Good Argumentative Essay About Religious Studies

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Belief, Religion, Opinion, Women, Society, People, Democracy, Freedom

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2021/03/01


The essay will compare modern and fundamental ideas of two philosophers: Sayyid Ahmad Khan and Murtaza Mutahhari. Khan is a follower of freedom of opinion while Muttahari explains the importance of following the Quranic rules as they the orders of Allah and lead only for goodness even if western people consider them as the restriction of rights.
Khan strongly believes that everyone should have entire freedom of expressing own opinions as it is the most important factor which leads to proper society and government ruling even believers should come to religion through discussions not accept religion as dogmatic idea. Such believers have a dead spirit. In the past Muslims reached much more success in searching the truth through reading, discussions which is impossible to say about modern Muslims of our society He claims that regardless of the quantity of people who think that someone’s opinion is wrong his opinion may be correct against all people. He states that restriction of pluralism shouldn’t be implemented in any field of life: religion, family, society. The theory of gravity of Sir Isaac Newton was prohibited by religion as an action that damages the very religion they favor. However nowadays there is no man who doesn’t know and respect him. Some ideas of the past which were considered as very important nowadays can be accepted as absurd. He thinks that ethics of expressing own opinions, the ability of listening others critics and, the most important, capability to benefit the true opinion are the principals of building right society.
Mutahhazi explains why women in Islam should wear hijab and it is not the action or wish of their husbands to jail them. Western opinions state that “the respect, honor, and nobility of a woman call for not haviing a hijab” (Mutahhazi, p.391). Clothing parts of body from who are not mahram to a woman keeps her from the interference pf men who lack of morality and ethics and keeps Muslims from haram minds. So the whole societies will stay purely. Mutahhari highlights the necessity of calling for people three times and not entering the house if they don’t permit as the owners of the house may be in such a condition that they don’t will to see anybody. He also emphasizes the command to cast down look which is should be followed by women as well as men because when a man and a woman stay along the third one is certainly satan.
In conclusion both ideas are colorful and brings their contribution in Islamic world.


Murtaza Mutahhari. On the Islamic Hjab, translated by Laleh Bakhtiar.
Tehran: Islamic Propagation Organization, 1987, pp. 47—64.
Azadi Ra’I (Freedom of Opinion) from Sayyid Ahmad Khan, Maqalat-I Sir Saiid. Edited by Maulana Muhammad Isma’il Pani Pati. Lahaur: Majlis-I Taraqqi-yi Adab, 1962, pp. 151-64

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