Free Higher Education Should Be Free Essay Sample

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Education, Students, People, University, Higher Education, Knowledge, Money, Opportunity

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2020/12/04

It is well known that University is such organization of higher education where people enter after graduation from the college. It is an inevitable part of our life, as the university award certificates such as diploma, degree qualification are the ticket to our career. Nowadays a lot of people believe that University education is significant not only to become successful, but in various spheres, just to get started. People with high education are the basis of every modern and progressive community, new ideas and concepts, not always of course, but frequently, are born with the help of such people and high education is responsible for such knowledge. Free education have a lot of benefits and some implications, however education should be free for all people regardless of their race, income and status.
Generally speaking, high education, aside of what have been mentioned above offers other benefits to people. Thus, it is possible to say that government’s subsidizing of higher education is a right thing to do. To my mind, I think and believe in free education and in equal opportunity for all people regardless of their income. Nevertheless, it is safe to say that it is not assumed that it should be offered with unlimited funding. It is possible to assume that community would benefit if the government granted more free training so citizens would be able to work harder.
As it states in 26th article of United Nation’s Declaration of Human Rights “Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages”. ( It is believed that education system in the United States is one of the best systems in the world; it has a world-dominating position and has been one of the leaders of public basic education. Moreover, this article claims that “higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit”. The goal is that only people’s qualities and knowledge should be the basis to get an access to high education and not the money. (Nye)
Nowadays, there are a lot of different negative aspects that influence our society. For instance, such aspects as poverty level, unemployment, homelessness affect our community greatly. The only possible way out of this situation is to ensure that our younger generation would get better and free higher education. The government must be sure that all citizens have same opportunities and options. Post university education must to be free for people who are qualified to get it.
There are different arguments to state the government must provide free education at the point of use, and make it available to all the people. Someone may dispute that students must have the same opportunities to obtain the higher education, regardless of the income, gender, class, color or academic background. To be honest, I completely agree with this theory of equal opportunity. To my mind, same educational opportunity does not assume providing the equal education to all students but providing the chances to clever and more students who want to study more to join university not for money but for knowledge.
It is safe to say that our society would be able to make a level of justice in the system of education that would profit people who are inhibited in modern education system and injustice with money, during the free high education. Frankly speaking, some categories of people are extremely hard to obtain higher education. For instance, disadvantage people have small possibilities to receive full scholarship. Therefore, it is possible to assume that free higher education will succeed where scholarship will fail due to the incapability of supporting disadvantage people.
There are hundreds of benefits of free education. First of all, it would be able for a student to concentrate and to focus more on his education and the educational process. It is not a secret, that to somehow help their parent to pay the tuition, students get part-time jobs. It is very good and useful for a person to get a job as soon as it is possible, however, frequently such jobs may interfere with student’s schedule and he or she may have some troubles with understanding the material, deliver work on time etc.
Rather than struggling to pay tuition fee, students can learn more and achieve more with the help of thorough education. With such knowledge for everyone, people would create better, more intelligent, more educated society. Even though that this education would be free, students of course would be tested and qualified to get it and they would be evaluated only by their qualities.
However, higher education is a dividing factor. If you want to get a decent and profitable career a degree from a higher educational institution would guarantee this opportunity. (Duncan and Goddard) However, private boarding schools are the most dividing institutions of learning. People from such educational institution comprise less than 1% of the students in the United States. (Nye) It is not a big leap of imagination to understand that only people from high class can be a part of such educational system. This shows how social heritage influence higher education opportunity.
Another problem is the lack of equality in the quality of the education. The combined educational system where one can observe funding of public and private educational institutions has not very good results. Frequently, the quality of the education improves with the sums of money spent on this institution. Also the prosperity of the particular place and citizens’ investments play great role in the quality of education. Here one can see a vicious circle – if you born in poor place, you will not have a lot of chances to get a higher education – it is a privilege rather than a right.
However, the reason why the education should be free is because of its globalization and its effect on knowledge. Basically, in any situation you use your own head, your knowledge. In case you do not receive a sufficient amount of knowledge yet, any society that wishes to have a chance under the new circumstances must do anything that is possible to lighten our seek for knowledge.
It is safe to say that high education is a necessity. For students with decent income or with rich parents, tuition fees might be not a problem, even though that the money that would be spent on their education would get are much higher than the cost. Nevertheless, for people with low income, it is impossible to get educated. Of course, one may say that it is plenty of different grants, programs that will provide people with free, already paid education, but first of such programs are not very frequent events, second of all the competition is far too aggressive and big. With better skills, people are more likely to get better jobs.
Coupled with the private benefits to people, there are also plenty of social benefits. University education has positive externalities. In plain English, social benefits from the high education are more prominent, essential and valuable than private benefits. For instance, a person with a doctor degree, would not only make a lot of money, but also help other people be treating them. Or a biologist would create a cure from cancer or AIDS. As well as a teacher would give great knowledge to our future generations.
As it was already mentioned, higher education also improves economic situation in the country. As more and more people became educated, the country becomes richer; there will be less crime and the social and culture life of the country would improve dramatically.
That is why it is important to make this quest free. It stands to reason that education, in school and in the university, gives a lot of knowledge about the profession you have chosen, but also thus education helps you to learn how to learn. It shows you how, where from whom you can get information, it is all about thinking about your own future and makes your plans come true.
Frankly speaking, it is possible to say that it is unfair to the students who spend a lot of time studying if the educational institutions create opportunity to all the students, including the students who do not spend so much time and energy on studying. As a result, dedicated students who are qualified to receive such education are discouraged to do anything to make more efforts. It is safe to say that in that case a lot of students would think that it is not necessary to work hard to achieve something.
Education in the United States is extremely expensive. In modern U.S. 6 out of 10 high school students are preparing for university education. To send their child, parents waste a lot of money, and they frequently begin saving soon after the child is born. Sometimes it is possible that a student decides to enter university and to become a lawyer. But after 3 month, because of the disappointment of the chosen profession or because of discrepancies from his or her group mates or due to other reason, this student decides to leave the university.
The money that parents paid for the tuition could be lost. But in case of free education this problem could be solved. However university education must be available only for students who want to study and deserve that opportunity.
Hence, one can come to the conclusion that free education has more benefits than implication. It is beneficial for the society, as more people would become educated, it is beneficial for the economy of the country, as more talented professional would appear. There a lot of people who have a burning desire to study, but due to some factors are not able to pay for the education. I think it is safe to say that government must support student who are dedicating to create their future with the help of free education.

Work Cited

Duncan, Russell, and Joseph Goddard. Contemporary America. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Print
Nye, David E. Contemporary American Society. [Kbh.]: Akademisk Forlag, 1997. Print.,. 'The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights'. N.p., 2015. Web. 28 Feb. 2015

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