Goals And Expectations Essays Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Sociology, Family, Placement, Organization, Cape, Experience, Human Services, Social Work

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/10/14

Just like any other student, I am excited with the prospect of actually going into the field and gaining the much needed experience in my area of study. I believe the field placement coupled with the theoretical aspect of my studies will be integral in my future endeavors in the professional world. The field placement will further offer a generalist experience in social work and enable me arrive in the advanced year with a broad outlook on theoretical frameworks, social work ethics and values, and an understanding of the social work general practice.
I believe that Cape Atlantic Integrated Network for Kids will be a superb avenue for me to learn and practice. Cape Atlantic I.N.K is anon profitable organization that aims at coordinates and facilitates provision of care to children with most complex behavioral and emotional needs in Cape May and Atlantic, New Jersey counties. The organization’s mission and values center on creating solutions to the youth, children and their families. The organization is further an ideal place for placement as it’s a core component of the statewide initiative aimed at reforming the way affected families’ access supportive services. With much emphasis on individual children and adolescents, the organization adopts a unique model that taps into their positive elements and assets.
The instructors at Cape Atlantic INK will be key to the whole placement experience. With their vast experience, they will offer guidance as interact with various families, youth and children at the institution. The supervisors will further be integral in offering insightful advice on how to manage different case scenarios ensuring that I stick to the core ideals of the organization. My placement at the institution will not only be based on my growth as an individual but also on impacting on lives that interact with. I will be able to demonstrate self-awareness in the professional context accepting the value of differences and diversity of each individual client. The placement will also be integral in aiding me demonstrate my ability to proficiently communicate written and oral information in a manner that reflects professionalism in the social work field.
The Cape Atlantic I.N.K experience will also extend my understanding of social issues such as poverty, substance abuse, mental health problems, social discrimination and injustice. It will further be key in understanding how these social issues impact on communities and individual clients while at the same time determining their solutions. With the help of the instructors, my placement will enable me grasp the aspects of carrying out culturally appropriate interviews and arriving at suitable interventions for different case scenarios.
I will ensure that I put into practice my skills acquired from my social studies. This will be prudent in ensuring that families, children and the youth that come to Cape Atlantic I.N.K. improve on how they relate to each other. For instance, by ensuring that they appreciate their individual attributes as well as their contribution. This will go a long way in creating acceptance and forging strong bonds socially and at familial level.
One thing for sure the experience at this institution will stretch me to the limit but as with any other learning process, one skill will build on another. I will eventually emerge an all-round individual rearing to embrace the professional world with much confidence and insightful knowledge on what role suits me as a social worker. The placement will ultimately ensure that I grasp the greater breadth and depth of the theoretical frameworks and fundamental skills that are essential in the social work practice.


Sweitzer, H. F., & King, M. A. (2009). The successful internship: Personal, professional, and civic development. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

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"Goals And Expectations Essays Example," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 14-Oct-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/goals-and-expectations-essays-example/. [Accessed: 08-Sep-2024].
Goals And Expectations Essays Example. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/goals-and-expectations-essays-example/. Published Oct 14, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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