Free Research Paper On Evaluating Organizational Effectiveness With Multidimensionality: A Case Of Marriot Hotel

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Hotels, Environment, Business, Services, Customers, Workplace, Quality, Management

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/10/08


Marriott hotels in London are the leading and the fastest growing hotels and recreational centers that leave them with memories to cherish a very long time to come. In all aspects and fairness, Marriott hotel is strategically positioned and sits adjacent to the magnificent sites. It is against this background that the Marriott hotel is required to the highest environmental standards and measures to ensure that the society and the environment at large are protected and safeguarded at all costs.
This research topic was due to the influence and the amount of interests that environmental matters raise and inspire for the global people. Thus, it is imperative and important to note and mention that the environmental patterns and behaviors of the Marriott Hotels would not escape the attention in this line of thought and respect. This is to say that environmental conservation is an interesting topic and area of the research project that could not escape the attention of this research project whatsoever.
It is an exploratory type of research would seek to understand and gauge the reasons and the basic minimums which are irreducible as far as environmental standards are concerned. It is to imply that there is static hypothesis since the research is open in retrospect. Thus, the respondents and the main participants in this line of research would be the government-department of health and the environment. The customers or the people who frequent the Marriott hotels in of London are the workers and the staff members who work in there.
This research will used questionnaires, interviews and secondary sources as the main foundation to get information. In brief, this study and research project would touch on the welfare of the society in a way that what are the levels of environmental standards and levels ought to be embraced. Thus, the Marriott hotels in London must be cleared by the department of health services to ascertain if the serves it offers are fit for human consumption and use
It is because; Marriott hotels in London are one of the leading consortiums of hotels that are operational in the world today. These hotels operate with a huge client base of executives and people of diverse cultures and backgrounds. It is to imply that the customers who frequent the Marriott hotels in London have different understanding and opinions of what ought to be the environmental standards. Thus, it is in the best interest of this study to gauge and strike that balance so that the different people in the society would be comfortable while visiting and frequenting the Marriott hotels in London.

Literature Review

According to Bader, (2005), owing the increased number of tourist travelling across the globe, the demand and supply as it relates to the sustainable business practices are in the modern day shifting and changing rapidly. In regards to the above, hotels have been forced to adapt the subsequent changes in a way to satisfy its customers and remain relevant and attractive to investors. In essence, practising sustainable business practises is a way of embracing quality in any hotel industry. This article will be used in the research to establish changes perceived imperative in boosting the environmental standards of Marriot Hotel.
Subsequent to a benchmark that was done in ten different hotels to establish the gap that exists between corporate social responsibility and the actual practises, the results postulated that corporate systems are not necessarily related to the actual operations. In essence, large hotels have policies in place but they don’t necessarily comply with these policies. It is unlike small hotels where policies are related to environmental issues predominantly. This article will be used in the research to establish the validity of executing environment conscious practices.
According to Moreo, DiMicco and Xiong, (2012), the need for hotels in particular to conserve the environment has been a major issue of concern in the modern time. This stem from the fact that the ethical stance of big hotels should be embraced through engagement in CSR activities, with the above-said hotels are requested to incorporate the use of Environmental Scorecard (ESC) tool. This tool will essentially help the managerial staff to execute their activities with a close consideration to the environment conservation. Considering that the benchmarking was conducted in Europe, it will be much easier to establish the environmental standards that must be met by the Marriott hotels in London.
According to Mathews, Marriot hotel is at the forefront on embracing environmental conscious practises. In essence, the article by Mathew’s emphasizes that through global hospitality and leadership, Marriot has been able to become what it is by embracing environmental conservation practices. This article will be used in the research to establish the current stance of Marriott hotel in regards to environmental conservation.
Owing the increased number of tourist travelling across the globe (Moutinho, 2009) , and the demand and supply as it relates to the sustainable business practices are in the modern day shifting and changing rapidly. In regards to the above, hotels have been forced to adapt the subsequent changes in a way to satisfy its customers and remain relevant and attractive to investors. In essence, practicing sustainable business practices is a way of embracing quality in any hotel industry. This article will be used in the research to establish changes perceived imperative in boosting the environmental standards of Marriot Hotel (Bader, 2005).
Their sustainability strategy provisions for business development and it reaches past the doors of the hotels to preserve and safeguard the planet’s natural resources. Marriott’s corporate social responsibility towards conservation covers the following:
• Further reduction of energy and water usage by the hotel by 20% by 2020 (Energy 20% per kWh/acclimatized m2; Water 20% per occupied room (POR). Starting point: 2007); • Empowerment of the hotel’s developmental associates to construct green hotels; •Make Green their multi-billion dollar supply chain; from transport, discarding wastes among others. • Educating and inspiring associates and their guests to conserve and preserve the environment.
This corporate environmental responsibility by the hotel goes hand in hand with their aim to cut down on their carbon footprint. They use Energy and Environmental Action (EEAP) strategies, our best-practice inspecting tool that helps their premises attain energy and water reduction objectives. Their efforts are working as they are constantly ranked the leader in the hotel sector on Climate Counts company scoreboard (Font, Walmsley, Cogotti, McCombes, & Häusler, 2012).
In conclusion, we see that the hotel is trying to keep up with the global standards in environmental conservation and responsibility. By 2020 they will have achieved their carbon footprint reduction.

