Free Stalled Engines Research Paper Example

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Countries, Development, World, Developing Country, Developing, Emerging Markets, United States, Europe

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2021/01/05

There is a possibility of a stalled engine where the United States and Europe will no longer be willing to do business with other third world countries in Asia, Africa and Middle East. This case is due to the slow economic growth, corruption, poor governance and bad foreign relations between the West and the third world countries that keeps on developing. The global governance and international communities like the UN can no longer stand impunity in the third world countries and cope with the pandemics like corruption that has stalled growth in these nations. If this scenario happens to occur, the US and Europe are predicted to turn inward, and globalization is expected to stop (Galdorisi, 2013). This threatens the unity of nations and the growth of globalization and more so the trade between third world countries and the Western nations. A cold war can emerge if this stalled engines scenario takes place.

Security interests

Counterterrorism and piracy control
A stalled engine scenario may appeal to the United States because it would limit the interaction with developing countries and thus improve security in the country. The united States could choose to limit the number of people from developing countries and other developed countries from entering their borders. United States’ citizens would have no business travelling to developing countries and they would be secure within the country. However, in case this became the case, there is a chance that the developing countries that would be shut out would team together and this would pose a danger to The United States and Europe.
Once developing countries team up, there would be a situation whereby they would be antagonistic towards Europe and the United States. In such a scenario, what may start out as a cold war could eventually turn out into a full blown war that could rival World War II.

Counterterrorism and piracy control

In terms of security interests across nations, the US is likely to suffer a great deal if this scenario is realized. The US usually conducts some of its security operations like counterterrorism and piracy control from other countries in Africa that have ports (National Intelligence Council, 2012). If they alienate themselves, these countries will no longer be able to partner with them in protecting their ships from piracy when they are in their waters. Terrorists that threaten the US embassies and citizens that dwell in other countries cannot be controlled if there is no effective relationship and communication between them and the third world nations (Barnett, 2012). The British army comes to train in third world with semi-arid environment that is deemed to provide a good experience for their course, all these operations will be stalled in a stalled engine environment.


In case the United States and Europe choose to alienate themselves from third world countries, they would expose themselves to the risk of terror attacks by developing countries. This is because developing countries would become poorer and their citizens would be more prone to join terrorist groups in exchange for money or food aid. It is notable that most suicide bombers are people who come from poor backgrounds. This may be precipitated by the fact that they feel that they have nothing left to lose due to poverty. Terrorist cells would find it easy to recruit people from developing countries to further their cause.

Global leadership

The US and Europe might no longer be interested in global leadership initiatives, and this will create a vacuum for third world countries with poor structures to come and provide leadership direction. This will lower the standards of global leadership, and all kinds of atrocities can be committed. There would be no international watchdog to protect the rights of minorities in developing countries. This may create a situation where half of the world could end up going back to the dark ages and result in human rights violations. Dictatorships and revolutions could end up causing wars in the developing countries and with time, many refugees would want to immigrate to the United States and Europe. In case the developed countries deny the refugees access, illegal immigration would be rampant and illegal immigrants would turn to crime in order to fend for themselves.

Economy and identity interest

Interstate conflict can arise if this situation is allowed to come to reality. The global income which comes as a result of trade between the West and third world nations will go down by $27 trillion if stalled engines come to pass. That amount is more than the economies of both America and Europe put together at the moment (Galdorisi, 2013).
The US and Europe might no longer be interested in global leadership initiatives, and this will create a vacuum for third world countries with poor structures to come and provide leadership direction. This will lower the standards of global leadership, and all kinds of atrocities can be committed.
In the stalled engine world, economy will weaken both in the developed and developing world. If rich countries wall off from the third world nations and live in a ‘gated community’, there will be absence for their market in the emerging economies and the developing nations will lose the abroad market too. US and Europe products as clothes, cars etc. are considered of good quality and thus, they are highly consumed in the developing nations (Dobby, 2011). In the stalled engine world, they will experience huge losses as a result of the lack of market (Garamone, 2012). Horticultural products and farm produce from African countries perform well in the European market and contribute a substantial amount to African economies and thus the stalled engine environment will paralyze the economies of these nations. Other economic activities like tourism will also be stalled in the stalled engine because traveling will be minimized. Citizens with dual citizenship will lose their identity due to the disunity, and they will be depressed with having to choose one country.

