Free Greek Culture – Theater Essay Sample

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Sophocles, Tragedy, Accident, Theater, Family, Parents, Fate, Crime

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/11/29


In the tragedy "Oedipus Rex" (or “Oedipus the King”) Sophocles puts one of the most important issues of his time - the will of the gods and man's free will. Mythology, which served as the parent soil for classical poetry, especially tragedy, each tragedian gets its interpretation. Sophocles used in the plot of his drama the myth of Oedipus accident in order to show the collision will of the gods and the will of man. If the tragedy "Antigone" by Sophocles sings a hymn to the human mind, the tragedy "Oedipus Rex" it raises man to even greater heights. He shows the power of nature, the human desire to direct life on their own. Let the man cannot escape troubles intended gods, but the cause of these problems - the nature of which is shown in actions leading to the execution of the will of the gods. The free will of man and his doom is the main contradiction in the tragedy "Oedipus Rex". Sophocles said here about the fate of Oedipus, the son of the Theban king Laius. Barking, as is known from the story of the myth, was predicted death at the hands of his own son. He ordered pierce baby's legs and throw him on Mount Cithaeron. However, a slave, who was charged with killing the little prince, saved the child, and Rex (which in Greek means "swollen feet") was raised Corinthian king of Polybius.
As an adult, Oedipus learned from an oracle that he would kill his father and marry his mother, left Corinth, believing Corinthian king and queen of their parents. On the road to Thebes, he quarreled killed an unknown old man, who was barking. Oedipus managed to free Thebes from the monster - the Sphinx. For this, he was elected king of Thebes and married Jocasta, widow of Laius that is his own mother. Over the years, King Oedipus enjoyed a well-deserved love people. But here in the country there was a plague. Sophocles' tragedy begins precisely with the moment when the chorus begs King Oedipus to save the city from a terrible disaster. Delphic oracle declared that the cause of this disaster is that there is a murderer among the citizens, which should be expelled. Oedipus is doing its utmost to find the perpetrator, not knowing what it is he himself. When Oedipus became known the truth, he blinded himself, believing that it is a well-deserved punishment for his crime.


The central image is Sophocles Oedipus Rex, people are used to see him as a just ruler. Priest calls him the best of husbands. He saved Thebes from the monster, oppressing city, magnified country wise rule. Oedipus feels responsible for the fate of the people, for their country and willing to do anything to stop the plague in the country. Thinking only of the welfare state, it suffers from disaster citizens. The driving force is the desire of the king's actions to help the weak, the suffering (13, 318). Oedipus is not a tyrant: he stops at the request of citizens’ quarrel with Creon. He considers himself a mediator between the gods and men and repeatedly calls himself assistant gods. The precepts of the gods, the will of their implements Oedipus Rex, and citizens must obey orders. Even the priest in saving Thebes from the monster sees action gods have chosen Oedipus instrument of his will. However, to know the will of the gods Oedipus is not given, and the belief in insight priests, he turns to the seer Teiresias.
But had only had a suspicion that the priest hides the name of the assassin - and Oedipus at once there is the idea that Tiresias himself participated in the crime: respect is replaced by anger that he can be easily. It costs nothing to call the one who only recently called to save himself and Thebes, "unfit from the unfit" and showered undeserved insults. Anger and covers it in a conversation with Creon. Suspecting intrigue Creon, Oedipus in a state of extreme irritation throws an insult: he arrogant person, he is a murderer, robber clear, he started this crazy thing - to fight for power without money and supporters.
Intemperate character of Oedipus was the cause of the murder of an old man on the road. It was enough to push the charioteer of Oedipus, as he, not owning him, hit him. Oedipus is able to feel deeply. Suffering as a result of the crime is worse than death. He is guilty before the parents to their children born in a sinful marriage. For this fault Oedipus severely punishes himself.
It is important to note that although the gods are strong, but in all the activities strong spirit manifests Oedipus in Sophocles free will, and that he may die, but the moral triumph of his will. Oedipus’s parents also tried to avoid them oracle predicted fate. From the point of view of human morality Jocasta, Oedipus' mother commits a crime, agreeing to pay for the death of infant son. From the point of view of religious she commits a crime, revealing disdain for the sayings of the oracle. The same skepticism it manifests, wanting to distract Oedipus from gloomy thoughts when he says he does not believe in the predictions of the gods. During his guilt she pays life. The image of an imaginary opponent of King Oedipus is Creon – a very different from his own interpretation of Sophocles in the tragedy "Antigone". Creon in "Oedipus Rex" does not seek absolute power and "always prefers a share of power." Choir confirms the validity of his speeches, and this gives grounds to accept the statements of Creon, backed by wise maxims for the opinion of the Sophocles. Above all, he values ​​friendship, honor. In a moment of extreme self-abasement Oedipus Creon comes to him "without malice in the heart", shows the humane treatment - "the wages of nobility" and promises protection daughters of Oedipus.


In his works, Sophocles seeks to hold the idea of ​​the unity of society and the state, to defend such a state in which there would be no tyranny, and the king would exercise the closest relationship with the people. The image of the king he sees in Oedipus. These ideas were in conflict with the time of Sophocles - because he is fighting against the forces of violating the polis connection. The growth of monetary relations decomposed state, adversely affect the preservation of the old foundations. Spread greed, bribery. Not accidentally Oedipus Rex throws Teiresias unjust accusations greed (378-381). The reason for the destruction of the old harmony of the individual and the collective lies still in the growing nihilistic freethinking, spreading the ideas of sophistry, neglecting the will of the gods, religious skepticism. Almost all parties choir glorify Apollo. Choir songs are filled with complaints of violation of ancient piety, for neglect of the sayings of the oracles.
Recognizing the divine predestination, against which man is powerless, Sophocles in a separation of the individual from the collective showed a man in an effort to evade the free predestined to fight with him. Consequently, the "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles - not only the "tragedy of fate", as pointed Neo-Humanists XVIII and XIX centuries., Contrasting it with the tragedy of the characters, and tragedy, which although recognized as man's dependence on the will of the gods, but at the same time proclaiming the idea of ​​spiritual freedom man, he acquires, courage in the midst of the blows of fate.


Dawe, R.D. ed. 2006 Sophocles: Oedipus Rex, revised edition. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. p.1

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