Free Research Proposal On General Social Survey

Type of paper: Research Proposal

Topic: Study, Technology, Computers, Information, America, Sociology, People, Business

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/12/27

The General Social Survey otherwise known as GSS was started in 1972 where their focus has been the societal changes and the growing complexities in the lives of the Americans. GSS gathers data, which are associated with the American society, and uses it to explain some of the trends and constant attitudes, attributes and behaviors. The data collected is applicable in examining the structure and functions of the society through the relevant roles they play in the building or destroying the society (Marsden, 2012). The essence of this paper is to look at some of the data collected on the use of internet and computer application to the modern American society, which is used in making the analysis.
The data presented by GSS indicates that the changes in computing system have interfered with the lives of many Americans. The new era in the use of computer has introduced a lot of innovation in the world today. Everyday, there are new products used in conducting research that are related to computer-based products. The new computer generations are usually credited to the younger generations. The young people are referred to as the digital natives that are the popular consumers of these products. These products range from iPods, cell phones, computers and gaming systems, which make the young people, get fascinated with anything that hit the market (Marsden, 2012). The younger generations prefer using these devices rather than attending libraries to conduct their research.
The first advantage of research conducted through digital migration to the brain is the introduction of new cognition to the development of the brain. This is usually accompanied by improved memory, intelligence and emotions. The Digital Natives have the tendency of being intelligent that their grandparents. Another advantage of using digital migration is the growing brain gives rise to innovations in the market. People have been found to integrate with new systems that come up. A good example is social networking and the use of smart phones for research, navigation and office work. The technological research is also responsible for making the brain flexible for people of all ages. This is because it is not limited to a certain subject of study, grade or class (Marsden, 2012). The first experiment involved the use of cars where it was noticed that the people of the digital age have less accidents. It proves that there is improved driver safety to everybody of all ages as long as one frequently uses computers and new technological devices.
Studies carried out all through the last ten years have found that technology can vastly improve literacy, enhance linguistic acquisition, offer increased the admittance to information, boost learners’ motivation and self-esteem, and improve curricula and learning (Marsden, 2012). Through and through, studies unanimously agree that the vast opportunities that technology gives can tremendously improve the knowledge of researchers and students and the whole world population in general.
In their survey, GSS gave their attention to multimedia and hypermedia technologies, and the huge potential they pose in research, especially concerning both content area learning and use of technology. The Reporter Project is one of their studies, which sought to utilize technology in multimedia to boost gathering of information and skills in writing among students in the sixth grade. After a testing period of two years, The Reporter Project found out that these sixth-grade students registered a substantial and statistical development in utilization and appreciation of essentials like core ideas, supportive facts and correlation between cause and effect (Marsden, 2012). Compared to their peers who learnt the same things as them but made no use of technology, these students’ writing was solider, consistent, organized, unified and interconnected.


Davis, J. A., & Smith, T. W. (1992). The NORC general social survey: A user's guide. Newbury Park, Calif: Sage Publications.
Marsden, P. V. (2012). Social trends in American life: Findings from the General Social Survey since 1972. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

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