Type of paper: Essay

Topic: America, White, Social Issues, Racism, United States, President, Citizenship, Politics

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/11/15

As much as Americans want to believe that racism is not a condition or problem that people face in America, it is. It is a significant enough problem that African Americans and Hispanics display a severe difference in economic class compared to the white members of society. Although many other individuals of diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds reside in the United States, these two groups are seen to be most disadvantaged in society. In the following essay I will provide evidence of the sociological problem of racism in America to display that the situation is currently still hindering the people living in the country.
I would like to begin by pointing out the blatant disrespect that our first black President has been receiving and continues to face. The derogatory comments about President Obama are racially motivated and brought to the forefront without justification. For example, the fact that non-political entities like Donald Trump could insist of proof of the President’s birth certificate, which was extremely insulting as far as the opinions of many minority citizens are concerned. Of course many presidents’ throughout history have experienced criticism and dislike from citizens who do not support the individual who is President, but Obama has been more of a target because of his skin color. If a black man who is the head of the United States cannot escape the ugly reality of racism, then the rest of the citizens of the U.S. who are not white, are vulnerable to the prejudices of racism.
Next, I would like to address the issue racial profiling and police brutality. The unjust behavior of law enforcement, without a doubt, targets minorities (primarily blacks) at a disturbing rate. Most Americans know that 2014 was a year full of incidents that made national news in regard to racially based police shooting. There are the well-known cases of individuals such as Michael Brown and Eric Garner, but since then older cases have been seen on social media bringing increased awareness to the public of the issue.
How can we ignore the fact that blacks often are attacked by the police when they are not even carrying a weapon, but a white man waving a gun around in a public park fool of children escapes the brutality that would have been displayed had the individual been a black male. No more is racism prevalent then in the unjust treatment of black men in America.
As I conclude on the topic of racism in America, I want to emphasize that not only minorities are suffering from the sociology impact, but white Americans as well. Even if the Caucasian members of society find themselves better off due to white privilege, at some point in our countries history there will be a price to pay for the imbalance. Racism is truly one of the revolting traits of human beings throughout the world. It is our duty as American citizens who are aware of the problem to take a stand towards change. Especially when there are student who major in subject like sociology who specialize in study the society and look for solutions to societal problems.
One of the most profound lectures I heard was by activist Tim Wise on The Pathology of White Privilege, so I would like to end the paper with the closing of his lecture, which I strongly share the sentiment of.
When we get tired of living in the funk, in the residue of that which has been given to us by others, with no regard for the impact and damage that they would do to us and our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren, if and when we are lucky enough to have them. When we get tired of living in that residue, in that funk, and saying enough, then we’ll get busy to cleaning it, not because we created it, but because we are the only ones left to do the job. And if we don’t, we’ll be back or our children, grandchildren, and our great-grandchildren will be back in rooms just like this one in generations to come. But I assure you, if they inherit this legacy, as we have inherited, the stakes will be far greater. The risk will be far greater. And the odds of success and victory at creating justice and opportunity for all will be far more remote. And so if we don’t want to see that day come, it is up to us to get busy. It is up to us to take responsibility, not because we are guilty but because we are here. Thank you very much and take care (Wise, 2007).

Works Cited

Wise, T. (2011, June 26). The Pathology of White Privilege [Video file]. Retrieved from Vimeo
website: https://vimeo.com/25637392

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Free Racism In America Essay Sample. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/free-racism-in-america-essay-sample/. Published Nov 15, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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