Free Literature Review About The Indian Sanitary Pad Revolutionary

Type of paper: Literature Review

Topic: Innovation, Education, People, Invention, Women, World, Machine, Vehicles

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2021/02/02

Dear Mr. Venema,

I am writing to both agree with your observation of Muruganatham and to address to some of the issues that you carefully underlined in your article “The Indian Sanitary Par Revolutionary” from BBC World Service on March 3d, 2014. I have not had the pleasure to study your previous publications, but I want to underline the exceptional professionalism that you demonstrated in your overview of complicated personal and professional life changes that took place in life of this outstanding inventor. Moreover, the special interest for the contemporary society represents the role of his invention for the further development of real human values within the world.
Moreover, the role of religion is the key one for the creation of boundaries on the way of Arunachalam Muruganantham's invention. People in Bihar are examples of typical poor Indian village members that are not ready to accept anything that does not fit their religious beliefs and ancient cultural traditions. The man that was first to pay attention to the issue of female hygiene and tried to provide them with the effective solution was ostracized. This reveals another issue – the high necessity of public education for people of any age or gender. Not only will the lack of high quality medical assistance, but also affordable education solve a lot of problems that seriously harm living conditions of people in India and other developing countries.
I agree that the way of hero towards final success was full with numerous boundaries and that it took a lot of time to receives the secret of pad’s construction. However, this amount of time appears to be acceptable in this region. I find it necessary to make further research about the region the article is about to give the readers full understanding of specific life order as well as economic and political situation in India.
The theme of high importance of this invention is really touching, up-to-date and suitable as nowadays the series of conflicts and natural disasters seriously harmed financial situation in the series of regions in Asian and Africa. The observation of the numerous countries that got involved in the program launched by Muruganantham gives hope for the creation of new work places for women that were left without house and job. This new machine is not just a mechanism – it is a whole new world of opportunities that have to be opened for women in all parts of our planet.
Special attention has to be paid to the importance of the machines’ implementation to schools. There is a serious lack of professional education of youth in schools. A lot of young people get out of institutions without real knowledge or experience. This machine gives young girls the essential working skills and experience that cannot be achieved during lectures. Moreover, the implementation of such program is a perfect way to ruin all stereotypes that stop girls from using pads or talking about hygiene without stress. It gives hope for the emergence of new generation of women in the poorest regions of the world that will be free from these myths able to work for their future and future of their children.
In the end, I want to thank you for such a detailed research that included all necessary aspects of the machine and technology elaboration and implementation into practice. Moreover, The observation of the general situation within the country and especially in the poorest regions of Northern Indian perfectly demonstrated the high importance of this invention. Moreover, the serious health problems that can be reduced with proper education of women about their bodies and the ability to give them cheaper alternative of products produced by international corporations makes the Muruganantham's invention a real revolution within lives of great amount of people.

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