Sampling Technique

This paper employed a method of convenient sampling in order to draw a sample from the target population, and the customers were presented with the questionnaire that they filled with zeal and zest. At the same time, one of time, the employees of the hotel revealed their personal comments via fulfilment of the attached questionnaire in appendix 1. The results of the gathered data will be presented in the following section of this work.

Data Analysis

Following are the tables and charts pertaining to the responses received according to the various variables that were material to this study: -


The sample was made out of 42.9% employees and rest of the respondents was customers. Secondly, 92.9% of the respondents considered basic hygienic quality the integral part of service quality at the hotel so the management has to give special attention to cleanliness of the facility in order to create loyalty in the clientele. Thirdly, more than 85% of the respondents argued and believed that violation of environmental standards will influence the organizational image of the hotel the most, and therefore, the workers neede to be trained in areas such as water preservation and saving electric power as well. the chefs require to save food items by driving down wastage in this regard as well. Fourthly, about half of the sample recognized operational, health and environmental costs as various dimensions of service quality in the hotel industry, and the management has to minimize all of the headers in order to enhanced the profitability as well. Next, about half of the respondents believed that the organization as an effective commercial entity as well, and the response rate in the favor of abovementioned mindset can be improved by taking holistic measures to better the overall quality of the services. Majority of the respondents suggested that the organization has to focus of customer services, hygiene, and efficiency in order to enhance its organizational effectiveness, and it is understandable because consumer relations, clean environment , and timeliness is going to provide the customers with home-like ambiance, and therefore, they will stay more often, and promote the facility amongst their friends as well. However, the sample was majorly not sure about the overall quality of operations that the featured organization is currently running and housing. That means the element of teamwork is missing from the working of the hotel so the workforce has to be educated about working synergistically as well. 42.9% of the respondents failed to identify the best service that the hotel is offering presently, and the services are operating with provision of mediocre quality so they all need improvement . 78.6% established the need to empower the employees through flattening of the organizational structure in order to improve the effectiveness of the company s that the needed organizational trend of teamwork can be introduced. Finally, all of them were in consensus that the hotel can apply various strategies to improve its image and profitability such as team building, empowerment, and flattening of the organizational structure as well. Recommendations

Following are the key recommendations that this study suggest to the leadership of the Marriot Hotels: -

Certain level of improvement in customer relationship services and efficiency of the services has to be brought into the organization so that the operations can enhance in terms of their overall synergetic quality of work (Scanlon, 2007).

The principle of participative management can help the company in this regard greatly.

The organizational structure needs to be flattened in the featured hospitality services provider so that the interdepartmental communication can be enhanced as well. That will in turn improve the synergetic relation that is apparently weaker in the current perspective of the Marriot Hotels London.
The customers are thinking to avoid availing the services because the costs that they have to pay are much higher than those of the competitors are so efficiency needs to be enhanced.
Additionally, the company is not interested in revisiting its cost structure because the management is apparently mistaken that they can pull off organizational success by differentiating their services on the basis of quality. However, the fundamental and underlying philosophy of quality preservation is true, but it is partially applicable in terms of sustaining competitive advantage in the long term scenario.
The company has to balance the costs and quality of services in order to keep the customer value intact. In the given circumstances, the loyal customers are leaving the hotel chain because of its poorly managed customer services, and they appear to be expensive in the eyes of prevalent clientele as well.
The recent developments include the growing number of quitting employees because they are not satisfied while working with the abovementioned hotel chain that was leading the show in the respective industry. The organization has to offer attractive compensation to their workers.
The belief that they do not need to change their operational and strategic plan is eating the organization from inside out because they are of the belief that they have significant market share occupied in the industry, and the customers are trapped with them. They do not have any other option to avail, but in reality, they do, and eventually, the company will drive away their customers because of their expensive services, and their rude customer representatives will cause deep trouble in this regard as well. Customer services and prices have to be brought down so that the management can compete with the changing dynamics of the industry.
The human capital is slipping away from the hands of managers who do believe in the philosophy of command and control in the modern era of the 21st century (Sutthijakra, 2011) that impressed the peer organizations to apply relaxed and flattened organizational structure and culture in order to make themselves more organic in their stature.
The customers have to receive more and pay less in order to develop loyalty toward any organization, and the emphasis on the quality of service increases manifold in the industries that provide intangible products to the clients (Holcomb, Upchurch & Okumus, 2007). The customer experience is everything in the industry of hotels and hospitality. However, the Marriott Hotels do not get the message that times have changed, and therefore, they need to modify their ways of operations as well (Bohdanowicz, Zientara & Novotna, 2011).
The company requires an external strategic consultant because they need to revisit the strategic model of the organization that is presumably working under flawed strategic choices that perhaps, the stubborn organizational leadership made who were under the influence of superiority complex. They become too negatively committed and attached with the old ways that they circumvented the need to change that is the most important concept in the modern organizational science and literature.
The company had an evolutionary infrastructure at its disposable, and everything was effectively working because the trend of globalization did not kick into the international business dynamics, and the hotels were a few in numbers, and they had to operate in the closed national systems during that time.
However, the levels of Foreign Direct Investment grew by leaps and bounds in the international community of corporatism (Honey, 2008). Additionally, human development provides basis upon that the organizational one rather finds its balance that has a critical value regarding sustaining for the strategic time period. The company forgot to provide value in terms of working conditions to the employees, and therefore, they experienced psychological contract breach in the recent times when they had to work with an insensitive employer. The working conditions need to be made more enjoyable as well.
The employer did not do anything significant and notable in order to enhance the motivational levels of the workers, and the bond between them collapsed with the passage of time. However, it is not too late for the company because all it needs to do is to offer cheaper services and its healthy organizational image and brand name will do the rest of the trick by attracting back lost strategic ground via increasing sales.
The human resource management will create a central plexuses of the organizational structure, and that is what, the company is missing. They have to believe in humanistic and optimistic values of organizational science in order to get back on the horse of success.


