Good Analytical Report Report Example

Type of paper: Report

Topic: Training, Management, Human, Human Resource Management, Workplace, Employee, Attitude, Belief

Pages: 7

Words: 1925

Published: 2021/02/11

Executive Summary

Purpose and Topic
This report has been developed to cover the various possible methods and techniques to be used for training organizational managers on the effective methods of handling human attitudes. The methods that will be covered, in this case, involves the basic information delivered methods and are active training, non-active training and combination training method.

Training basics

The report will start with the objectives and the goals like in any training programs to establish the direction of the program. The objectives are desired on the needs of the managers to be able to handle the human resources (employees) and hence bring satisfaction in the company. Secondly, the report will look at the assumptions made on the training program that will be based on the possible and probable results of the strategy. The main assumption of the training is that the training will also lead to maximum benefit only if the trainees can apply the theory to the topic of discussion.

Active training

In the training, there will be active participation of the trainers in the attempt to evaluate and explain the application of the human resource management theory. The methods of active training which include the seminars, social interaction, simulation and experiments have been designed to ensure proper flow.

Non-Active Training

Non-active training is also necessary where general lectures will be given to the trainees. They will also be given the power point presentation and also various case studies to help in solving the current problem I the organizations.

Combination Training

The combination training incorporates the two methods of training which is active and non-active training. This means the trainer will use the two methods where applicable, and this may enhance the rate of understanding of the trainee. Mostly, at this juncture, the trainer will be concerned with giving the relevance of the theoretical materials using a practical example, presentation, and life experiences.


Based on the research which I carried out effectively through a long period of enquiry, I have found that combination method is the techniques that may be effective in training managers on how to manage to deal with the human resource. The method attains the maximum utility in training and the learners to understand the concepts better. The method is also assumed to have a long term impact on the trainees.


Goals of any training program
The main goal of this training program will be:
Ensure the learners get maximum knowledge on human resource issues,
Learners understand the causes of attitude and personality change in the organization.
Designing of the training program should ensure enough time and capital resources to accelerate the achievement of these goals. The program should also ensure that the learners who, in this case, are the managers can see development in handling the human resource issues.

Main training assumptions

The assumptions of this training program rotate around the universal assumption of any training and are as follows;
That at the end of training the learners will be able to develop coordinated strategies towards ensuring the employees (the new and old employees) are highly motivated. By the end of the training, we assume that the learners will be highly sensitive to the issues of employees and will be able to develop effective strategies to ensure that the culture of the company is highly upheld.
That before the training is done; we will have established measurable standards and objectives. This will ensure that the learners are objective in the training, and they can measure the performance of the training program according to their needs. This may even create a point of the positive question and answer for effectiveness.
There is also an assumption that evaluation will constantly be done to ensure that the skills delivery and understanding is taking place at the acceptable measure. This assumption also takes into consideration the changes that can be effected during the training period.

Purpose Statement

This report focuses on the various training designs that can be applied to the training managers on conducted the human resource function. It aims at enlightening the managers on the essential considerations of human resources (employees) and their sensitivity to the attitude and motivation of the employees (Richard 20). The basic purpose of the report is to apply the training expertise to the managers of Frozzy Inc. whose managers want to develop effective performance when dealing with human resources and hence ensure increased productivity of the organization. The three methods to be examined will are the active, non-active and the combination methods of training.

Active Training at a Glance

This involves the active participation of the learners in the learning process throughout the training process. The active training of the managers will involve utilizing all the educationally (theoretical and practical components) sound practices (Picchio and Jan 78). These practices will involve case studies, apprenticeships, business games, on-the-job training, self-directed learning, simulations, role plays and behavior modeling.
The active training should help to develop important skills in the management of human resources while at the same time ensuring deeper understanding of the duties of the managers. The active training should also show the completion of the task through direct application of teaching in the real world. They active training is therefore supposed to ensure there is an interaction of the learners with the workplace.

