Free Servant Leadership In Healthcare Research Paper Sample

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Leadership, Nursing, Servant, Organization, Model, Health, Employee, Workplace

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2021/02/23

Servant leadership in healthcare is referred to as the best model in the provision of healthcare. Servant leadership focuses on teamwork, trust, and caring for the needs of the patient. Servant leadership enables the health care providers to change the organization in a way that is beneficial to all the stakeholders (Gilster, 2014). At the same time, servant leaders are able create a good relationship between the patients and the service providers. The creation of a good relationship between patients and service providers enable them to share information that helps in the improvement of the quality of care that is given to the patients.
There are other models of leadership that are adopted by leaders in healthcare. Some of these leadership models include situational leadership; relational leadership; autocratic leadership; transformational leadership; functional leadership; and naturalistic leadership (LBL, 2009). These leadership models are different from the style adopted by the servant leadership model. Both the servant leadership model and the relational model have a broad focus on employees. The focus on these two leadership models goes beyond the need to make profits and increase productivity. The difference between the servant leadership model and the relational model is that a servant leader will focus on the relationship that the business has with employees as well as the other stakeholders while a relational leader will only focus on the relationship the business has with the employees.
A functional leadership model and a servant leadership model will both focus on activities carried out by the leaders. The focus on the functions is to ensure that all the duties are well executed (LBL, 2009). However, the difference between the two models arise because the servant leader goes beyond executing the functions and ensures the patients have received quality service and that they are happy.
The health care industry provides employment to many people. The employees comprise of doctors, nurses, physicians, managers, accountants, scrubs, and subordinate staff. At the end of March 2015 statistics show that the total number of employees based on seasonal adjustments was 4,846,200 in the hospital industry (BLS, 2015). The visions of most hospitals are inclined towards the provision of high quality health care to the patients. The goal of a healthcare provider is to make profit as well as provide quality services to the patients.
Servant leadership can be applied in the organization by providing the highest quality of service to the patients (Dahlborg, 2014). This can be achieved by establishing good relationships between the organization and the patients. Good relationships can be established by ensuring that employees go an extra mile in finding out the needs of the patients. It is good to know what the patients need so that the organization can satisfy these needs. Patients who are satisfied with the organization will be happy and continue to seek services from the organization.
The implementation of the servant leadership model within my organization will enable the organization to have a good relationship with the patients as well as other stakeholders. Good relationships will enable the organization to collect important information that will aid it in the provision of high quality services to the patients (Gilster, 2014). The organization will also benefit from information supplied by insurance companies and suppliers. The organization can then use this information in offering good advice to the patients. The organization will be able to realize its vision of providing high quality services to patients. It will also be able to accomplish its goals of making profits because the patients will always seek the services of the organization as well as recommend other patients to the organization.
As a servant leader I would encourage all the employees to create good relationships with the patients and other stakeholders so as to enable the organization to collect valuable information. I would also involve all the employees in team building activities that will enable them to appreciate each other and develop good relationships amongst themselves. Teamwork is very important in the implementation of change within the organization. A united team will enable me to implement the servant leadership model within the organization. I would also encourage the managers to create good relationships with the suppliers and the insurance agents so that we can gather information concerning the best drugs for treating diseases and also the best insurance covers for the patients.
Some of the stakeholders that would advocate and support the servant leadership model include employees; insurance agents; and suppliers. The employees are in a better position to interact with the patients and they can be able to know the needs of the patients (Gilster, 2014). Employees will also support the servant leadership model because they know that they stand to benefit from bonuses and salary increments when the organization makes high profits. The insurance agents will support the model because they know that if they acquire more clients they will gain more commissions. Suppliers will support the servant leadership model because they stand to earn more by supplying high quality products to the organization.
Some of the challenges that the organization can incur while implementing the servant leadership model include resistance to change and the need to carry out research (Gilster, 2014). Resistance to change can be handled by encouraging employees to participate in team building activities and educating them concerning the benefits associated with the change. The issue of additional research can be handled by paying people to carry out the research. Payment acts as a motivation towards performing an activity.


LBL, (2009). Leadership Theories. Retrieved from:
BLS, (2015). Hospitals: NAICS 622. Retrieved from:
Dahlborg, T., (2014, Feb 5). Healthcare Needs Servant Leaders for Improvement, Inspiration. Retrieved from:
Gilster, S., (2014, May 29). SERVICE: A Model for Health Care Servant Leaders. Retrieved from:

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