Good Argumentative Essay On Travelling To The Galapagos Islands

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Tourism, Travel, America, People, Study, Vacation, Education, Galapagos

Pages: 10

Words: 2750

Published: 2020/11/21


The travel sector of the United States is considered as one of the major engines for economic and employment advancements in certain states after a decline in the country’s economy in 2008 sinking into recession. However, there are still a number of Americans who want to embark on the journey of exploration. It is clear that tourism is slowly evolving into a larger industry. The history of tourism is gradually progressing in a dynamic and exciting direction and that it is developing on a wider international façade. This development happened as identified in the formal constitution in the year 2002 of the International Commission for the History of Travel and Tourism. This section as a legitimate part of the International Commission on the Historical Sciences (Walton, 1). The substance of this history to the understanding and deeper indulgence of tourism as an outstanding breakthrough and as the world’s most dynamic industry has been slowly accepted in the culture. Also, the understanding of tourism as one of the leading industries in globalization has also gradually made an entrance that there has become a need to learn the history of tourism. This slow acceptance and innate conservatism as an industry has created the tendency to downgrade it to the certain borders that are unacceptable (Walton, 1).
This phenomenon has increased an unusual standpoint and that a professional inactivity has made the mentioned downgrade quite difficult to contest. Mutual recognition of these events in tourism has been hindered by varying and opposing writing styles. As the study of tourism is contrasting to the studies of cultural tourism, it has moved towards the direction of a social science paradigm with a very formal standpoint of the existing literature. This formal standpoint has had quite obvious statements of objectives, methodologies and aims while the historians who study the cultural views of tourism has moved to the tendency of writing fluidly and literarily. This issue has contributed to Walton’s opinion that any approach that opposes such fluid, literary and obvious writing styles must be looked at as an advantage (1).
Through these claims, not all individuals are aware of the historical value and the essentials of tourism. Not all people are motivated enough to explore what’s outside the borders of the United States. The beauty of rediscovering a nation’s history and tourist spots can enhance an individual’s view of the world. However, because of many constraints some people would choose to stay within their comfort zones to save more money. Again, this is a misconception. With the help of people travelling more, the economy can have a bigger boost. According to Mirbabayev and Shagazatova (1), statistics has spoken that tourism provides a rough estimate of 10% of the world’s total income. Also, through tourism, one-tenth of the world’s population is employed. Many individuals of today consider tourism as an actual and possible player in providing an outstanding economic performance. Many business professionals emphasize that the effects of tourism as a foundation for foreign exchange is considered as a way to balance foreign trade (Mirbabayev and Shagazatova, 1).
Along with the economic benefits of tourism, social contracts may also exist. Tourists and the people in local areas may exhibit a mutual understanding, appreciation, awareness, tolerance, learning, liking and respect. Tourists may give extra learning, and residents may have further education about what may go on in the outside world. The tourists alike may learn about the host country’s culture and tradition. Tourists can benefit local communities by contributing to the funds needed for social constructions such as schools, health care institutions and libraries by engaging in tourism. Local traditions may also be preserved and valued further since locals can exhibit lost artifacts and customs repetitively in order to showcase to the tourist by opening to the world of tourism. Through a repetitive showcase, the lost art and customs may go further away from extinction.
However, despite the reasons to travel as stated in the above paragraph, why are there still Americans who opt not to travel and just to stay in their comfort zones? In a survey made by CouponCodes4u in 2013, it is estimated that more than half of Americans or 54% of the citizens in the United States have not yet tried travelling outside the country. 35% of these admit to not having their passport (Peppers, More than half of Americans). This data was acquired from a pool of 2,105 Americans, 41% of which have admitted to not having travelled abroad; thus stating that they feel everything in the US is worth visiting. When asked if they are likely to travel to other countries if they could afford to do so, 49% of those surveyed said that they would. However, more than the 26% who said that they are contended to spend their vacations in local vacationing spots. Of course, there were some who said that they would remain in their state. 22% of those who preferred to stay in their state admitted that they had never gone out to journey outside the US borders in the past (Peppers, More than half of Americans).