Non-active training

The non-active training, on the other hand, is when the learners do not actively participate in the training but rather sit back just absorbing the trainers materials. These materials are mainly delivered through lectures and audio-visual techniques that are meant to give the theoretical components of the training. More so, non-active training can be done through online processes where the participants are not highly involved. Some of the major techniques that will be used in the non-active training will highly involve movies, lectures, slideshows and overhead techniques. These will be used for enlightening the performance effects of different treatment of the employees.
It is important to learn that with the non-active training techniques, the learners who, in this case, will be the company managers receive the information passively (Bartlett and Sumantra 85). This is mainly through listening and watching facts, problem-solving and processes that are clearly outlined and explained to them to enhance their performance. In our case, this will involve comparison of different actions of the managers and their adverse effects on the total performance of the employees. The training method will involve the variation of lectures with some other techniques that include the discussion created between the trainees and the trainers that are mostly for case studies. The Increase in knowledge will be enhanced through panel discussions, team teaching, managers directed presentations and outside phenomenon presentation. Additionally, guest speakers will be invited who include the gurus in the human resource departments and other highly successful and resourceful managers. We will expect that the training sessions and procedures will be communicated earlier to the trainees and the top managers to ensure there is greater cooperation between the training sessions and the daily businesses of Frozzy Inc. We will also hope to ensure that the non-active presentation will be done with much limited time.

A taste of Combination Training

Combination training is an integration of the two types of training (active and non-active training). This ensures that hands-on training, lectures, slide shows, case studies, experiments among other functions are carried out at the same time (Picchio and Jan 78) . This also ensures there is clear interaction in how processes are carried out and ensures highly reduced training cost while the trainers are leaping maximum benefit. It is also effective in ensuring reduced time for training and ensuring high understanding.

Other items to consider

When looking at the most effective training methods, it is paramount to consider other variables which include the ability of the trainer to use the method of training, the understanding capability of the trainees and the physical capabilities of both parties. This also takes the consideration of the application ability of the trainees to ensure effectiveness.
On the other side, it will be crucial to consider the companies characteristics, capabilities, and objectives. Various parameters will be taken into consideration to ensure there is the clear flow of how training is carried out. There will be need to cooperate with the program developer of Frozzy Inc, who will define the time when the training programs will be best suited. Additionally, the financial capacities of the company are expected to fund the training programs while ensuring the related social, and operational costs are catered for. The main issue will be to ensure that the basic parameters are taken into consideration while ensuring that there is above mark attainment of the objectives.

A closer look at active training

Active training is mainly a statement where training of a group of individuals will be done in a classroom setting while incorporating various techniques of training. It should be clear that this type of training is not only tied to lectures and presentation but involves hands-on engagements such as research and other techniques. This means some field work may be carried in the course of training. This fieldwork may involve data collection that may later be simulated to bring the facts about human resource productivity factors and the changes in attitude. In other words, this means that there is interaction of wide variety of different educational applications and situations that are necessarily designed to:

Enhance the learning process and environment

Enhance the managers/learners understanding of their duties and codes of conduct
Ensure there is the long-term effectiveness of training through increasing the retention rate of the information delivered.
Active training for attitude management purposes
As discussed in the above explanations, for the managers (trainees) to get the highest effectiveness in their performance, a set of methods will be used to ensure there is persistence in the general operation. Some of the methods to be incorporated in this are mainly fieldwork observation and data collection, case studies, measures of employees’ happiness through socialization, hands-on training, and simulations, evaluating the impacts of decisions made by managers in the economy and role play (Richard 25).
. These activities will be carried out according to the company suitability. Since the trainees are working with the employees on the daily basis, the trainers will use that opportunity to help them in measuring the satisfaction of the employees. More so, they may even conduct the interview with some few employees who will give details of the levels of satisfaction of employees.
Additionally, the fieldworks that involve the observation will be taken from the company premises. This will involve the observation and recording of the attitude development of new and old employees. The attitude development will be assessed through the measurement of happiness and performance from one period to another. More so, the managers in the training will also be required to attend a benchmarking tour to one of the most effective human resource efficient organizations. It should be clear that all the managers training in the sessions must have written their main objectives by the end of the training period (Richard 22). Through this, they will be able to get the information that is necessary to satisfy their objectives.
On the active training still, we expect to ensure that there is the equal chance for the senior human resource managers as well as low-level managers who deal directly with the employees. This will be possible through the case studies and role play. Case studies will be developed where each learner will be required to develop his/her informed decision on the case. The decisions and the solutions suggested by the various managers will be discussed openly to establish the best conduct towards the human persons in the organization. The role play method, on the other hand, is supposed to ensure that the managers under training can be able to take diversified activities in their organization. In the discussion rooms and lecture rooms, individuals are required to assume different positions in an organization where they should be able to deliver all the roles and responsibilities attached to that position (Richard 25).
. In all the exercises, the main concept and consideration will be the level of satisfaction delivered by the human resource personnel. They should ensure that the productivity of the organization is increased the utility of the human resources.
After the full data collection and human behavior observation, when individual are given the monetary and non-monetary incentives in different cases, the active training will enter into another phase of performance. This is the simulation face that main objective will be to ensure maximum efficiency in the performance of any activity. In line with this, the trainers will consider using the computer simulation software. Some of the variables to be used for the simulation will be:

