Free Potential Sources: Research Proposal Example

Type of paper: Research Proposal

Topic: Viruses, Antibiotics, Vaccination, Health, Science, Food, Journal, Microbiology

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/19

The essay I researched the following conclusion has been made for example viruses and bacteria are very different and should not be confused with each other. It is viruses that are harmful and bacteria that are not. Yet should we remember there are also bad bacteria and useful viruses. Bacteria are called single-celled organism and can be in different shapes such as a sphere (coccus), spiral (spirillum) and rod (bacillus). The fact is they can’t live in radioactive waste or at a huge range of temperatures. Bacteria are widely used in making yoghurt and cheese. Bacterial infections can be cured with antibiotics but using them to often can stop the antibiotics working. There are interesting facts about viruses for instance viruses can’t reproduce on their own only when using over another cell. Some of them are harmless and even useful such bacteriophages that simply kill bacteria. Most viruses are the cause of many diseases among them chickenpox, mumps, flu, HIV. Once people have suffered viral infections they become prone to them for example chickenpox. The myths I found about bacteria and viruses are that vaccines are dangerous for health but actually they are safe. Also it is said antibiotics help cure flu but they work only against bacteria not viruses which caused flu. The other myth is that different antibacterial soaps and detergents are safe to use and kill bacteria but the truth is they kill antibiotic-resistant bugs, which later can cause hard-to-treat infections.
The question the essay raises is whether antibiotics really harmless and can help cure infections or they cause harm to our health killing useful bacteria. The other fact I wish to research thoroughly is bacteria shapes and exact examples of them. And the last thing I would like to discuss is using bacteria in food production.

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Topisirovic L., Kojic M., Fira D., Golic N. Journal of food . 2006 <>
Walsh C. Antibiotics: actions, origins, resistance. 2003 < >
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