Type of paper: Report

Topic: Skills, Emotions, Communication, Intelligence, People, Communication Skills, Management, Relationships

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/11/03

Interpersonal and Intra-personal skills

Introduction 2
Interpersonal skills 2

Emotions 2
Sociability 3
How to handle interpersonal skills? 3
Visualization 4
Recognize negativity 4
Intrapersonal skills 4
Features of the intrapersonal skills 4
Conclusion 5
In this paper, I will refer to two of the non-academic intelligence, interpersonal and intrapersonal. It seems important to highlight them to achieve emotional stability and thus give the best of ourselves in areas we play us, applying the congruence inward and outward.
Interpersonal skill is the ability to understand other people, interact with them and establish empathy and rapport. To discern, understand what happens to another person in a given context and act appropriately in relation to the moods, behaviors and desires of that person is extremely useful to effectively communicate in our daily lives (Runco & Smith, 1992).
The Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to see with realism and accuracy how we are and what we want and to understand fully what our priorities and desires, so act accordingly (Kolb & Kolb, 2005).
Interpersonal skills are those that allow you to have better communication with others. The word "inter" can be confused with "intro" meaning "within oneself" but is "inter" meaning between and interpersonal means between people (according to the dictionary). For this reason, interpersonal skills are those skills that enable us to relate better to people. The most important but almost unique are empathy, emotions and sociability (Gardner & Stough, 2002).

Interpersonal skills

Empathy is an important skill in interpersonal skills and is almost unique ability that gives us the human quality. But we managed to empathize with others we become cold and bitter, we lose all humanity and thus life is meaningless. No empathy means not able to identify the emotions of others and by that lost much of life and its meaning (Rothenberg, 1970).
Empathize is important not only for, not being inhuman beings, but to relate well with others. Unless we empathize, we will look too well for us being unable to consider the Feelings of others (McShane, Mara & Travaglione, 2013).


Emotions are large dominant world without human emotions would be nothing further mainly because emotions are the main attraction of the copper empathy sense. People do not move logically move almost entirely by emotions. A person is for or against an opinion rather than by logic it is by the emotions felt. Fear, anger, fear, happiness, ecstasy are different emotions, each with a very different reaction. Emotions can change a life forever seconds, destroy or benefit them (Collinson, 2014).
Learning to master the emotions we feel, how, when and, above all, learn to externalize emotions cause we want with others is essential to good social relations. If I can excite the public the public, I will get bored if they relate to my friends that I am equal to boredom (Barrick, Mount & Judge, 2001).
What people feel in your presence is associated with you, if people ever get bored when going with you that are what they will feel as I remember. One person alone does not convey emotions but if you do the moments you spend with her, and for this reason we remember anyone remembers the emotions we feel with that person. If we are comfortable with someone and enjoying that's what I remember, if you feel bad surely wish to see little that person.

Track your internal and external emotions because it is critical to your interpersonal skills.

Sociability is the point could be considered as direct interpersonal relationships but not the only part as seen above. However, the happiness of a person is usually closely linked to such as social skills. It is rare that a person without friends a complete and happy person feels and they show in their actions (Jackson, 2009).
We live in big companies because that live better and are programmed to band together and live together, nobody likes the permanent solitude. If it is true that some people enjoy long periods of isolation, that is not infinite, and everyone comes a time where you need another human company. You can take two hours, two days or one week in need interacting with people, but the moment always comes and certainly not usually take much for one to be very lonely.
Money can not even represent the 10% of happiness that gives cultivating good social relations. Many people focus on daydreaming playing the lottery to be free and happy when only grow their social skills will give them 100 times more happiness and 100 times more successful (McShane, Olekalns & Travaglione, 2013).

How to handle interpersonal skills?

The best way to have excellent interpersonal skills is to improve the three main skills to be a whole person. Must focus on improving your sociability, emotions and empathy, if the three major improvements interpersonal skills will be a monster with excellent interpersonal friendships.
Empathy enables you to be fairer with friends, understand them better, less angry with them. Emotions will allow you to better communicate with your friends, make them understand better what you expect and want, and your social skills will you meet more friends, and you know better relate to them. My advice is that you have many friends; some are closer than others but worth going with many friends because everyone has very interesting things to contribute further (Jackson, Hobman, Jimmieson & Martin, 2009).
Not because we get along with everyone and go with everyone and increase your social skills means more and better odds of meeting new people and being able to choose better friends. It would be neither the first nor the last time a person finds their very miserable and disgusted life because they have the wrong friends is not that they are to blame that person does not find his place in life to be happy but having a friends do not correspond is very frustrating and I mean you do not correspond topics to talk about, that matters, not value you and other things that make you not filled (Groves, McEnrue & Shen, 2008).
Especially do not neglect any aspect of your interpersonal skills because you will end up taking its toll, improve your interpersonal skills means directly improve your life and your relationships with others (Gandz & Murray, 1980).