According to Mark Pearson, the chairman of CouponCodes4u, the results revealed that money played a great factor in a common American’s travel decisions when it came to vacationing within the state, the country or abroad. Almost certainly, among the respondents who said that they were spending a vacation in their state this year, 31% of those said that their decision was because of financial constraints. However, despite this number, there are still 15% of those in this group who prefer to stay in their state. They say that the reason for their decision is because they don’t have any preferred country to go to for a vacation. Within those who have never gone out of the country before, 34% state that their preference not to go out of the country is because all their friends and family members are staying near. This very reason moves these individuals to feel no urgency to leave the country. Lastly, 5% of those who had never been abroad admitted that they have felt it unsafe to travel outside the US borders (Peppers, More than half of Americans).
This fact is as well supported by Rothenberg of Fox News who showed a recent survey from in 2014 where it was revealed that only 13% of Americans traveled abroad during the past year. From those who went abroad, more than 75% make $100,000 a year. According to Rothenberg (Americans not leaving), financial status is a big consideration for Americans who plan to travel internationally. Loewenstein, a professor of economics at Carnegie Mellon University, support this condition to the fact that the dollar is in a weak state. Other factors that hinder these potential travellers are the high ticket prices, the concerns about safety and those who prefer to keep people closer to home. One respondent from the Mississippi state relates that he is bothered with all the wars in the Middle East and the globe.
However, as Rothenberg (Americans not leaving), relates, travelling is not just about exploring the exotic areas. According to Leandro Villalon, dean of the International Center at the University of Florida, travelling is essential because it reveals the people to the varying cultures all over the world. As Villalon relates, travelling makes people better human beings. Through travelling, people are exposed to the wonders of how people live, how they eat, how they sing, dance and work and whatever it is that they do; thus making them better among others. Rothenberg also states that whether an individual travels domestically or internationally, research has shown a correlation between travelling and success in life. A study conducted by the United States Travel Association has revealed that students who have travelled were more likely to be financially and academically progressive and successful as opposed to their peers. Adults who participated in educational trips when they were between the ages of twelve to eighteen years old earn twelve percent more personal income. They were also more likely to attain college degrees again, as opposed to their peers. Since this is the case, the Skift survey has revealed that more and more people from the 18-25 age group had the chance to travel more in the last year because of certain college trips. As Villalon states as noted by Rothenberg, there is more of a push for students of this age group to see more of the world. It seems that every university in the United States has intensified the essence of the idea to study abroad over the last two decades as part of a student’s learning environment.
Another benefit as Rothenberg (Americans not leaving), relates is that travelling also creates a positive impact on employee performance. Employees, who take their vacation days to travel, perform better as compared to employees who take fewer vacation days. According to a study made by the Society for Human Resource Management and the Transamerica Center for Retirement Study, eighty percent of people and employees do believe that travelling improves their outlook towards life and their general mood. In general, while many Americans are interested to go abroad, getting there would be the main concern.
Of course, the academic and career profits are only some of the benefits given through the means of travelling. Another advantage produced when travelling would be its health benefits. As listed by the United States Travel Association, an annual vacation may cut back a person’s exposure to heart attack by 50%. Also, middle-aged men who are at high risk for coronary heart disease that can take annual vacations are 21% less likely to die of whatever the cause there happens. Those who also travel rate their overall health score one point higher (on the scale of 1 to 5) while taking a vacation. On the same survey, these travelers also get three times much deeper sleep after their travel vacation. Also, after their vacation, they claim to sleep at a rate of almost 20 minutes longer after their vacation. In the same study, it was revealed that leisure has been found to aid in the overall well-being through helping people sustain their mental and physical health (United States Travel Association, The Benefits are Everywhere).
