Free The Five Performance Objectives Report Sample

Type of paper: Report

Topic: Business, Services, Hotels, Customers, Quality, Performance, Speed, Aliens

Pages: 8

Words: 2200

Published: 2020/12/26

Introduction 2

Discussion 3
Quality 3
Speed 4
Flexibility 5
Dependability 6
Costs 7
Conclusion 8

References 9

Every business in the world has some component activities. These activities are sometimes also called business operations. The activities taking place in operating a business may include the budgeting, accounting, marketing, sales, hiring personnel and customer services. All these activities are for the sake of maximizing profitability, business growth and providing fast and soft services to make their customers convenient and comfortable (Marriott, 2013 pp. 1–24). The budget may include the allocation of funds for different activities and revenues received from the business. Every department's manager makes their calculation of income, the resources required for various activities incorporation, and then it is to the primary finance department where all the revenues and expenditures are finalized. The accounting is responsible for the accounting of cash inflows and outflows (Yuan, et al., 2009, pp. 253–270).
The accounting section of any business deal with the amount payable, amount receivable, tax calculations, payroll, and salaries, etc. Similarly, the department of marketing promotes the company sales by recognition of brands in the marketplace and advertisement of the products. The marketing department also makes the comprehensive marketing plans to develop the market for their products extensively. The sales persons are increasing the sales base and struggle for repeat the sales by contacting the existing customers and new customers (Elgazzar, et al., 2012, pp. 276–289). The salespeople are competent, skilled and hardworking to promote the product demand. The hiring employees are the responsibility of human resource department, and they hire the qualified and capable professional when it is (Builders, 2004, pp. 1–19). The customer service department is responsible for the queries of customers regarding new products and to provide them solutions to the problems they face in the use.
As the business entities have a set of activities similarly, they also have performance objectives (Marriott, 2013 pp. 1–24). The performance targets are operational performance targets. In broader sense, the operation objectives have greater impacts on the five stakeholders of an organization. These stakeholders include the customers, suppliers, shareholders, employees, and society. The five performance targets may include the quality, speed, dependability, flexibility, and costs (Vikram et al., 2011, 1-14).
The Marriott hotel is hotel, and it serves the customers and tourists quality services in all over the world. It is an internationally leading organization in the hotel industry, and it has franchises almost all over the world. It has the essential activities like all other businesses. The five performance objectives are n the Marriott hotel (Drury-Grogan, 2014, pp. 506–515). These five performance objectives are discussed below in detail while explaining all five goals in different headings.
Critical Evaluation
Because of the privatization of the hotel market, a large number of independent members in this industry are offering services-substitutes. At the same time, the hotel industry stakeholders have an idea of ​​their own individual target orientation and optimization of ways to achieve these objectives, differentiated in their technology of production and marketing (Builders, 2004, pp. 1–19). The consumer as an active participant in the process of providing services may affect the quality of the final product in accordance with their ideas and requirements of the service. From this, premise follows logically following feature of quality of hotel services.
Variability in the quality: Hotel services differ from variability. That is, their quality depends on who provides them, to whom and under what conditions. Services ay Marriott limits the ability to control their quality, so this factor should be taken care of and because the quality of services are the determining factor of successful competition in the market for a particular species (Marriott, 2013 pp. 1–24).
Marriott needs intangible hotel services, which determines its nature, determines the impossibility of objective evaluation and certification of quality according to the procedures developed for the sphere of material production. Therefore, it is recommended that logical to assert the possibility of assessing the quality of hotel services in the course of their proposals, performance and consumption from the standpoint of having a service properties that provide control not only technological, but also a functional component of the total quality of service. They are decisive in the search for critical areas of quality of services for a particular hotel company and their local populations; identify the causes of poor quality of service for their further removal and prevention.
It is necessary for management at Marriott to take into account the fact that the parameters of hotel services by their nature are not purely additive. The same factors that their condition can be treated as independent additive, but also have a multiplicative effect on other criteria or groups, strengthening or weakening of their positive or negative impact.
Considering the problem of quality of service in terms of targeting the expectations and feelings of the client, the recommendations determines the dependence of perception of service on the composition and nature of the performance of its elements as the "Quality of Service", which gives some idea of ​​the average (Marriott, 2013 pp. 1–24).