Visualization is an intrapersonal skill used by athletes, actors and musical artists to prepare to give the best performance you can before embarking on an event. Mental preparation skills are considered as important as the physical skills in assessing overall performance. After all, are the mental skills that drive the physical, and the attitude and confidence are considered crucial for superior performance. Visualization techniques are taught in workshops and special courses and develop naturally over time once the basics are mastered (Cartwright & Pappas, 2008).

Intrapersonal skills

The intrapersonal skills are the abilities to identify, understand and express their own feelings, to recognize their characteristics and reflect on himself and his personal plans. Knowledge of itself makes a secure their capabilities and emotionally stable person.

The intrapersonal skills are necessary features in service careers and social contact, basically.

It is one component of the model of multiple skills proposed by Howard Gardner. This model advocates that no single intelligence, but a multiplicity (initially proposed 7, which then increased to 8). The intrapersonal skill is one that relates to the self-access to emotional life, to its range of feelings, the ability to discriminate these emotions and finally put names and use them as a means of interpreting and guiding own behavior. It is also known as the capacity to understand oneself, taking one's feelings and emotions. It involves the ability to master the emotional life and adapt to different situations. According Gooleman is part of Emotional Intelligence (Chang et al, 2003).
Its utility helps to form a concrete and realistic picture of you and be able to act in accordance with their emotions. Solves the problems associated with emotions.
Therefore, a manager or a employee whose job ecosystem are people, people and more people will do well to know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses so do not condition their actions, to respond and not react.
The key is that a good understanding of the strengths and own weaknesses allows to develop a realistic sense of what one is capable of achieving. The project managers with strong intrapersonal skills rarely create unrealistic expectations of their customers, team members and management.

Features of the intrapersonal skills

The Intrapersonal skills include:
1. Know your ideas, capabilities and limitations.
2. Set realistic goals.
3. The ability to master personal emotions and adapt to circumstances.
4. The ability to regulate stress, behavior and thoughts (Jordan, Ashkanasy & Hooper, 2002).
Inherent in this type of intelligence capabilities are those we use to understand ourselves and others; to imagine, plan and solve particular emotional problems. Within ourselves we have the resources to lead a productive life, such as motivation, decision-making, personal ethics, integrity, empathy, and altruism. Combining the factors related to heredity, environment and experience our complex personal intelligence begins to develop (Vestal, 2007).
Ideally the baby and the mother or caregiver establishes a relationship that provides this emotional balance and strengthens your sense of personal identity. Thus, the basis settles to establish positive social relationships; hence the intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences are two sides of the same coin and interdependent (Druskat & Wolff, 2001).
The behavior of the adults around children are models for both types of intelligence and contribute to healthy and harmonious development of every human being on the intellectual, emotional and social areas, in most cases. The intrapersonal intelligence comprises inner thoughts and feelings, and the awarest they are, the stronger the relationship between the inner and outer experience of the subject (CCP Global, 2008).
The critical self-observation and self-analysis are actions that increase the inner conscience, are a valuable way to explore and gain a better understanding of ourselves, our desires and goals and, of course, of emotions to recognize, distinguish and handle, especially if they help us plan our action and thus have effective experiences (Rothwell, 2007).
The intrapersonal skills are crucial to the development of children and youth succeed, capable of being ethical, productive and creative, both in its independent performance and in collaboration with other human importance. The intrapersonal intelligence is not necessarily a serious and solemn part of ourselves, but the ability to understand our own nature, meet our skills and defects and even see us with a sense of humor and self-improvement; it is a capacity for self-understanding (Australian Institute of Management, 2009).
Promote this ability in children, and young people are to help them know to increase your chances of overcoming errors and avoid feelings of inferiority, is an ideal medium for integral human survival in society (Savickas et al, 2009).


The interpersonal and intrapersonal skills strengths the self (self-esteem), dignity and social relations.
If injustice, disqualification or offense within the workplace passively accepted, is admitting the facts and lack of empathy towards the other, also deserves to be treated improperly.
With this we can say that with the learning and development of intrapersonal and interpersonal skills is strengthening human dignity, which requires four conditions:
Do not be a tool for purposes other than their own. This would be related to what Kant called the categorical or moral imperative: "In all its activities, not just those to himself, but those to other rational beings, man must always be considered at the same time as an end".
Being autonomous in their decisions and, for this reason, responsible for its consequences.

Reference List

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