Free Measuring Performance Essay Sample

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Performance, Employee, Workplace, Employment, Measure, Information, Company, Time Management

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/30

Measuring performance entails collecting and analyzing information as regards to how a group or an individual accomplishes a given task. Performance measurement can be carried out on a number of issues, such as education, work-place performance among other fields. In the employment sector, it is essential to measure the performance of the employees to determine their productivity and their contribution towards the success of an organization or company. Be that as it may, certain measurements can be said to be the best while others can be said to be the worst. The end-result for such a move plays a significant role in determining which are the best way and the worst way.
The best way of measuring performance is through using employee comparisons and ratings. This may entail aspects such as creating rank orders, making paired comparisons and using forced-distribution methods (Lesure, 1999. P. 73). All these ways are important in giving a comparison between one employee and the others in the company. It enables the evaluator to make a quantitative analysis of the employees to determine the most productive and the least productive. This is the best way to measure performance.
The worst way to measure performance would entail obtaining and reviewing objective data and completing the rating form (Poister, 2003. P. 54). Whereas these mechanisms may give personal development of an employee, the risk is that it would be difficult to understand how one employee compares to other employees in terms of productivity in the work place. Second, the employee whose performance is being measured may engage in unfair practices such as pretending so as to have their ratings score high at the expense of producing misleading information. When this is the case, the evaluator may be in a difficult position understanding the real performance of the employee in question. This makes it the worst method of evaluating or measuring performance.


Lesure, J. D., & American Hotel & Motel Association. (1999). Measuring performance. East Lansing, MI: Educational Institute of AH & MA.
Poister, T. H. (2003). Measuring performance in public and nonprofit organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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