Free Healthy Lifestyle And Stress Management Essay Sample

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Stress, Sports, Exercise, Health, Management, Workplace, Employee, Life

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2021/01/08


“The simple realization that you’re in control of your life is the foundation of stress management.” .

Point 1 (Stress Management)

It may seem impossible to manage the stress but it isn’t. The first step of effective stress management is to identify the causes of stress. One needs to look closely at his behavior, habits, excuses, attitude and way of thinking. It is usually the procrastination of the individual which is the potential stress source. The stress level can come in our control only when we accept our responsibility of maintaining and creating it .

Sub point 1 – Managing Stress

The strategies to cope up with it must be healthy and affective. Unfortunately most of us use the coping strategies which only compound the problem instead of helping. They might include the following,

Addiction to social media

Unhealthy sleeping and eating patterns
Taking the stress out on others
Almost no physical activity between long working hours
Sub point 2 – how exercise decrease stress level
Physical exercise is the best way of dealing with stress but people are often too busy to fit it in their packed routines. Any form of exercise acts as stress reliever therefore it must be a part of stress management plan. A part from that, it also helps in improving the overall health and wellbeing by providing direct stress-busting benefits.
Running pumps up the endorphins resulting in the production of good neurotransmitters. It helps in improving the mood by distracting the attention from stressors and everyday irritations. A person who does exercise regularly has higher self-confidence because of low anxiety level. Eventually the distorted eating and sleeping patterns can be improved which acquaints an individual with the sense of command over his life and body.
Researches have shown that the desk job employees experience more stress as compared to others. They are unable to get up and work out before or after work. But a bit of exercise during the work hours can help them stay healthy, fit and happy. By sparing some minutes daily before the lunch break or in a free hour, the employees can have a healthy blood pressure, attractive physique, longer attention spans, sharper memory, faster learning, enhanced creativity and less stress. Desk job employees have serious implications with mood which can significantly get better by some minutes of exercise every day. Our physical regimen is directly linked with the mental firepower therefore facilities should be provided to reduce the barriers to exercise at work station.


Employees with high level of stress have low quality of life, poor health and they can’t perform their best at work . There are different barriers created either by individuals or the situations which prevent them to exercise. They vary in age groups and genders . Workers must identify a physical activity which they like, invest in improving the performance and become a part of the group instead of collective. Providing a little exercise time during work hours could help the employee to be more focused, productive, and decrease his/her stress level. Moreover,being at desk, one must try to take short bouts of aerobics, stretch his limbs, move the neck for better circulation and get up to walk a bit to either balcony or toilet etc. Exercise motivation and barriers varies among men and women of different age groups. However, a conscious approach at community level can bring in positive changes. Applying the sticky notes to the work desk helps in maintaining the routine. Precisely, it can be concluded that stress management has simple formula i.e. avoid stressor, adapt to stress management techniques, stay motivated and remain active.

Works Cited

Louw, A.J, A. Van Biljon and S.C. Mugandani. "Exercise motivation and barriers among men and women of different age groups." African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation & Dance (2012): 758-768.
Matthew, Clark M., et al. "Stress level, health behaviors, and quality of life in employees joining a wellness center." American Journal of Health Promotion (2011): 21-25.
Smith, Melinda, M.A. and Robert Segal. "Stress Management." Febuary 2015. Help Guide. 4 April 2015 <>.

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