Free Global Christianity Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Community, Missionary, Religion, World, Christians, Church, God, Sherlock Holmes

Pages: 6

Words: 1650

Published: 2020/11/13


James Hudson Taylor was born on the year 1832 and in 1849 he decided to go to China as a missionary. He them moved to a neighborhood that was poor to join Robert Hardey in Kingston Up hall where he served as the medical assistant. During this time is when he started committing himself for a life of servicer and faith, this was through devoting himself to the needy an d having a strong faith that the almighty God will provide for his needs. Andrew John Jukes who was a reverent at the Plymouth Brethren was the one who baptized him in 1852 in the Brethren Assembly. In 1852 he went for his medical studies in London at white chapel in Royal London Hospital as a way of preparing himself to work in China. He returned to home in 1960 due to some health problems. James Hudson Taylor died in 1905.

Major contribution to global missions’ history

James Hudson Taylor was a missionary of Protestant Christian to China and is in the Chinas history as the founder of China Inland Mission. During his stay in China for 51 years, he began a society which contributed to bringing over eight hundred missionaries to the country that lead to the start of 125 schools in the country. A part from 125 schools founded as a result of the missionaries, the missionary contributed to the conversion of 18,000 Christians. Three hundred work stations were also established and it leads to the employment of 500 Chinese helpers who were evenly distributed across the eight provinces. All this were possible because of James Hudson Taylor missionary to China.
Apart from the tangible benefits that James Hudson Taylor has contributed to the world, he has also motivated the missionaries with his achievement of the conversion of Christianity. He went through all the difficulties and challenges. Some of the difficulties faced were the learning of the native language, helping poor with the little he has and believing that God will provide for his needs. This was a teaching to the missionaries that they should be the light to other people .However through all the challenges he ended up achieving his mission of spreading the word of God to the Chinese. This can be evidenced by the large number of Chinese how have converted to Christianity. This is also one of the major contributions that James Hudson Taylor has contributed to the global mission’s history as it have served as a drive and a motivation to the missionaries to continue with the mission and let the lord handle the rest. James Hudson Taylor has also showed the Christians that with faith everything is possible.
James Hudson Taylor continues to motivate the missionaries by a souring them of the protection from the lord as missionary is the call of God. Missionaries are required by Matthew 25 to spread the word of God to the entire3 nation. So they have to fear nothing but have faith in God .who will surely protect them as before the almighty God nothing is impossible. Missionaries have also been given an easy time in the spreading of gospel in China as James Hudson Taylor also contributed in the interpretation of the bible to other language to enable everybody understanding of the bible in their native language. This is a very important role played by James Hudson Taylor in the ensuring that the gospel reaches both literate and the illiterate.


Describe the current phenomenon of missionary movements from the non-Western world?
The rise in the number of the missionaries in the non- Western countries is as a result to the easy by the non- Western missionaries to bond with the society, easy understanding of their culture and tradition, being of same social stators as the members of the community for example: non- west countries have a high number of poverty level as compared to the poverty level in the west countries. The high number of poverty level indicates the high number of people who need help. This intern leads to the high number of missionary in such areas. As a result of the services offered by the church, the people helped by the church converts to Christianity. This conversion increases the population of christens in the non-western countries. This is the evidence why the number of Christians in non-West missionaries is of large number as compared to the Christians population in the west countries. The missionary movement, in the non-Western world is in the rise as compared to that of the western which is in the decline.

What are the advantages and difficulties for non-Western missionaries?

Some of the advantages of the non-West missionaries are that it bonds easily with the community therefore delivery of services to the community is easy. This includes position to reach needy persons for example; as a result of the low income or high rate of unemployment in the non-West world education is always a problem that affects the large number of the population. However through missionary of the non-West missionaries this problem has been minimized. This is due to the construction of schools that are easily afforded and for total orphans the education is free. As a result of this most of the helped persons give praise to the Lord because through church they have got help. This act of helping the needy also encourages those who have wealth and need to contribute positively towards a needy child come to contribute. This is easily accomplished because non- west missionaries leave among their own people who share the same social stators as them.
As a result of the missionaries being familiar with the customs and tradition of the community, they are in a better position to provide health services to the community. This is through construction of the health center close to the community to improve accessibility therefore saving life. This also contributes to the love and support of church by the community. Non- West world missionaries also plays a very important role on the life of those children who have totally lost hope life. The loss of hope in life is majorly due to loss of both the parents. In situations like this, the missionary come into aid of such children by the provision of orphanage. In these orphanages the children are taught of the word of God and they grow up fearing God. As a result of this act by the missionary, most people are attracted towards with the aim to assist the church in taking care of the orphaned children.
The challenge facing the non- Western world missionaries is inadequate funds to run the entire project and being that the large population is poor there is need of assistance of funds from the west world missionaries. Some of the leaders are also corrupted and mismanage the funds provided top the poor and the needy.

Share one new thing that you have learned from these chapters about Global Christianity

Through global Christianity, more people can be converted to Christianity. Global Christianity can also contribute in saving lives and helping the needy children both the orphaned and the disabled in this world and assure them of the presence of God who does not forget his people ant is always there to protect them.


Key principles for successful Intercultural living, communication and ministry
The key principle for Intercultural living, ministry and communication is bonding; the missionary needs to establish a sense of belonging. This sense of belonging must be established within the first few weeks and it is very important. This is possible if the missionary intermingles with the local community. Through this he will be in a position to understand how the community lives, there mode of communication both the verbal and gestures. The missionary will also be in a position to learn their mode of transport, how they move from one place to another. How they do their shopping. As the missionary understands the community he is in a position to determine he can adopt to feed the community.
As the missionary tries to feet in to the new environment he should be very keen to understand what is going around him, this may include observing how fair is paid, where to seek medication, where to go for help, how to make a bus stop, how great the locals factoring in the age difference. Entrance in a new culture gradually may take a person a lot of time to adapt to the new environment or the person may end up being disappointed and finding it hard to cope with the new environment. It is best if the person takes part in all the activity or some of the activities like playing soccer, going to market together, share the same means of transport with the community and even fetching water together.
For a newcomer, it is important if communication starts on the first day. If communication will be a problem you may request for some assistance. This will be easily given to you because only a person in need of something can be assisted when he or she asks for it. During your first day it is very important know your neighbors by name. However challenges cannot be avoided, anyway the newcomer how has bonded with the neighbor or the community may find it easy to get out of such problems as compared to that one who has not bonded with the community or a neighbor.
It is easier for the newcomer who has bonded with the community to learn their language easily and faster as compared to that person who has not bonded. Learning their language will be faster as you will be listening to them talking, their action after certain conversation. Learning their language will be same as they learnt their mother tongue. For easy learning of anything in a community it is advisable to immerse yourself totally in the communities’ way of life. This has many advantages like quick learning, quick response by the community in case of emergency, reduce boredom, feeling secure.
The missionary will find it easy after bonding with the community. This is because; his main purpose of coming to the community is to spread the good news of God. Having created friends with the community, he will find it easy to find company to his place of worship. The same company may also assist him in the preparation of the worship place. In case the missionary does not understand the native language, finding a person who will help in the interpretation of the language to the natives will be very easy. This is because his link with the locals is good.


Winter, Ralph D. and Steven C. Hawthorne, eds. Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: A Reader. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 1992.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12.
Roembke, Lianne. Building Credible Multicultural Teams. Pasadena, Calif: William Carey Library, 2000.6, 7, 8.

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