Finally, one can argue that positive and healthy standards of services such as provision of healthy and clean food and decontamination of rooms on timely basis can be maintained by the hotel if its employees are significantly motivated, and the general motivators in the organizational culture are good pay scales, health coverage and profit sharing regimes. The lower organizational roles should be enhanced in terms of authority so that the workers can feel important and valuable and in this way, they will engage in their jobs more energetically, and will attempt to adhere to highest environmental standards in the hotel service as well. The management has to train them in regards with environmental standards such as water saving techniques that the employees have to follow during the performance of their jobs.


Bader, E. E. (2005). Sustainable hotel business practices. Journal of Retail and Leisure Property, 5 (1), p. 70-77.
Bohdanowicz, P., Zientara, P., & Novotna, E. (2011) International hotel chains and environmental protection: an analysis of Hilton's we care! programme (Europe, 2006–2008). Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 19(7), p. 797-816.
Font, X., Walmsley, A., Cogotti, S., McCombes, L., &Häusler, N. (2012). Corporate social responsibility: The disclosure–performance gap. Tourism Management, 33(6), p. 1544-1553.
Moreo, A., DeMicco, F. J., &Xiong, L. (2009). Towards a model to measure the quality of environmental sustainability: the hospitality environmental scorecard. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 10(1),p. 44-58
Sutthijakra, S. (2011). Managing service subsidiaries through an innovation perspective: a case of the standard interpretation in multinational hotels. The Service Industries Journal, 31(4), p. 545-558.
Moutinho, L. (2009). Strategic management in tourism. Wallingford: CABI Pub.
Honey, M. (2008). Ecotourism and sustainable development who owns paradise? Washington, D.C: Island Press.
Holcomb, J. L., Upchurch, R. S., & Okumus, F. (2007). Corporate social responsibility: what are top hotel companies reporting? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 19(6) p. 461-475.
Scanlon, N. L. (2007). An analysis and assessment of environmental operating practices in hotel and resort properties. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 26(3), p. 711-723.
Edexcel BTEC HND Business Unit 8 and Travel & Tourism Unit 4: Research Project Doc 1
Project Specification: What are the environmental standards that must be met by the Marriott hotels in London?
Organization: Marriott hotels in London
The table is based on 12 people answer:
Original Questionnaire
Organization: Marriott hotels in London
Are you customer or employee? ____________
Do you think hygiene is one of the environmental standards which the hotel must meet in order to operate effectively?
Other _______________________________________________________
How does violation of the above standards affect operations? Choose one among the ones below
Affects most
Little effect
Does not have any effect
What are the costs to be incurred if the standards mentioned above will not be met
Operational Costs
Health Costs
Environmental Pollution Costs
All the above
What is your view about Marriot hotel? Is it a good business enterprise to ensure that it offers environmental standards to the community?
It is a good enterprise
. It is not good business
I do not know
Briefly explain why the environmental standards should be met in Marriot hotel
All of the above
Do you think the hotel is, doing its best to ensure that the mentioned standards have been met? Briefly explain your answer?
Yes 2. No 3. I am not sure 4. I do not know completely 5. Other
Explain your answer : ______________________________________________________
Which is the best service that encourages customers to visit Marriot hotel
Good customer relations
Clean environment
Low costs of operations with efficient services
Is it prevalent to involve employees in decision making concerning environmental effects, how? Moreover, suggest how customers influences conditions of the environment and provide an example?
Yes. They are also part of the organization. Moreover, making decisions will encourage them to work so as to meet objectives
No. They have a least influence within the hotel
Is there a possibility of reducing the problems caused by environmental issues when right strategies of standards are applied and if not, what are the alternative measures that can be imposed to reduce these effects?
Yes. It is possible by involving related agencies that deal with environmental issues
No. Reducing these problems will take time and hence not appropriate

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