Good Argumentative Essay On Globalization And Social Media

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Sociology, Media, People, World, Globalization, Internet, Culture, Life

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/11/16

The world is changing rapidly and we should get used to these alterations. A case in point is globalization. Nowadays you cannot deny that its influence on our society is huge. Practically every aspect of our life is now affected by the transformations of the world. The process of globalization is the interaction between the governments, organizations and people. The main focus point of globalization in technology is relations that became possible due to the social media networks. The phenomenon of social media can be easily defined as a perfect utensil for people who have access to it. These people have a great opportunity to gain experience from the usage of outsource ideas. Social media helps to build trade relations between nations, their business investments and thus has several effects on the country’s economic development, politics, environment and culture. Social media has become an integral part of our life. In this new world money can be transferred just by a mouse click. Social networks are spreading every day, encouraging people to use them and thanks to the satellite communications globalization in the sphere of social media is spreading at every whipstitch. All spheres of life undergo globalization nowadays, so does the social media. (Enthymeme)
There is a meaning that globalization can be viewed as modernism. No doubt, the globalization of social media as an occurrence has both negative and positive effects on the society’s quality of living. We cannot deny that culture and globalization are interdependent. Neither culture manipulates globalization nor does globalization decide the quality and shape of culture. It is not surprising that globalization has always been criticized by the majority of sociologists. Some people suppose that it means prosperity and development but others believe that it leads to cultural degradation as people start losing their uniqueness and their values are becoming more and more similar. There was a time when nations preserve their peculiarities and now, due to globalization the boundaries between cultures are blurred.
There exist three reasons why media plays a major role in the process of globalization. First of all media corporations were globalizing their operations greatly. Second of all, these media organizations assist to create the infrastructure of global communications that simplifies cross-border commercial activities and the flow of global information. The last and the most important aspect is that due to global media we get to know about the events in distant countries and the information and images that we receive help us to understand their systems of meaning.
Globalization is impossible without social media. It is a well-known fact that Internet is available all over the globe and it is used by small businesses and firms to purchase their products. The principle of e-marketing is developing from day to day. In order to attract more customers, the firms change their strategies. The online social networking is a case in point that the behavior of the consumers has changed over the past few years because of the influence of social media on their tastes. Now consumers can follow the fashion trends and brands which are popular among other people and they want them and online shops are glad to satisfy their needs. Speaking about global successful advertisement we can’t help mentioning Coca Cola. The same strategy and the same formula are applied all over the world and probably that is the secret of their prosperity.
Despite the rigorous critique of social media it has many advantages. It can help people to find work places worldwide and the division of labor helps people to concentrate on what they are competent and the increase in global markets has promoted greater competition. (Medium) Big global markets mean greater opportunities and lots of possibilities to sell product around the world. Social media contributes to the sphere of political, economic and personal life. For instance, having access to modern technologies you are able to develop health care, information can be useful for education and communication will simplify commerce. With the help of social media cooperation, an agreement on several burning problems will be achieved like environment and immigration. When people see what goods and services are provided abroad it would lead to the increase of competitive challenge. The main advantage of globalization is the expanding of import traffics and world trade. Due to greater imports consumer can enjoy the variety of goods and this stimulates domestic producers to be competitive. For the developing countries exports mean economic growth and creation of new jobs as borders expand.
Apart from benefits of social media there are also some implications. As it was said as a result of globalization nations acquire similar tastes, common culture and become more homogeneous. In other words countries lose their cultural authenticity. Critics have always been anxious about the media impact on culture, society and politics and the influence of Western media corporations’ globalization. What we dealing with is cultural imperialism of the Western world because we can experience this impact not only in the economic sphere but on global consciousness and culture. On the whole it is safe to say that nowadays informational flows are directed by the global empires which spread their messages due to the communication technologies, for example social networks. (Medium)
In the twenty-first century people tend to live virtual lives in social networks like Twitter, Facebook and others. More or less the line between real life and virtual account disappears. Someone says that this is for good, that people became closer to each other; they share their lives with unknown people and make acquaintances. On the contrary, some people escape from reality; surfing the net they find soul mates, share their thoughts, photos. People practically spend their lives in front of the computer or mobile phone. Therefore, we have one more problem that can be defined as the invasion of privacy. It is a well-known fact that government uses social networks in order to spy upon people’s lives. The moderators of social networks make decisions what information should be published and what should be concealed. All correspondences are checked and your private life isn’t private anymore.
Sometimes social networks are very useful for people who use them wisely. To my mind, helping people is the main purpose of social media. As an example, Japanese female blogger Mari Kanazawa, who shares her thoughts about what is happening in Japan. She provides information that is useful for people. She uses social network in order to provide information on earthquakes and to safe people from disaster. Another example is Lygya Maya from Brazil. She uses Twitter, Facebook and Plaxo to promote her business and she succeeds. Lygya Maya attracts people from all over the world and shares her ideas. She has no need to travel around the globe to speak to her soul mates. Amr Hassanein from Egypt uses media in a different way, he feels himself as a social observer. He shares his attitude to the situation. He admits that social networks are the only way to deliver unfiltered information to people. All these people use social media in their own way and enjoy the consequences of globalization. For them social media is a source of information, communication and a place where they can share their thoughts with others.
The world is changing whatever we admit this or not and globalization is developing rapidly. At that rate the boundaries between cultures and cultural diversities will become ancient history. Whether these are good changes or bad changes we will see in the nearest future. As far as technologies are spreading around the world we face the phenomenon of the abundance of social media. It is the most effective way of rapid information spreading to a wide audience. Global connections are created due to the ability of social media usage. It is possible for countries to voice innovative and conservative concerns to all.

Work cited

Medium,. 'Impact Of The Globalization Of Social Media'. N.p., 2014. Web. 17 Feb. 2015.

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