Free Gathering Research Data Essay Sample

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Information, Workplace, Satisfaction, Job, Police, Crime, Consent, Discussion

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2021/02/06


The purpose of the research is to estimate some of the factors that affect job satisfaction among police officers. It is anticipated that there is a strong relationship between job satisfaction and improved performance in the police sector. Accountability in the law enforcement sector is paramount to law and order. Therefore, the main purpose of this analysis is to consider how the presence of current equipment and proper remuneration has an effect on the performance of police officers in their law enforcement duties. There is also the possibility that an increase in number of seminars and trainings will lead to an improvement in service delivery and job satisfaction. Other factors that could lead to job satisfaction are recognitions for accomplished targets and best improvements. All these factors will be captured in qualitative data collections because most of the issues raised are contentious (Jamison 4). The best way to collect reliable information is by promising to protect the identity of respondents and also assuring them of their confidentiality.


It would be appropriate if the questionnaire which is intended to collect quantitative data is administered first. This will enable the investigator to seek clarification on the responses that were not clear in the focus group. The researcher will also have the benefit of gaining more understanding of the issues that were raised, particularly those raised by most respondents.
The interview structure that will be adopted is focus group discussion that involves a group of ten to twelve people with a moderator to facilitate the discussion that is in most cases structured in a way to accommodate unforeseen responses. The research study under consideration can only be understood if background information on the subject is available. Additionally, the moderator is able to accommodate new ideas in the discussion that are pertinent. There are, however, several other qualitative research that could be applied; examples include participant observation and in-depth analysis. Both techniques will not yield the required information because participant observation relies on the behaviors while in-depth analysis is based on the histories and the past experiences of the police officers (Family Health International 2).
The investigator considers the remuneration and availability of equipment as main factors that lead to job satisfaction and by extension improved service delivery. It is, however, for the moderator to start off the discussion in a way that does not hint to the group members that these are the factors of interest. It is advisable that the moderator does not take part in the discussion but will only restrict his/her role to keeping the conversations on the topics of interest (Jamison 7). This way, certain factors which may have more impact on job satisfaction may be realized. Therefore, some of the questions asked include:
(a) What do you think are the main contributing factors to job satisfaction in the police sector?
(b) By what percentage do you think accessibility to updated equipment will lead to job satisfaction?
(c) By what percentage do you think an increase in remuneration will lead to job satisfaction?
(d) On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate the effect of seminars and training in increasing job satisfaction?
Although the questions are not exhaustive, it is important that the research is a combination of qualitative and quantitative research techniques as this will enable the collection of most of the information. This is because the positive aspects of both techniques are incorporated into the study and as such the research benefits from both techniques. The research will be structured in a way that the first few questions are easy to answer and enable the respondent to warm up to the questions presented above which are a main concern for the research (Shahnazarian et al. 9). These questions could involve age, experience and gender that is if these factors will not be identifying the respondents. That is, these questions are included in cases where there is a large data set under consideration.
Qualitative methods like participant observation are preferred because they do not depend on the information offered by the researcher but rather probe further through observation of the respondents and in-depth interviews. The data collected will, however, not undergo any analysis because they are usually captured in the form of audio tapes or notes. This information in most cases consist of valuable data that will be relevant even in times that are beyond the current scope of the study (Family Health International 2).
The outcomes of qualitative research techniques are not easily be used to make an inference about a general population. Therefore, because the objective of most research is to apply the outcomes to the greater population, a combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques is usually employed. Quantitative techniques involve the analysis of data collected through the use of statistical tests. The outcomes can be applied to the target population if the tests conducted significant, and the data collected allowed the carrying out of these tests.
In most cases, participation in research will have consequences which may range from family scorn to termination of employment. Generally, this is the case when the research involves the disclosure of information by the respondents which jeopardize their image in one way or another. For instance, if a respondent discloses sexual orientation which may be against the societal norms. The use of informed consent is so that the respondent can have confidence to disclose information that is relevant to the research with no fear of being disclosed and probably tainting the image of the respondents (Jamison 16).
Informed consent is a form signed by the respondents which show that they have understood the risks of the research. Furthermore, it shows how the information collected will be used for carrying out statistical analysis of the data. It is also an agreement that indicates that the researcher has agreed to keep the confidentiality of the client. Informed consent upholds the integrity of the research while at the same time ensuring the protection and respect of the respondents (Shahnazarian et al. 3).
The investigator should avail certain information to the respondents as regards the informed consent form. This will include; the reason for carrying out the research, the expectations on the subjects including time required, the risks and benefits if any, how confidentiality will be maintained, name and address of the investigating team (Family Health International 10)

Work Cited

Family Health International. (n.d) Qualitative Research Methods Overview. Qualitative Research Methods: A Data Collector's Field Guide. Retrieved from:
Jamison, W. Confidentiality in Social Science Research. WPI Interdisciplinary & Global Studies Division. 2007. Internet Source. Retrieved from:
Shahnazarian, D., Hagemann, J., Aburto, M., & Rose, S. Informed Consent in Human Subjects Research. Office for the Protection of Research Subjects. University of Southern California. 2013. Internet Source. Retrieved from:

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