Free The Benefits And "Costs" Of Working In A Team Setting Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Teamwork, Team, Project, Psychology, Personality, Community, Creation, Reason

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/10/31


A team is made of people possessing a set of complementary skills that are needed to complete a project, job, or task. The team members work independently to achieve a goal (Levi, 2014). Thus, the individuals in a team function with a high level of interdependence and share responsibility and authority for self-management. Additionally, the team members work toward a common objective and shared rewards. For this reason, the paper describes the benefits and costs of working in a team setting on a team project that I consider as an individual member of a group.
Working in a team is beneficial and necessary for an organization to maximize its efficiency. Similarly, it is beneficial to the team members working on a team project. One of the benefits of working in a team is morale boosting. Working in a team setting on a project team helps in boosting the morale of the team members as they feel they are working jointly to accomplish an objective that benefits everyone. As a result, this develops stronger working relationships among the team members. Working together as a team also facilitates the creation of multiple ideas for better outcomes. Ideally, the team members bring their experience, perspective, and knowledge of the project. As a result, this leads to various solutions or approaches that facilitate the achievement of goals. Working in a team setting also facilitates the creation of an environment of support besides propelling team members toward the implementation of a project.
However, there are a number of costs that are associated with working in a team setting on a project team. One of the costs is the lack of a clear purpose. In fact, a team can be brought together for wrong reasons. For this reason, the team members might not have an obvious understanding of what they are required to achieve. The other potential cost of working in a team is personality clashes. A particular team member might have a strong personality and, thus, try to dominate the project. As a result, unresolved personality conflicts may affect the project negatively.


Levi, D. (2014). Group dynamics for teams. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications. 

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