Impact of increase the payment

Impact of offering training to the employees
Impacts of promotion
Impacts of employing new workers to work with the already established teams
Impacts of longer breaks and socialization periods.
Impacts of participatory management
Impacts of democratic leadership
Impacts of monarchical leadership
Impacts of segregation of the workers position and sociality.
The above factors among many others selected by the trainers in consultancy with the trainees in line with their objectives will be necessary to assess the attitude changes.
In my experience, I have discovered that some human resource managers are very conscious of what constitutes the human attitudes while others are quite ignorant. This training methodology will, therefore, aim at ensuring there are a high improvement in the manner those two classes of managers take up their roles in the organization. They should be ready to better the position of Frozzy Inc.

Information retention and active training

There are different levels of information retention is any human mind. The information retention level is the ability to hold information after it has been given through training sessions. The level of retention changes according to the method of training that was used. Hands-On Training method gives high retention ability, followed by discussion method while plain classroom was setting lectures give the lowest yield in the retention rate. This can be demonstrated by the diagram below:
Figure 1: Retention Rates
According to the diagram, the retention average retention rates are given as percentages of the total methods effectiveness. It is worth noting that the active methods of training attracts the highest level of retention and hence if the application assumption in the training is real; then the active training becomes the most effective training method.

Other active training considerations

However, some reduced costs will be incurred in the production process and the distribution process due to lack of full-time commitment. More so, there will be some costs related to the time used in the training. Refreshments during training and some transport expenses will also be sources of training costs. The highest costs will be the payments for the trainers who will be either contracted per every session or contracted for the full training session.

Non-Active Training: A lesson of Passivity

As said earlier, a non-active method is a highly passive method of training which incorporates the various delivery methods. As discussed earlier the managers training session will involve lectures, power point presentations, videos that involve human attitudes and the theoretical reading on various theories developed over a long period involving the human attitudes. More so, there will be audio listening of some recorded interviews and training sessions of on the topic of human resource management and more specific on the causes of change in human attitude. The best practice strategies and the emerging issues in the field of human resource will also be presented to through videos and lecture to ensure that the managers are conversant with the changes taking place in the world today.

The cons of Non-Active training

According to the studies and theoretical and practical ideologies in the learning field, it has been established that non-active training is characterized by the following disadvantages:
The attention of the audience decreases highly after the first five minutes whether he regards the lecture positive or negative. This continues highly to a point where the audience is worn out and unable concentrate anymore.

Audio lectures will only be useful to the auditory learners and hence leaves out the deaf and the disabled.

The facts behind the lectures and theoretical concepts cannot be established and hence lower-level of understanding facts.
People have different capacities of understanding, but the audio trainers assume that people have equal understanding capacities and pace.
According to the psychological study, most people will dislike the non-active training methods as they prefer to be totally involved in the practical points of view.

The Pros of Non-Active Training

On the other hand, it is important to appreciate that there are supporters of non-active training methods who base their argument on the following concepts. Firstly, they argue that the method is cheap as it does not attract many costs. Lectures are considered the cheapest information delivery method. Secondly, they argue that the lectures are backed up by the audiovisual presentation that may give a long lasting impression to the learners. Thirdly, it is argued that instructors who have engaged in this field for the quite substantial amount of time may give highly informative lectures that may put the minds of the learners in wondering situations thus understanding better. This type of training is also credited with arousing further research.

