Geography Study Of Kuwait Case Studies Examples

Type of paper: Case Study

Topic: Middle East, Geography, Water, Extinction, Environment, Region, Town, Future

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/12/15


Geography is the study of the features, landforms and their formation and distribution in the earth surface. Physical geography is the study of the patterns and the processes of the atmosphere-biosphere, hydrosphere, and the lithosphere. Kuwait is a country in the Middle East located at the tip of the Persian Gulf. It shares its boundaries with Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Kuwait’s population is estimated at 4.1 million people with 2.8milion are expatriates. This paper purpose to analyzes the physical geography of Kuwait. The paper identifies the population growth rate as influenced by the physical environment. It explores the natural resources that they are utilized and maximized by Kuwait. It further reviews the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere and the biosphere of Kuwait, In addition, it examines the role of physical geography in the current settlement. The future of one’s hometown impact on the physical environment.

Influence of Physical Geography of Settlement in Kuwait

Apparently, the physical geography of Kuwait had an imperative influence on the historical settlements in Kuwait. The predecessor nomadic tribes of Kuwait choose to settle on the Arabian gulfs in eighteen century because this place has attractions and a considerable number of potential resources perceived to support a number of developments. The above was the main reason the early nomadic tribes of Kuwait choose to settle in this place. Kuwait is a country conducive and favorable for recreational and tourist activities (Akengin & Gurcay, 2014). Additionally, the soil and the availability of water in this region made it possible for the nomads to obtain water for their livestock and agricultural use as well. Though the major economic activity of the nomads who settled in Kuwait was animal rearing, the propensity of the soils to nurture crops and the readily available water made then consider settling in this place. Additionally, another major factor that made the early incomers settle in Kuwait is the available mineral deposits in the area. The available mineral deposits in this area enticed the predecessor settlers to hold on to this region. Additionally, this place had a promising future owing its capacity to accommodate developments.

Kuwait Atmosphere

Kuwait is characterized by an arid climate. Kuwait has a high difference in temperature between summer and winter. Rainfall in the Kuwait varies from 75 to 150 millimeters annually. Average high temperatures on a daily basis range from 42 to 48 °C (Fisher, 2013). The highest ever temperature measured in Kuwait was at 53.8 °C at Sulaibya. Mitribah temperatures till the mid-2010 were influenced by overexposure circumstances and the station though it was later fixed while the lowest temperature measured was −6.1°C at Kuwait City 1964 (Jain, 2014).The summers are fairly long, majorly characterized dramatic dust storms between March and April. Late summer is mainly humid. As from October, the colder winter weather comes in, reducing the temperatures to as low as −6 °C at night while the daytime temperature is estimated at the 10–17 °C. During this time, there are brief though strong thunderstorms. Frost occurs during the time that the temperatures fall below 5 °C (41 °F). Precipitation is common and experiences majorly during winter. Kuwait faces colder weather since it is in a northern location, and as a result of cold winds from upper Iran and Iraq.

Kuwait Lithosphere

The common landforms of Kuwait include the islands of Kuwait and the wadis of Kuwait. The Islands include the Failaka, Auhah, Miskan, Warbah, Bubiya, Umm a Namil, Kubbar, Qaruh, Umm al Maradim and Shuwaikh Island. Kuwait has Wadis for the permanentrment rives that it does not have. The wadis include; Bahrat al Abraq, Bahrat al Mirfi, Shaib Rujm al Jahtan and Wadi al Batin.

Kuwait Biosphere

The rare plant and animal species in Kuwait include; Ryanterium Epapposum, Kuwait’s national flower, referred as ‘Arfaj,’ is on the edge of extinction because of high human activity.Arfaj one of the 370 species of plants that are at the verge of extinction in Kuwaiti. Another plant on the edge of extinction is lyceum (Khalaf & Al-Awadhi, 2012). It’s a thorny plant that grows to a height of 2-3 meters. It serves as natural habitat for numerous living organisms in the desert like snakes, lizards, insects, and birds. Lycium population is slowly declining. Classified as a tree in the desert, Lycium has natural water reserve such that it may enhance the survival of the living organisms on it.
Gynandiris Sissirinchium produces an orchid flower like famously known as ‘iris’ is rarely found in the desert. Iris is a decorative plant, commonly used during the past years, but now it has been overtaken by flowers imported European countries. The Iris flower naturally purple in color and can be matched to a tropical orchid flower, the variance being that iris has tiny and attractive flowers that are very attractive. Senecio glaucus is the most commonly and attractive natural yellow flowers, that shoots during early spring. Though its origin is not from Kuwait but Kuwait ancestors discovered its ornamental value. The Nuwara plant has yellow blossoms. It is mostly found in the deserted regions in Kuwait. Senecio glaucus is the only ornamental plant that is rising in number, though they are not factored as native plants to Kuwait.

Kuwait Hydrosphere

The water bodies in Kuwait include; The Bay of Kuwait and the Rivers of Kuwait. Kuwait does not have permanent rivers though they have river-like marine channels namely; Khawr Bubiyan, Khawar Az zubayr, khawr abd Allah Khawar as Subiyah and khawar al Tha’aleb (Al-Mnais, 2013).

Role of Physical Geography in the Current Settlement

The physical geography of Kuwait has propelled economic growth and trade in Kuwait for instance through the natural harbor of Kuwait (Jain, 2014). Secondly through utilization of resources such as oil the nation can earn revenue, as well as income. The residents of this region get their seafood mainly through fishing that is also an important aspect. The indigenous plant within Kuwait is used by the settlements as ornaments among other things.

The Future of the Physical Geography

The future of various physical aspects for instance water bodies faces extinction as a result of growing population within Kuwait. The river-like marine channels are likely to face extinction. Also, the climate of the region is expected to change in the near future. Because of increased human activity which cuts down the trees, industrialization which leads to emission of gasses that affect the climate for instance Carbon dioxide (Al-Mnais, 2013). The biosphere of Kuwait especially the indigenous plants are facing extinction due to deforestation. The fish and other sea organisms will in the near future reduce in number as a result of overfishing.


In conclusion, Kuwait has for a long time been considered as the most conducive and economically stable region since its predecessor nomadic tribes settled in this place. Precipitation is common and experiences majorly during winter in Kuwait. This region is defined by its exclusive physical features, hydrosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, and atmosphere.


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Fisher, W. B. (2013). The Middle East (Routledge Revivals): A Physical, Social and Regional
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gypseous coastal nabkhas on Bubiyan Island, Kuwait, Arabian Gulf. Journal of Arid Environments, 82, 31-43.

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