Quality management cannot be effective in consequence, since it involves the formation of the ability to meet and exceed customer expectations, which is possible only in the case of the activities of the previous production process services. At the same time, quality management is not only a function of top management, but also interrelated functional activities of all organizational elements and levels of the enterprise, designed to identify, prevent and meet the expectations of consumers of hotel services. However, the achievement of quality hotel services - an important task, which can provide a commercial success. At the same time, it would be logical to assume that the absolute quality can never be achieved since employees will be wrong, and the system will fail (Builders, 2004, pp. 1–19). Commitment to quality is an endless process, which should be dealt with as separate companies, especially representing the hotel and tourist business, the restaurant service and other areas of guest service, striving to achieve individual goals of management, and the whole territory, as part of programs for sustainable socio-economic development (Vikram et al., 2011, 1-14).
1) Quality
The quality is the key component in the international fame of the Marriott hotel. It is a five-star hotel, and it serves the high-quality services in both the bedding and boarding activities to their all customers. The quality strategy of the Marriott hotel based on the green construction, as they believe that, all the customers, employees, financial markets, and construction industry wants green buildings. That why, they made their hotel places green and clean (Marriott, 2013 pp. 1–24). The high performance and quality hotels are those they are, constructed and operated sustainably, and the materials, energy, water, land is used more efficiently, and effectively than the hotels that are made simple to code. The Marriott hotels through his innovative and award winning brands to meet the market demands (Vikram et al., 2011, 1-14). Marriott is from the others in the customer satisfaction measures, owners’ satisfaction measures and the franchisee preferences. The Marriott delivers the quality experience that the customers expect worldwide (Elgazzar, et al., 2012, pp. 276–289). They provide support and services, which are means for individuals brand and hotels, so that they operate effectively and efficiently.
Here we describe the quality as a performance objective in two ways i.e. the external effects and the internal impact of the good quality. The outer effect of good quality in operation is that the customers who consume the services and foods of the Marriott hotels have nothing to complain about. The Marriott has his standard, which the consumers are satisfied with. If, the consumers have nothing to complain about, then the customers use it repeatedly, and it is so in the case of the Marriott hotel. Therefore, the company i.e. the Marriott hotel has the maximum revenues (Marriott, 2013 pp. 1–24). The internal operation quality has the effects on the performance means there will be less number of mistakes in the process. When the mistakes are less in number, then the cost will be minimized, dependability and causes of response will increase. When the actions are correct, then the answers are easily made to the customer's request and on the contrary case it is hard to obtain solutions to customer's proposals (Elgazzar, et al., 2012, pp. 276–289).
2. Speed
The rate for any organization is for efficiency and increasing their sales. The rate here means that the speed of response. It also has both internal and external effects (Vikram et al., 2011, 1-14). The outer impact of speed is very important. It is the response to customers, which in turn increase the sales of the firm. Some of the organization uses the postal services while the other using the online response system. The internal affects of the speed is also more important. It is important to reduce the cost in the form of reducing inventories and reducing the risks. The internal speed performance is applicable in both manufacturing and services sectors (Hurtz, and Donovan, 2000, pp. 869–879). As in the type of services sector i.e. hotel, the customers are fast sent to their place of sittings, their rooms and other spots they want to go theirs. When there is no speed in the internal operations, then the customers will hang in the system, which in turn will increase the dependability, and the customers will not come there in the future (Elgazzar, et al., 2012, pp. 276–289).
The Marriott hotels everywhere have fastest services internally as well as externally. The internal speed of services is very smart and efficient. The guide in every difficult place is always available to guide you when you are. The guides also guide the people whether they are going to have a dinner, lunch or high tea or they are going to their reserved rooms. It reduces the time cost, and the customers are satisfied with this. The external speed performance is also much better, and they are using online systems and the services are provided where have it is. The customers just make a call, or they send their order through email and they get a quick response. Therefore, they are performing very well in the context of speed (Yuan, et al., 2009).
3) Flexibility