A look at the Lecture and its Variations

Different variations of lectures in employees training and development will be desirable to accommodate all the participants. The variables of lectures are supposed to ensure different information retention capabilities are met. In the non-active method, lectures will be given differently to ensure that these managers can interpret employees' attitude change differently and hence bringing up reasonable change. The different variables that can be applied are as follows:

Standards/ normal lectures- this involves the instructor talk about the human attitude and personality as the learners listen carefully.

Team teaching- this may involve contracting two instructors to lecture the audience (managers). They may either lecture on the same or take the different topic.
Panels- this is where the managers will be given information, and then the instructor develop a question and answer forum. This can be highly applied to Frozzy Inc manager where their sensitivity to the changes in human attitudes and personality can be highly increased. More so, this concerns the situation where the organization culture transfer techniques are highly sharpened by expert instructors.
Guest speakers- this is where a professional/ expert in the field of human resource and psychology will be contracted to give the lecture. Due to the expertise and the experience much is expected to be delivered.

Final Thoughts on Non-Active Training

It is paramount to appreciate that there are varied personalities, attitudes, motives that vary from one person to another. Therefore, in a class of twenty students, we expect that there are 20 personalities that are completely different from one person to another. Instructors, therefore, have to ensure that their methods of lecture and presentation consider the feeling, attitudes and personalities of all these people. It will also be necessary to be sensitive to all the words and topics used in the lecture and other non-active training methods.
Having been in the human resource department and a class as a learner, I can attest to the fact that human feelings are very much related to how understanding will take place. Trainer and the learners' relationship will also contribute highly to the success or failure of the training program.

The combination method: Active Meets Non-active Training

On the best applicable method of training managers in managing the changes in attitude among the employees, we are presented with another method that is the combination method. In the desire to establish the most applicable method of training an aggregation of active and non-active methods was established. The methods consider how different techniques can be bleed together to ensure maximum utility. For example, it considers how simulations can be worked out together with lecturers to bring higher understanding and retention capacity.

The common combinations

Combination method has become one of the most common ways of training which incorporates various requirements in the same of differentiated sessions. The combination techniques to be used, however, vary from one group of individuals to another. It also varies from one section of training to another. More importantly, it is the combination of the techniques will be highly dependent on the goals and objectives of the training. In this case, the best combination should be able to ensure that the managers can learn the factors leading to changes in attitudes and ways of maintaining organization culture.

Widely used methods of instruction

Given the different situations to leading to the demand for training, different audience and different types of objectives and goals to be attained at the end of the day, different techniques arising to the combination will be used. These are the instructional methods to be chosen in any one training program. Frozzy Inc managers training of the human attitude and factors leading to poor performance in the organization may, therefore, take any one of the following methods of instruction.
These methods of instruction are. Therefore, relevant while computed as the percentage of the time spent in them. The most preferred methods according to their preferences are lectures, business game, simulation, role play, case studies, video, benchmarking and discussions.

Other considerations for combinations

On the side of the instructors, this is the most efficient method since it enables them to give their maximum usefulness in the area of training. They will be able to cover all aspects of employees’ attitude and other social consideration at the same period. More so, they can get flow during their training and ensure much understanding. Additionally, they can evaluate their progress and performance as far as effectiveness in understanding is concerned.


At the beginning of this report, we were more concerned with evaluating the method that would be highly effective in delivering training to the managers of Frozzy Inc on the attitude management of employees. In line with this proper assessment has been done on the three approaches that are the active training, non-active training, and the combination training. These methods of training have been assessed through cost considerations, pros and cons underlying them among other factors. The method to be used is supposed to ensure that the main objectives are attained. That is, to ensure that managers can deal with employees characters and change in attitude while at the same time ensuring organizations culture is passed into new employees.
In my opinion that considers the stage of the organization and the problem underlying the training, I would consider the use of active training method that is highly effective and ensure maximum information retention. This is because human resource management requires much focus on key details. Since the audiences are the managers, much theory concerned with the non-active and combination method may not be desirable.

Works Cited

Bartlett, C., and Sumantra Ghoshal. "Building competitive advantage through people." Sloan Mgmt. Rev 43.2 (2013).
Picchio, Matteo, and Jan C. Van Ours. "Retaining through training even for older workers." Economics of Education Review 32 (2013): 29-48.
Richard, Michael A., ed. Employee assistance programs: Wellness/enhancement programming. Charles C Thomas Publisher, 2014.

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