Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Middle East, Democracy, World, Countries, Egypt, People, Revolution, European Union

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/10/26

"Is the Middle East undergoing a Democratic Revolution?"

The information presented in the book, Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Global Issues, discusses the topic of democracy in the Middle East, and if this political transition is possibly occurring. The current global political climate, regularly involves challenges facing the Middle East. Whether the story drawing attention is occurring among the citizens of Middle Eastern countries, or disagreements with other countries in the world, unrest in this portion of the world is common. Examining arguments for and against a democratic revolution in the Middle East are reflected upon in the essay.
In 2011 a significant event occurred worth mentioning when examining the topic of democratic revolution in the Middle East. Civil unrest erupted in Egypt in a revolt to over throw the dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak. The uprising was spurred by disappointment of the Egyptian citizens upon the announcement that Mubarak would be running for a sixth time despite his old age and ailing health (Zakaria, 2011). The declaration left the people hopeless of the possibility of a new era for the country of Egypt. Egyptians boldly marched into Tahrir Square in Cairo realizing they had the power to stand up against the police and rulers by coming together in an organized manner to fight back (Shatz, 2011). Despite Mubarak’s dictatorship, Egypt was stable in its economy and has had aspects of a liberal constitutional order for many years(Zakaria, 2011).
After providing views for democracy as a workable option in Egypt, as well as reasons against the benefit of democracy in Egypt, evidence suggests that this type of revolution is extremely complex. Hundreds of years of turmoil in the Middle East have the world hesitant on assuming a position of the type of political system that is best for that region of the world. Strong Islamic belief with strict Islamic laws as the governmental system is a concerns for countries like the United States. Islamic law practices harsh punishment for crimes that generally do not deserve excessive chastisement, and the concern for citizens under this type of government are unnerving.
The Western version of democracy labels the idea as a system of freedom where the people have power and are involved in the rules under which they live by; however, this is a matter of perception. Democracy in the Middle East may have a different face than what the world is use-to, but it could still technically be a democracy. To assume from the Western perspective that the Middle Eastern people want the same freedoms and lifestyles as the Americans, is inaccurate. One can see the frustration of the people who are striving to keep their traditions, beliefs, and cultures as the common practice in their countries. The Middle East is an oil-rich region that countries like the United States have vested interest in. The idea that the democratic countries who involve themselves in the Middle East are strictly looking for their own greedy benefits, makes it hard for the native people to embrace or welcome Western ways. Clarity on the topic of democracy in the Middle East is not obtained from the suggested reading materials; however, an understanding of the controversial nature on the subject of Middle Eastern politics is gained from the information learned.


"Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Global Issues," Seventh or most current Edition James E
Harf, Maryville University. Mark Owen Lombardi, Maryville University.ISBN: 0-07-805024-3 ©2012

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Free Sociology Essay Sample. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/free-sociology-essay-sample/. Published Oct 26, 2020. Accessed October 18, 2024.

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