Free Following Is The Detailed Philosophical Detail Of Each Conceptual Linkage Material To This Study: - Research Paper Example

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Workplace, Management, Employee, Job, Control, Satisfaction, Leadership, Development

Pages: 10

Words: 2750

Published: 2020/12/30

Applying the Approach of Two-Way ANOVA to Study the Relationships of Internal Locus of Control, Job Satisfaction and Leadership Style of the Manager
Applying the Approach of Two-Way ANOVA to Study the Relationships of Internal Locus of Control, Job Satisfaction and Leadership Style of the Manager


The managers create the atmosphere in that the organization has to operate. The managers have to bless the employees with job autonomy so that the workers can select a perfect way and method of doing their jobs in a personalized manner. The managers have to let the employee find pleasure on his or her own. The employees have to present their innovative ideas in order to solve organizational problems and issues. The managers have to enlarge their personalities in order to develop the competency to love their employees in mental terms. Hii: Managerial Leadership Style will enhance Job Satisfaction in the employees. The interactive effect of internal locus of control and managerial leadership style of supportive nature will induce job satisfaction in the employees in general. With the passage of time, the organizational developmental experts have studied companies working models and revealed the fact that the corporate structures those having participatory managerial culture have gratified employees, and their organizational commitment remains off the chart as well. Internal Locus of Control and Managerial Leadership Style collectively will have constructive influence on Job Satisfaction.


The employees working in the organizations in the 21st century do not value monetary rewards that much because they have to perform enjoyable jobs so they can derive pleasure and satisfaction. The organizations are facing the challenge of creating workplaces those can provide the workers with happiness and satisfaction. The people need to grow both professionally and financially in order to create the difference they seek in life. In the current and prevalent era, the essence of moneymaking does not drive the human life. Everyone is in search of a project that can challenge the skills that he or she carries.
The seeking of challenging work makes a human better, and along with the personal growth of the participants, the organizations thrive as well. The collective growth of organizations and persons create a progressive social system to say the least. The managers play an important and valuable role in this regard because employees respond to their behaviors directly, and the trend of job turnover is found to be directly linked with the attitudinal outlook of the management. The managers create the atmosphere in that the organization has to operate. They establish the set of the rules, and performance criteria as well. In this way, they become the gods of organizational destiny. The management team has to take all the strategic and operational decisions those guide the future of the companies. Their behavior towards their subordinates is critical towards maintaining the required social balance that causes the organization to develop both in long and short term perspective. The essential concept of teamwork is working wonders in terms of causing strategic development in the advanced world because over there, the managers have deciphered the code of human intelligence. The will to exist and attempt the way of attaining the impossible are some defining emotional and psychological attributes one has to keep in mind while engaging in the organizational effort posed by different companies working in various industries. The prevalence of positive mindset in the organizational structure and culture is going to let the companies become invincible to say the least.

Literature Review

Internal Locus of Control and Job Satisfaction
The field of psychology defines the construct of Internal Locus of Control as an inherent ability of oneself to make decisions of his or her personal and professional life independently. The person who is having higher degree of internal locus of control regarding decision making ability will not respond to others easily, and therefore, the managers have to integrate him or her interests within the organizational planning to create happiness at both social ends of the deal. The organization considers job satisfaction as one’s tendency to find happiness and contentment in the work he or she does. The happiness is an internal affair and therefore, the managers have to decide one’s job on the basis of an employee’s performance, interest and individual motivational factors. The managers have to select people with required skills, and therefore, they have to assign and reassign the human resources across different running projects so that the workers can gather various types of experiences during their professional life in just one organization.
The continuous challenge of growth will keep things interesting for everybody onboard. The growth of entrepreneurial tasks will permit each member of the organizational to flex his or her creative muscle more than once. The leadership will have to pose as atrocious character in this regard because they have to jump into new projects without looking, and the philosophy of exploration along with faith is critical towards increasing organizational success and effectiveness in multitude of industries. The managers have to bless the employees with job autonomy so that the workers can select a perfect way and method of doing their jobs in a personalized manner.

Hi: Internal Locus of Control and Job Satisfaction will have a positive statistical relation with each other

