Free How To Define A “Good Man” Who Is Trustworthy Essay Sample

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Children, Family, Grandmother, Watermelon, People, Literature, Humor, Flannery O'connor

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/12/11


Trustworthiness is a very fragile thing. The definition of “good man” and “trustworthy man” differs for every individual. Moreover, it is often difficult to find a really trustworthy person in the ocean of hypocrisy and lie. However, some “good people” sometimes turn out to be absolutely opposite to what they claimed to be.
In “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O'Connor the subject of being good and trustworthy is also brought up. The grandmother that during the whole story claims to be the true lady fails to possess such features as love and compassion. She cares only about her wishes and desires but her family. She omits telling the truth about the location of the house that leads to accident on the road. She treats the killer as “a good man” to save herself but not her children and grandchildren.
Her son, Bailey, is an example of the suggestion that the next generation is getting worse than the previous one. He is not a trustworthy man because he supports and helps neither his wife and children nor his mother. He treats and speaks with them as if they were a burden, but not a blessing.
That is why I believe that there is only one characteristic of a “good man” who is trustworthy: he or she must not claim being good but prove it by good deeds. If the person keep their words, stays on their moral grounds and prefers truth over lie, this person is indeed trustworthy.

Racism and Its Effects

There is no reason to treat a person differently is he or she has other color of skin. Belief in the superiority of white people over the black is based on nothing but false impression that was made long time ago on the wave of colonization. Since then the black people were treated as if they had been created for slavery and service.
In “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O'Connor the subject of racism is also brought up. The unnamed grandmother who claims her superiority by virtue of being lady makes fun of a poor black child who happens on their way to Florida. The child does not have britches because of the poverty he suffers. The grandmother shows false compassion and says that if she could paint a picture of the little Negro, she would. It seems that for her the situation looks funny.
The grandmother also recollects her affair with a man who brought her a watermelon every day. He also put his initials on it that were E. A. T. Wall. A poor nigger boy read it as “eat” and ate the whole watermelon. The children were hungry and thirsty, the watermelon for them was like a present, but for “kind and sympathetic” old woman it was just another funny story to tell to her children and grandchildren.
I think that our attitude really changes over generations. Nowadays we seem to be more tolerate in terms of race. We are taught how to speak not to offend one's feelings and the black occupy the same positions in the society and the white. That is why the suggestion that every next generation is getting worse than the previous one does not work. The above-mentioned story proves that because children and grandchildren seem to be more tolerate than the grandmother.

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