Climate change and its effect on the economy

In the stalled engine scenario, the United States and Europe would not have an amicable relationship with developing countries. Without peace, it is unlikely that the countries of the world could sit down together and discuss world problems like climate change. There would be no regulations as to how to control climate change. This would pose a threat to all the countries in the world and affect economies. Global warming would affect agriculture all over the world. This would also cause shortage of food all over the world and affect all countries’ economies.


The possible outcomes of this scenario would have a negative impact on the security, economy and foreign relationship between the West and the developing world and therefore I would recommend for the strengthening of the unity between nations rather than the alienation of the developed nations from others. However, if the United States were to still choose to stall globalization, they would have to prepare adequately in order to protect the economy, maintain security and maintain its identity.

Increase allies in the developed countries

Its prudent for United States to increase the scope of its allies among the developed nations. They would have to have increase trade relations with other European countries such as Russia and Asia. It would also be of necessity to be cordial with the affluent Middle Eastern countries that are developed. This would help it prepare for the economic shift from developing countries that rely on aid from Western countries. The United States would have to assess what economic products they have been acquiring from developing countries and decide which European country or Middle Eastern country it would start importing the products from. It would also be essential to seek alternative export destinations for the products they have been manufacturing for developing countries.


It would be monumental for the United States and its allies to forge partnerships and increase their interdependence in order to build a fortress against developing countries if war arose. It is important for the developed countries to agree on nuclear arms regulations and sign memorandums of peace with antagonistic countries like Korea. However, this may prove to be impossible since some developed nations would choose to become allies to developing nations in order to exploit them for their own benefit. It is highly unlikely that Asia and Russia would also alienate themselves from developing countries if the United States and Europe chose to. They would most probably see it as an opportunity to increase their economic control over developing countries and with time, there would be a situation where the rest of the world would gang up against Europe and the United States.
It is therefore important for the United States to strengthen its relationship with developing countries. It is much easier to establish strong economic ties and interaction with developing countries than with other developed countries. Developed countries may also be more interested in becoming more powerful and may therefore not honor any obligations they may have to the United States, unlike developing countries that are afraid of sanctions and would purpose to be allies of the United States. The citizens of the United States would also find it a challenge to immigrate to other developed countries and get good employment opportunities. This is because the developed countries also have qualified personnel in various sectors unlike developing countries.
The United States should also continue to provide global leadership for developing countries, not only because of the economic impact that peace and stability in the third world would increase to the United States but also because of humanitarian reasons. The United States cannot alienate itself and watch as developing countries turn to chaos and human rights violations increase when they are in a position to change the situation. This is because if we were to let such conditions prevail as we watched, it would be similar to condoning such conditions. There would be increased poverty and hunger in developing countries and many people would die as the United States watched on. For humanitarian and philanthropic reasons, it is vital that the United States maintain its association with developing countries.


Stronger and effective foreign relationships are important in maintaining the unity between nations and enhancing the economic benefits that they derive from each other. If the current disagreements between nations are not sorted, their bonds might weaken (Renski, 2014).


Barnett, T (2012). National security. Just how intelligent is the national intelligence council’s
Global trends 2030. Retrieved on 16th march, 2015 from:
Dobby, C (2011). Engines stalled but world economy not yet on crash course. Retrieved on 16th
March, 2015 from:
Galdorisi, G (2013). Global trends 2030: stalled engines. Retrieved on 16th march, 2015 from:
Garamone, J (2012). DoD News. Intelligence council poses four worlds of the future. Retrieved
on 16thMarch, 2015 from:
National intelligence council (2012). Global trends 2030: alternative worlds. Retrieved on 16th
march, 2015 from:
2/four- scenarios-for-2030
Renski, M. S. (2014). Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds (a review). Book Reviews, 9(1),

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