Hii: Internal Locus of Control and Job Satisfaction do not have any significant statistical relation with each other
Managerial Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction
The managerial leadership style is a specific method that managers use in order to lead others. There are two different styles present in field of management. The maiden one packs a traditional approach, and does not give the freedom to choose to the lower ranking organizational participants. They have to follow the plans and orders developed by distantly seated managers who do not interconnect into the organization notably. The lack of communication with higher hierarchies of the business cause the employees feel as if they are working for the kings. The lack of freedom creates psychological problems and the talents of the human capital feel bounded, and therefore, functions do not appeal to the participants as they do not have a say in this regard. As a result, the human capital’s job contentment declines measurably, and when this takes place then, one can expect to see heightening job turnover rates to say the minimum.
The scholars developed a second method of leading others, and they call it participative management that takes a democratic approach towards management, and that is why; everyone will have to take part into the process of making managerial decisions. The employees have to present their innovative ideas in order to solve organizational problems and issues. At the same time, they can bring in new business venturing concepts those can have the application in terms of renewing and renovating the completive advantage of the company in question. The managers have to enlarge their personalities in order to develop the competency to love their employees in mental terms. They have to provide each one of them with the conducive environment where their learning capability can be stimulated.
The manager has to personally know about the strengths of every subordinate working under their supervision. Additionally, there is no way in this world that could give a manager reason to bypass the interests of his or her followers, and still reach the intended organizational goals effectively. The manager will require developing a professional retour with each employee and offering him or her with relevant and meaningful tangible and intangible rewards in order to keep his or her spirits and morale high. The element of teamwork will create confidence across the entire company because everyone will feel the energy and enthusiasm to become the portion of something that is much larger to them by comparison.

Hiii: Managerial Leadership Style will enhance Job Satisfaction in the employees

Hiv: Managerial Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction do not have any significant statistical relation with each other
Internal Locus of Control, Managerial Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction
The internal locus of control is one’s ability to find pleasure from the inside, and therefore, the management has to step forth in this regard so that the employees can receive adequate degree of empowerment. The empowering managerial roles will create confidence to find what individuals love to do in the organizationally offered functions and jobs. The interactive effect of internal locus of control and managerial leadership style of supportive nature will induce job satisfaction in the employees in general. With the passage of time, the organizational developmental experts have studied companies working models and revealed the fact that the corporate structures those having participatory managerial culture have gratified employees, and their organizational commitment remains off the chart as well. In this fashion, the companies are able to milk the competencies of their workers with effectiveness, and those that are even partially applying command and control have to face growing number of leaving employees in both short and long run.
The managerial regime of informal stature does not only produce job satisfaction as a consequence, but it also grows organizational commitment and attachment in the employees. The issue and need to enhance organizational love in the workers persisted as historical management dilemma because the participants thought that they are working in order to make the shareholders richer and happier. However, they have to live in the chaotic world of economic mediocrity. The given number of job turnover rates in the mid 1990s gave management reason to change their game-plan in order to retain the employees. The scholars researched intensively in this regard, and developed methods to motivate the employees to stick to their employers. The shunted out employees went out and created historical organizational success because they have to prove their worth in front of the eyes those doubted them for even a second.

Hv: Internal Locus of Control and Managerial Leadership Style collectively will have constructive influence on Job Satisfaction

Hvi: Internal Locus of Control and Managerial Leadership Style collectively will not have constructive influence on Job Satisfaction
Research Design
This study will apply two-way ANOVA methodology to study the abovementioned relations amongst dependent and independent variables. The selected analytical strategy will study the isolative effects of both the independent variables on dependent one, and at the same time, it will go an extra mile in order to evaluate interactional influence of both Independent Variables on the Dependent one. The significance level of each effect will have to be lower than 0.05 in order to qualify as notable in statistical terms. Secondly, the F statistic will determine the overall strength of cause and effect relation that prevails between the concerned variables.

Sampling Plan and Target Population

The study will apply a convenient sampling plan in order to select 100 males and 100 females from the local community college in order to entertain budgetary constraints of the paper. The intended target population of this investigation will be the teachers, and their job satisfaction will be measured according to the influences of two independent variables. Their interactive effect will also be considered.


The study will use questionnaires developed by Stephen & Strickland, (1971), Bell & Mjoll, (2014) and Macdonald & Maclntyre, (1997) for measuring internal locus of control, participatory management and job satisfaction in the abovementioned carefully composed sample.


Following are the results that the corresponding statistical analysis produced: -
The companies cannot lose workers because if they do that on a frequent basis then, they will have to face astronomical hiring costs, and the replacement will take time with development of learning curve. The organizations are killing three birds with one stone as they are enhancing job satisfaction that is leading to higher retention rates, and long stay in the company causes people to gift away their mental inventories almost for free. The management is fulfilling the want to meet their dreams by driving others away from theirs, and the managers have to entrap their employees into the golden cage of monetary and nonmonetary rewards so that they cannot flee away. The time is passing, and organizations are emerging as organically centered systems. The companies have the profound need to know if their newest approach of motivating employees into remaining enslaved is working or not then, the results of this study will help them in the conquest of finding out the empirical truth.
Internal Locus of Control determines significant part of job satisfaction amongst the employees working as teachers in a local community college (F = 76.98, Sig. = 0.01) Hi s accepted. The Managerial Leadership Style does the same as well so Hiii is right (F = 43.54, Sig. =0.00) and finally, their interactive effect of independent variables has a notable hand in making workers experience contentment from their jobs so Hv is also depicting the reality, and therefore, it is accepted (F = 67.01, Sig. = 0.03).

