Good Al Gore's Nobel Prize Speech And Climate Change Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: World, Environmental Issues, Climate, Development, Climate Change, Horror, Actions, Carbon Dioxide

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2021/01/05

Available evidence from both records of geology and observations show that the climate has been changing over time. One of the most noticeable change is the warming climate of the earth. Global warming has been blamed on greenhouse gases (GHGs) that has been accumulating in the atmosphere over time. CO2 is one of the GHGs and is a product of combustion of fossil fuels like oil, coal and natural gas. Scientific evidence suggests that continuous buildup of CO2 is largely to blame for global warming and climate change (Mathez 4) but despite this, there has not been a serious consideration to address the key issues.
In his Nobel lecture, Al Gore focused mainly on the issues of climate change. The speech mentioned a number of issues such as the causes, the impacts, necessary measures to cut climate change, the world view and the future of people on earth if nothing happens. He also identified milestones that have been achieved in the past. Al Gore emphasized the need for action, and not just any willing individual-based action. The kind of action Al Gore suggested is a collaborative global action. Climate is a continuum stretching the whole earth from east to west, and north to south. An activity that happens in one part of the earth, and which has a negative impact on the environment, has a direct or indirect effect on the climate in another position of the earth. One example is burning of fossil does not help if 150 countries of the world that contributes, say 20%, CO2 emission agree to reduce their emissions while the remain countries that contribute 80% continue to emit. Reduction in emissions requires everyone’s participation.
According to Al Gore, global warming and climate change is a planetary emergency. And it is true. But in his speech, Al Gore pointed out that there is hope since there is an opportunity to reverse the situation by cutting emissions. However, this requires bold, decisive, and speedy action. But some world leaders, as Al Gore pointed out, are not ready to do so. Every day, millions of tons of CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere. Despite scientific evidence of its effect, few people seem to care. Perhaps those who are least concerned might not have conceptualized this magnitude given the colorless, odorless, and tasteless nature of the gas. Industries, automotive, power generation facilities, heating at homes and commercial entities, and other activities involving fossil fuel combustion are responsible for the huge quantity of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere daily.
Climate change has been associated with major disasters in the world in the recent past including extreme weather situations. To support this, he gave out several examples including increasing global temperatures that has resulted in reducing northern polar ice cap, melting glaciers, massive droughts, massive flooding, and deadly storms (Letcher 165). The accompanying consequences being loss of livelihood among people like farmers, civil strife due to climate refugees, massive displacement, destruction of cities, loss of species, and loss of lives. Evidence is available and everyone knows the consequences climate change. Climate change has no boundaries and the threats are increasing on a daily basis. Al Gore is wondering why the procrastination yet the threat is real. Delays in mitigating the effects of global warming might reach a point where the damage is irreversible.
Climate change requires global action. It requires commitment from global leaders, active role of the business community, and innovation such as the utilization of clean energy sources or fossil-fuel burning technologies that can scrap CO2. Al Gore likened also compared the global action with how the world has joined hands in the past in to address many things. In his view, issues of climate change ought to be addressed in an ethical perspective: it is about protection of the lives for the present and the future. Nobody should afford to ignore.

Works Cited

Letcher Trevor. Climate Change: Observed impacts on Planet Earth. Oxford: Esevier, 2009. Print.
Mathez Edmond. Climate Change: The Science of Global Warming and Our Energy Future. Chichester: Columbia University Press, 2009. Print

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