Good Air Conditioning Is Needed In Freshman Dorms Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Students, Air, Sleep, Air Conditioner, Installment, Tuition, Weight, Building

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/12/31

It is a wonder why the college freshman dorms have no air conditioning. Since the beginning of their occupation, there has never been air conditioning in the freshman dorms at the Pepperdine University, even though there is air conditioning in every other campus buildings. Most students complain constantly about the lack of air conditioning in freshman dorms.
Installing and maintaining air conditioning in student dorms will be costly. Lulu Zainal, a freshman admitted to 2015 spring semester said "Tuition is already high, with installment of air conditions in new student dorms, it can go shy high .” Currently, the tuition is almost $65,000 per year. Air conditioning installment can increase the tuition charges. According to, a central air-condition system will cover approximately two thousand square feet, and each freshman student dorm building at Pepperdine is almost seven thousand square feet. Therefore, Pepperdine would have to install four air-conditioner units for each dorm building. The prices of high efficiency and long lasting units range from five to ten thousand dollars. The units alone cost from $40,000-$80,000 per building. Additionally, maintenance and repairs cost $150 to $900 per unit. Thus, the installment of central air can call for an increase in the tuition.
Even though air conditioning installment is costly, many students believe that they deserve air conditioning in their dormitories. Alice, a freshman, says “Since the tuition is high, students should get the best education and housing as well.” Pepperdine requires new students to live in its dormitory; therefore, new students cannot get away from living in "non air conditioned" rooms. Rooms lacking air conditioning get warm and it is hard to sleep in them. Sleep-deprived students face problems associated with both physical and emotional health risks.
"Freshman fifteen" is very usual at Pepperdine University. states "Ghrelin is the ‘go' hormone that tells you when to eat, and when you are sleep-deprived, you have more
Ghrelin," An anonymous students says “I can’t seem to stop myself from food. I need it always, I don't know when to stop.” With weight gaining, students face health problems. According to, some of the side effects of gaining weight are heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. In addition, students that gain too much weight start to get insecure about their bodies and uncomfortable with how they look. The lack of sleep caused by warm rooms could contribute to weight gain and serious health problems.
Stress is a hefty burden. With lack of sleep, students get stressed out. Sleep-deprived students tend to drink lots of coffee to stay up in class. In addition, most of them are always worried as they sleep in class. Other sleep deprived students make irrational decisions in class or in public. Ninety percent of the freshman say that they have made at least one irrational decision when they were sleep deprived. Sleep deprived students are usually very short tempered and are more likely to do something compulsive such as arguing with the professor or classmates, fighting, or cursing. Further, a sleep deprived student might cross a red light to avoid being late to class. Students get hurt badly since the amount of pressure they undergo is high.
Ultimately, students are affected by the lack of sleep. This report might sound exaggerated. However, it is a new lens to see how air conditioning is important. Not every point is vivid, yet the general picture shows that human body is fragile to external factors. The installment of air conditioning will decrease the number of sleep deprived students.

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