In the light of providing health benefits, Travel can also save and help in restoring the relational and cultural morals of an individual. It was said by the United States Travel Association that some women who indulge into more travels are satisfied with their marriages. It may be because at least four out of ten travelers feel the romance more while on vacation, and nearly a third admit to making love more often while on the privilege of having a vacation. There are also those who claim to have felt more reconnected with their families upon returning from their travel destination. Also, majority of those students who were surveyed declared that while, on an international exchange program, they have felt to become more open-minded, trusting, confident, flexible and tolerant. All these newer traits were results of their vacation experience. In addition, eight out of ten individuals have claimed that the primary benefit given to them by these travels is the desire to travel for more.
Prominent travelers have also reported that they consider traveling to be an essential part of their well-being (82%). Reasons for travel being declared as an essential part of an individual is easy to predict. This fact is so because more than half of these prominent travelers or 52% of them say that they feel better or more relaxed after returning from a vacation. Even just the mere anticipation of travelling produces an increase in the positivity of a person about one’s family, life, economic situation and health. Satisfaction with one’s life greatly increases in the midst of travelling and continue after returning home. Patients as well revealed that while they were isolated and withdrawn before, were able to take part in dialogues after taking a vacation. As a matter of fact, the staff in this nursing home reported that vacations seemed to have erased the aura of depression that was part of a long gotten trauma from illness. Even business owners have their fair share of experiences when travelling. It is said from a survey conducted by American Express that the best ideas of business owners come not from work. Rather, their breakthroughs come from their downtime.
As proposed by the United States Travel Association (The Personal Benefits of Travel), at least spending time farther away from the office through travelling can provide a number of benefits for employees and employers. It was revealed that at least three out of four executives believe that taking vacations are needed for them to prevent getting burnout at work. Some say that travelling or vacations improve one’s creativity thus making it better for business. It is most certainly that by not taking vacations, an employee invites himself to the perils of burnout. He also welcomes the problems of stress, and a greater possibility of feeling betrayed or angry when things do not do as expected at work. The anxiety of top executives may impact the morale of the people thus causing productivity numbers to slide down through the ranks.
All these reasons mentioned above are enough benefits to prove that travel does uplift one’s spirit at this date and time of chaos. One recommended site to visit in South America would be the Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos Island is best known for inspiring one of the best evolutionary scientists of all time, which is Charles Darwin. The place has inspired Darwin’s theory of evolution that of which is often referred to as an “evolutionary Eden.” It is known as one of the world’s few strongholds of untouched nature (Henessy and McCleary 131). This unique place is a further away from the mainland, and it also helps identify the façade of the Ecuador. Since the time of the pirates, the islands were known as the Enchanted Islands that enticed many of the pirates who came at bay. The place has lured curious travelers with its unknown beauty. Found at more than 600 miles off the west coast of the Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands have developed into a place of isolation. The wildlife found in the islands is friendly and great with only a few animals who fear people. Unlike other tourist destinations, white sand beaches and margaritas are not prominent here. There are volcanic moonscapes, desert islands, jutting cliffs and emerald coves that can be expected while staying in the island premises.
The Islands of the Galapagos are known as Islands born from fire. The older islands are estimated to be four to five million years old. It was said that by Krahenbuhl (1), that these islands were created by underwater volcanoes that are listed as active until today. Because of its activity, it can be concluded that the archipelago is relatively young and can continue to evolve. There are almost 60 exposed landforms that are within the Galapagos area. Thirteen are known large islands and six are known to be the smaller islands. Forty of the whole archipelago are considered as islets. The largest island in the Galapagos is called the Isabela amounting to 80 miles long that of which is half of the archipelago’s total land area.
Perfect for tourists coming from a cold country, like the United States, the Galapagos Islands are located directly on the equator. However, they are exposed to different natural cooling factors that result in a more pleasant year-round climate. It is said that from June through December, the Humboldt Current from Antarctica and the equatorial current from the northern part meet to create a misty and cooling season. This phenomenon is known as the La Garua. On the other hand, the coolest and toughest climate occurs from July through October. When the year reaches January again, the Humboldt cold now weakens thus allowing a return of the warm waters of the equatorial current. It is said that the rainy weather may happen from January to March despite the fact that the climate remains hot. Viewing underwater would be best during this time Krahenbuhl (2)