Flexibility is very vast term. It means that to change the operation in a way. The flexibility has very significant effects on operations. The external impacts of flexibility of the operation are first it allows different ways to serve their products in various ways to the customers. The mix flexibility focuses on producing different varieties from which the customers can choose (Marriott, 2013 pp. 1–24). The product or service flexibility allows the operators to create or provide different types of goods and services which are more attractive to the customers. Similarly, the volume and delivery flexibility is necessary to increase or decrease the quantity of production and to make it sure that the goods should be handed over where, when and how much it is. The internal effects of the flexibility are to increase the response, save more time and helps in maintaining the dependability (Elgazzar, et al., 2012, pp. 276–289).
The Marriott hotels have a greater response to the flexibility. As they were in the ancient times only serving the inter hotel services but after they promote the outdoor services on the demand of the customers and their market competency. They also offer their clients every facility they require. They have a cell of complaints and suggestions, and they are always trying to incorporate all the voluble suggestions and to provide up to date services. Therefore, the Marriott in the hotel industry have greater response number, and their profitability is always at higher level than the others are competing hotels (Greg and Stewart, 2002, pp. 33–77).
4) Dependability
Dependability objective performance means that his customers have their products or services at the proper time. What determine the reliability criteria should be? Either the delivery of goods and services, the expected delivery, the promise of the birth or it is when the once the delivery is and it again promised that it is to be delivered next time should be on time to fulfill the criteria. The external effects of the dependability are very important and is generally regarded a right thing by the customers (Van Schothorst, et al., 2009, pp. 967–979). When the delivery of the services is delayed, it hurts the customers. The external effects of this objective performance are top boosting the probability of the clientele which offers more businesses contracts. The dependability has no such direct effects on costs internally, but it can achieve the goal through three ways i.e. by saving the time, which in turns save the money as it is that the time is money. When the money is saved, it will give more chances to the business to be expanded. The highly dependable system is also vital for increasing the speed performance (Elgazzar, et al., 2012). The Marriott hotel is the big example of the dependability performance. They are delivering their services on time either they were outdoor or indoor. Their customers are highly responding with new business contacts. Through the higher rate of dependability, the Marriott has greater incomes and profitability.
5) Cost
Cost is the very dominant objective performance in every business as the companies want to maximize their profits, and what they want to minimize is really the values of their business. The cost varies mainly because of the different structures of the organization (Elgazzar, et al., 2012, pp. 276–289). The second most important thing is that if the other four performances are well then the cost objective should also be in declining the prices. In the operations if the business or organization is, higher the speed, higher the quality of the products and services, greater reliability and elasticity, not only they will carry their own peripheral effects, but it can also lower the operation costs (Vikram et al., 2011, 1-14).
The Marriott hotel is working continuously on minimizing their costs through these measures. They are reducing their costs by efficient utilization of their all resources including the human resource and material resources so that to reduce their costs. They are really focusing on all the measures through which they can have an efficient/optimum level of prices.
This study is done on the five performance objectives that are evaluated in the context of a running business that almost providing the services to their clients i.e. the Marriott hotel, which is internationally recognized and standardized services and goods providing firm. The Marriott hotel is utilizing all the techniques and tool to make their allocation efficient so that, to achieve the five main objective performances. The study first discussed the five performance goals intensely and then it was specified in our case study i.e. the Marriott hotel. The Marriott hotel is the big example of the five goals performance chain. The Marriott hotel has proven her in quality, speed of services, flexibility, dependability and costs. The component activities in Marriott hotel are like that of any other prestigious organization. The hotel has the international standard quality in their foods and other services, which attract the customers in bulk to make deals with Marriott hotels (Vikram et al., 2011, 1-14). The quality is by international and hygienic standards and then offered to the customers. The speed of services is also convincing. They have high speed in their internal operations as well as the external processes. Internally, they are not wasting the time in adjustments in works and offering the services to their clients. Externally, they are delivering the products and services very fast and do not waste any time when the customers demand it. The dependability is the main characteristics of the Marriott services. They are attracting more and more customers on their good performance. They are very flexible, and their adaptability is very higher. They incorporate the valuable suggestions of their clients and other experts to make them convenient. They are performing very well and efficiently in all aspects. Therefore, their cost of production always leads to the minimum optimum level. In addition, when the cost is lower, and revenue is greater, then the profits are being maximized.
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