Free Foreign Expansion Of Beaubelle Brand Report Sample

Type of paper: Report

Topic: Business, Beauty, Products, Company, Treatment, World, Brand, Expansion

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/11/20


The Malaysian brand Beaubelle is for body mind and soul harmony providing plethora of beauty products and spa treatment options. The brand aimed at becoming number one international wellness beauty and spa brand for treatment and care. The brand is a pioneer in providing some of the comprehensive and rejuvenating products and services by the means of health giving and solution oriented products for pampering and care. It is for smoothening of body,mind and soul.The most important aspect is that there is no gender bias in the company as it is amalgamation of beauty and treatment services for both men (Beau) and women (Belle).

Global Expansion Strategies

The following strategies shall help the company to overcome all the legal, environmental, technical, political and social barriers to establish their reign at the global level.
It is really important to have an analysis of the potential target market in the region and to customize the products according to the place. For example, people in US are ore oriented towards regular spas and beauty treatments from a professional and established brand therefore, spa treatments and rejuvenating products must be introduced in a fine quality. In India, beauty products are preferred therefore, the brand must invest more in the makeup and hairdo products than expensive treatment facilities (Ruggie, 1982).
A SWOT analysis of the target market should be made before crafting the products and the services so as to tap all the opportunities and to overcome all the threats in the potential market. The opportunities should be grabbed in the favor of the company and all the threats should be conquered by having an analysis of the competitors in the local region.
Since the brand specializes in the principle of 4R for every season, a seasonal analysis for regions should be carried out. The brand focuses over renewal in spring, revival and summers, rebalancing in autumn and relaxation in winter. Therefore, the beauty brand should come up with innovative products for the region that best suits with the major climatic type of the region as these 4 R principles are inspired from the 4 seasons of the nature.
Digital marketing should be made the key catalyst for the brand to upraise its value and to add meaning to the brand for its promotion at a global level (Knight, 1999). Email marketing, mailers, advertisements, blogs, and such other digital marketing strategies should be adopted for a global impact and expansion approach.
The cutting edge breakthrough technologies should be implemented based over the current technological development in the region and for this purpose the brand have established and is planning to establish B&B labs for the purpose of luxury skincare. They specialize in ingredients which are native to Asia and have started their operations in Malaysia (Gifford, 2007).
The unique selling proposition of the company should be effective and impactful to create a global impact in a transparent format. The ingredients used by the company must be evaluated and tested prior to use. Beaubelle Company usually uses native and local ingredients in the B & B labs like extracts from local fruits of durian and mangosteens.
Since, the company target beauty products and skincare treatments, it should comply with the laws and ethics of the regions it is targeting (Douglas, 1995).

SWOT analysis of Beaubelle Beauty Company:

It is required to carry a SWOT analysis for the company so as to closely match all the strategies of global expansion with the required level of input.
The strengths of the company are its innovation streak which helps in steering the course of progress of the company. The company and the experts think out of the box for producing creative products that have an edge over the regular products. The company is all set to drive its growth for the global level expansion by the help of its innovative and creative treatment options and beauty product ranges (Klein, 1996).
The company has a well segmented portfolio which operates about different seasons and are at different prices and layers of operations. At economically challenging times, this strategy have helped the company to drive the sales and aid the company to expand its business operational line.
Another strength is the inclusion of products and treatment options for both men and women creating a huge customer base and specializing the demands of each if the gender (Hill, 2008).
The weakness of the company have been less efforts and technique devised for creating a global impact as it does not provide beauty and treatments for the whole body. The brand have been less dynamic in the natural or organic beauty products but the new B & B labs are innovating and investing in making the products out of local and exotic plants and herbs.
There can be various opportunities for the beauty companies to tap the opportunities in the global scenario where they can be plethora of options for research and development. They can utilize the opportunities in the field of organic and natural branding using the products that best suit the skin of the people in a particular region and target market. There can be collaboration with some of the beauty experts who can give their valuable suggestions in the field of beauty and skincare from the patent name of Beaubelle Company. With the native land of Malaysia, the company have opportunities to expand in the foreign market of UK, US and Australia by either competing with the local famous brands or by collaborating with them in some sort of beauty programs and treatment options (Alexander, 1990). A more affordable fashion range can be created for the regions not supporting expensive beauty treatments and products. Also, the brand can specialize in some of the well crafted beauty treatment options and release them only in the region supporting exorbitant costs for beauty and skincare.
The major threats is the competition in this field and industry given by already established international brands which have loyal and premium customers around the entire globe. This fierce competition in the market can prove to be a great barrier in the development expansion of new products visioning to be globally recognized. There can be opposition for the ingredients used in the beauty products and the oils or other substances used for the spa treatment in some of the regions.

Cultural issues in global expansion

Since the company focuses over the beauty products and spa treatment for body, mind and soul; it has cultural aspects related with the potential customers. Every region have different cultural practices that in some or the other form might impact the skincare or beauty treatments undertaken by the people of the society. In western world like US or UK, people are aligned towards spending hefty amounts in spa treatment centers to rejuvenate their mind and relax their senses by getting such treatments for mind and soul. In Asia, beauty products are targeted more that can enhance the features of a person and can beautify the body along with the mind. In some of the Arab countries, beauty is regarded as an exceptional factor and hence products more than services are preferred by the customers. Therefore, for the purpose of global expansion, a thorough market research and analysis of the culture is required to be able to target the right customers with the right kind of products or services.

Legal issues in global expansion

For beauty and skincare options, there may be some of the legal policies that might appear to be a barrier in global expansion (Henisz, 2003). This can range from banning of some of the ingredients used in the beauty products or the methodology of the spa treatments used in the centers for rejuvenation. Some of the regions have obligations against the mode of spa or massage treatments provided to men which may be a factor for destroying the culture of a particular region. There must be a common element of professionalism for the beauty brand to uphold the code of ethics and the legal policies pertaining to a specific region.

Marketing aspect for global expansion

The STP plan of the company should be comprehensive and must be able to recognize all the potential markets across the globe that can infuse development and expansion of the company. There are several established as well as emerging markets which must be focused under the expansion policies of the brand. For the purpose of marketing STP plan and specialized customization policies must be devised for marketing. Marketing must include aspects of digital marketing along with sending of samples to the major beauty salons or by some innovative means too. The most important role of expansion of a brand lies inherent in the marketing techniques deployed and implemented effectively.

Economic issues in global expansion

The economic issues with the global expansion of Beaubelle brand can be in the potentially emerging markets where customers are not much willing to pay for the skincare treatments or are unaware of the cost leveraged in producing and craftingthose beauty products (Verbeke, 2004). This may be a fact that economic aspects may create a barrier in the establishment of the brand in that region which has to be overcome. However, the company can formulate and innovate products that match up with the economic background of the customers in the target market.

Environmental issues in global expansion

The environment aspect might not be closely and directly related with any of the beauty company but due to specialization of 4 R’s by the Beaubelle Company, it might affect the range and class of products and treatments offered. The target market can be tapped by introduction of services and products that best match with the most prominent environment and climate of the region. Also, the company should target using natural products that may adorn the skin and rejuvenate mind and soul.


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