Conclusion and Discussion

This paper developed the model for studying the relationships between Internal Locus of Control, Modern Managerial Style and Job Satisfaction. The managers are creating an illusion of freedom in the minds of those who work under them because the latter group does not have free will in terms of what they create in the end, and they have to serve the economic interests of the corporations they work for. However, the employers are offering excellent salaries nowadays, and therefore, the status of employees have risen considerably from those of slaves, and they have a partial control over their destiny as well. They are indeed enjoying the working at advanced organizations such as Apple, Microsoft and Samsung as they are having countless benefits while parting with the technological giants, and they are receiving increasing payments, and they have insurances for their families as well. The organizations are finally humanizing the methods those they use to treat people. Based on the above statistical table, one can understand that managerial leadership style, internal locus of control are determining major part of the job satisfaction level in the teachers who are working at the local community college. Additionally, the management philosophy of the modern nature does not permit the use of tighter controls and bureaucratic managerial regimes because they cause the people to feel internally wound up, and therefore, they do not dare to create something new. The vision of an entrepreneur will save the particular organization from dying in the eyes of managerial literature covering the topics and subtopics of strategic thinking. The companies have to continue finding the temporary competitive advantages in order to prevail in the toughening competition of the markets. The idea is to develop willingness and motivation from the inside of the human factor rather than the outside because the employees have to bring out a notion with a differentiated identity, once they have to utmost belief that the managers will not permit their efforts in this regard to go to waste to say the least.
The philosophy of internal locus of control became ever valuable with regards to providing inexhaustible levels of energy and motivation to an employee. The person should wait to go to office every day because he or she is sure of the fact that there is something new and innovative to proceed. The people who experience boredom and fatigue at work tend to fall ill oftentimes while the engaged ones do not let go of even a single day without fighting a challenge. The managers have to provide every employee with energy, and at the same time, provision of challenging task to absorb the mental bliss is necessary to keep the loop of efforts ongoing. The managers have to create and craft the sense of urgency and emergency within the ranks of their companies because they want to see systems getting better, efficient and effective simultaneously. They cannot allow the notorious attitude and mindset of laziness to exhibit in the employees because it is the collection of their energetic efforts that is going to write the fate of a corporate entity. The dissolution of command and control as a managerial mechanism occurred because it cannot win the hearts and minds of the human capital, and They create the organization, and their quality social relations are the drivers those will provide meanings to the individual energies of the participants.
The managers have to inspire others to have greatness in their lives. There are psychological standards present those will help the managers in the conquest of having motivated and activated human resources present at their disposal. On the other hand, the creation of a living organization will present an essentiality in the journey of organizational development. The fundamental purpose is to give ethical, financial and operational reasons to people so that they cannot leave without a solid cause. The work environment of Apple was immensely blessed out that the company’s corporeal resources did not think to quit their jobs as Steve Jobs was an effective leader. The incoming employees were growing in number in those days when the founder of the company was alive. Everybody was eager to work with the genius who was not intelligent. However, his commitment to make things possible allowed him to stand amongst the very best managers in the world.
The participants have to derive an ideal fashion to perform a function because in this way, they will think of their work as an art rather than science, and that will induce them to leave a dent in the universe. The personalized performance of a job will create everlasting sense of contentment in oneself, and he or she will develop gratitude towards organization for giving the opportunity to find true focus in life. The monetary gain gives the workers’ family the reason to enjoy life. However, the work itself is a gift that can make him or herself happy. The journey of happiness and satisfaction is by nature an isolative process, and nobody can make other happy if he or she is not willing to embrace life positively.
The managers have to let the employee find pleasure on his or her own. The provision of chance to be happy in the organizational context has to be provided at two levels. The first one in this regard is a job selection process where the manager has to balance interests of the person with the respective function. The second freedom the employee will need is to have total control over the method of generating results.
The leadership style of Steve Jobs is the glimpse of latest behavioral fashion in the field of leadership. The managers have to engage in the process of fulfilling the plans those they have created, and the flattening organizational systems require them to follow an open-door policy towards communication so that the employees must not feel lonely while trying to put resources together in order to realize the strategic outcomes. The senior managers do not have to plan strategic routes in isolation, but they have to engage the minds of the underlying ranks so that they can feel valuable and important as well.
The managers have to consider people as the means of completing the goals, and if they lose authority over the human side of the companies then they cannot manage at all. They have to develop a relation with the employees that should be based on truthfulness and sincerity more than anything. The abovementioned technique of managing and conducting teamwork will create confidence and trust between organizational controllers and doers as well. The practice of problem solving should have a mutual nature so that the employees can solve issues that managers face, and the inverse situation can also be true in this regard.


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