, Computer Networks. 4ª Edição.
Mane, P., Mohite, V. S., & Jadhav, S. (2012, October). Vertical Handoff technique for Heterogeneous Wireless Network. In IJCA Proceedings on International Conference in Computational Intelligence (ICCIA2012) (No. 10). Foundation of Computer Science (FCS).

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