Free The Role Of Hunting In The Conservation Of Animals In Our Society Research Paper Example

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Hunting, Animals, Species, Conservation, Wildlife, World, Trophy, Internet

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/12/16

In ancient times hunting was one of the major population’s activities, because with help of hunting men were able to feed their families in order to survive. Time has passed, and things have changed. Nowadays, only in particular regions the purpose of hunting is feeding because there are no other options to get food; in most of the cases people go hunting as it is their hobby, and they perceive hunting as a leisure time. However, in a modern environment, many animal species are becoming extinct and even more species are in great danger. Therefore, conservation of wildlife becomes an important issue and animals’ protection is one of the steps towards a healthy thriving environment in our planet (
There are two main points of view about what impact hunting has on conservation of animals in our society. In fact, some argue that hunting is an unnecessary thing, or even a sport, that people use only in order to please themselves and to feel themselves powerful. Others, in turn, stick to the opinion that trophy hunting can actually contribute to conservation, as it represent a great financial support to the organizations that are involved in animals’ protection. Therefore, we can see that there are two perspectives, each of which have points in support (,
First, if to take into consideration that many people view hunting as the sport that involves killing, most of us will say that this activity definitely negatively influences fauna, because it leads to the gradual destruction of some species. What is more, some activists sometimes even call hunting “the murderous business”. The point is that killing animals did play a significant role in prehistoric times, when plant gathering and hunting were the only means to survive, but in modern societies, it is just a violent entertainment for rich people. There are different clubs of hunters who pay enormous amounts for money in order to get the permit to shoot animals on special territories, especially in Africa. What is interesting and shocking, is that the hunters from elite hunting clubs like The Safari Club International are more willing to kill big rare animals, like elephants and leopards that are at a critical danger to extinct in some years. There are even different contests in which the members of The Safari Club compete on the basis of who will kill some certain species and who would do it faster. Those contests are called killing contests, even by the participants. It means that they understand that they are striving to kill the habitants of our planet who make it so diverse and beautifulю IDA Organization, In Defense of Animals, encourages the society to help to end trophy hunting, because they believe that there are no positive sides for the conservation of animals in killing them. The activists of this organizations claim that “while most empathic people prefer to simply watch these magnificent animals, already struggling to survive in human-dominated landscapes, trophy hunters fulfill their lust to kill the largest animals and the most exotic animals” ( Moreover, they argue that there are several psychological issues, which drive hunters to do it, and that societies all over the world suffer from it, as it endangers our mother nature (
Another perspective is that hunting is actually a positive activity to some extent, because it contributes to recreation of rare species and provides significant financial support to the conservation parks and organizations. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service states that a lot of funding for different conservation activities comes from the sale of carious hunting tools and hunting permits and licenses. The rarer the animal species are, the more expensive the permit to shoot them costs. There are many claims that trophy hunters actually make a significant contribution to the wildlife of our planet, because by paying all the fees and special taxes associated with hunting they, so to say, invest enormous amount of money in the conservation programs that are target to improve the wildlife environment for all the species. Moreover, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service leaders suggest that hunters not only contribute, but also with cooperation of national conservation organization actually help to protect the future of our planet’s fauna (
In addition, there are points in support for hunting because it helps to control the population of some species. Not all of animal species are extinct or are in danger, some animals have uncontrolled population and are rapidly increasing in number. Therefore, it depends on the species that are being hunted, but sometimes there are even free hunting events that are organized in order to control birth levels of some species in order to save plants and other animals from extinction. For example, some parties quite often justify hunting deer, because it is essential for the population control of these animals. Still, the activists who are fighting for animals’ right and who step up in defense of conservation of animals strongly disagree with this justification. They explain it in a way that nature is the environment that will be able to regulate it and will take care of the animal population rates (
Thus, we can see that there are different opinion about the impact of hunting on wildlife of our planet. Without any doubt, hunting activities, or, as many would say, hunting sports, have a significant impact on the conservation of animals in the society. Different organization and clubs express confrontational feelings and arguments in support for their opinions. However, it is crucial to remember that our planet is the entity that we should constantly preserve and take care of. Therefore, careful attitude towards all animals’ species is essential to keep the earth we live in safe and prosperous.

Works Cited

"Anti-Hunting." In Defense of Animals. Web. 11 Mar. 2015. <>.
"Can Trophy Hunting Actually Help Conservation?" Conservation Magazine. 15 Jan. 2014. Web. 11 Mar. 2015. <>.
Capps, Ashely. "Hunting for Wildlife Population Control and Ethical Eating?" Free From Harm. 14 Jan. 2015. Web. 11 Mar. 2015. <>.
"Species." World Wildlife Fund. Web. 11 Mar. 2015. <>.
"Trophy Hunting." In Defense of Animals. Web. 11 Mar. 2015. <>.
"What Do Hunters Do for Conservation?" Fish and Wildlife Service. 4 Mar. 2014. Web. 11 Mar. 2015. <>.
"Why Sport Hunting Is Cruel and Unnecessary." PETA. Web. 11 Mar. 2015. <>.

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