At an almost interesting rate for any human alive is the island’s history. Who would not be curious to know and look at the place that inspired the face of humanity. The exploration started during Darwin’s five-week stay in the islands. The young scientist has studied, collected samples and have observed different plants and animals that of which he has noted similarities with the mainland family. His theory of evolution, finally resulted to one of the most widely accepted theories of evolution today.
The Galapagos environment has steadily remained as an intact body of nature as compared to its relative tropical forests. These will not be possible mainly without the international conservation efforts to preserve the Galapagos beauty that inspired one of the greatest phenomena of all time. However, due to certain events in today’s modern movements it has led to the degradation of dome of its parts. Although Darwin was fortunate enough to have witnessed the Galapagos at its prime, the 19th and 20th centuries has brought many advancements into the islands that led to its slow destruction. Fortunately, in the year 1959, the Charles Darwin Research Station started an intensive campaign for the captive rearing, protection and reintroduction of a nature program. The project by the organization has brought back tortoises to their original habitat. This alone makes it all the more worthwhile to visit the islands in order to help in its growing campaign for the establishment of nature within the islands.
One of the fascinating things about the island is that people can travel there by boat or plane to see the wildlife in the eyes of Charles Darwin. It is amazing to note that the island’s animals are not afraid of the people. Although owing it to history where many animals have died before, tourists are no longer allowed to touch some animals such as the sea lions, marine iguanas and the tortoises.
Because of its captivating beauty, Most tourists visit the Galapagos island through prearranged tours that usually last from five to eight days in the form of a cruise. Tourists may
Also, opt to explore the islands by land on day trips for three weeks or longer. Aside from its island tours, there are also notable shopping destinations and nightlife events. Along the avenue of Charles Darwin in the Puerto Ayora Island in the Galapagos, there can be found high-quality products for souvenirs. The best supermarket in the area is across the panga dock at the southern end of town. Also, for the party goer tourist, an individual may just follow his ears and ask his tour guide about the latest destinations in the area. It would also not be hard to communicate using English in this area being it a popular destination. However, if the traveler chooses to learn another language, Spanish would be the most logical language to learn while travelling in the Galapagos Islands Krahenbuhl (36).
Travelling outside one’s comfort zone can truly be a life-altering experience. Vacation time is quite precious, and it would be better to spend it with the people who are most important to you. The quality time that you and your family needs can be achieved by visiting a place such as the Galapagos. This fact is so because travelling through its shores means that one acknowledges the beauty of its nature and not for its nightlife parties. Travelling is the best form of education that an individual may get in this world. It alters an individual’s perspective on life, and it helps him realize that the world has more to offer than what you are currently getting in your safe zone. It gives a novel view of life through the eyes of another person from another country. Travelling teaches people to accept the outside and captivating world. It teaches us to go with the flow and somehow enjoy and accept situations as they come because travel throws us into the world of the unknown leaving us to solve all the troubles of our own. Truly, with all the educational, relationship, career and health benefits that Travel has to offer, it is one of the privileges that an American must try. It’s time that people get out to explore more of the world. What better way to do the exploring than through the eyes of the world’s greatest evolutionary scientist, Charles Darwin. His breakthroughs in the Galapagos island proves the area’s unwavering value for nature and wildlife.

Works Cited

Hennessy, Elizabeth, and Amy McCleary. "Nature’s Eden? The Production and Effects of ‘Pristine’ Nature in the Galápagos Islands." Island Studies Journal 6.2 (2011): 131-156. Print.
Krahenbuhl, Peter. Galapagos Islands - Travel Adventures. Florida: Hunter Publishing, Inc, 2014. Print.
Mirbabayev, Batir, and Malika Shagazatova. "The Economic and Social Impact of Tourism." (2006): Web. 22 Feb. 2015. <>.
Peppers, Margot. "More Than Half of Americans Have NEVER Traveled Outside the Country - and a Third Do Not Even Own a Passport | Daily Mail Online." Mail Online. Daily Mail Online, 23 May 2013. Web. 22 Feb. 2015. <>.
Rothenberg, Kyle. "Americans Are Not Traveling Abroad for Vacation, Survey Says."Fox News. Fox News, 28 Aug. 2014. Web. 22 Feb. 2015. <>.
United States Travel Association. The Personal Benefits of Travel and Taking a Vacation. Washington, DC: US Travel Association, 2008. Web. 22 Feb. 2015. <>.

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