Gladiator Movie In Historical Perspective (Roman Civilization) Essay Sample

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: History, Cinema, Movies, War, Battle, Rome, Literature, Family

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2021/02/04

The current movie is a complicated topic for a historical discussion. Gladiator is both the best and the worst of the movies. There are both strong and weak sides within the movie when talking about its meaning for the ancient history observation. The string part is that the Gladiator is a part of a serious number of books, plays and pieces of art that are far more successful in attracting public attention to the history of Roman civilization than the professional historians.
However, the series of unrealistic facts that are present within the film cannot be forgotten as these issues are closely connected with the essential moment in the Roman history. The whole film can be characterized as the fictional main story that sis put inside the set of real historic facts in really existed empire. The analysis of these themes allows the audience to get further understanding of history as a whole. The movie is marked by the serious historic mistake in the first scene. When researching the history of Roman Empire, it becomes clear that there were not last great battle against the German tribes that is shown in the first minutes of the movie. There was one daylong battle that occurred in 179 AD. However, Marcus Aurelius died on March 17, 180 Ad and therefore he had not finished his plan of the new military campaign.
The figure of Commander Maximus as absolutely fictional as there was no such person even with the other name, age or appearance. Moreover, even if Maximus was real, he could not have been the German shepherd as this breed did not exist in the Ancient times. The military science of those times perfectly shows that catapults with fireballs could not have been used in the battle son the open battlefield as they were too cumbersome.
Another important detail to be mentioned is the relations of Marcus Aurelius and Commodus. There were really close and Marcus used to teach his son how to fight and govern. He was not afraid of him and he definitely was not distrusting him or trying to replace him with another descendant. Commodus became an emperor when he was a young boy and he already had a wife. Moreover, he ruled for 13 years, and he was not killed by someone like Maximus on the area. He died because of the wound he received from his sparring partner. Commodus is observed in historical documents as adequate and wise governor. Therefore the reign of this emperor has to be review in the term of the movie.

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