Good Beauty: It Is Not What Is Seen To Be Believed Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Beauty, Symmetry, Life, Value

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/29

In his article, The Biology of Beauty, Cowley puts up tons of information regarding what are the components of beauty, how beauty is assessed, and how the living world is more or less “programmed” to decipher beauty at its slightest hint. Smitten by some “discoveries,” it appeared to Cowley that symmetry in body parts is the index of beauty, which empowers one to have more access in all faculties of life.
If we have to value the researched inference of Cowley then we need to discard all evidences of innumerable ugly people (in Cowley’s scale) earning all love and attention by virtue of their merit and performance. Cowley could have searched for symmetry in the faces or bodies of Einstein, Edison, or Messi before writing this article, as that would have surely added a reverse dimension to the whole topic.
However, the value of his article exists on the fact that it evokes interest on the origin and power of beauty. It prompts us to refresh our understanding of beauty and reassure ourselves that the sense of beauty still remains intrinsic and ineffable, and it is not just dependent on symmetry. Had symmetry ruled all choices of humans, there would have been no postmodernist movement, or nobody would have written poetry and there would have been no diversity across the globe.
While this review lauds Cowley’s effort to highlight the role of symmetry in all living organisms, it equally refuses to accept the huge proportion of object-oriented view in the article. It doesn’t explore how blind individuals see through their minds and decipher beauty; nor does it touch the issue of how super handsome sages easily manage to remain cool before symmetrical sexy sirens and engage them in the pursuit of real, endless beauty. Beauty lies in the minds and the real balancing act takes place there. We think, therefore we are. That is beauty. An eternal one.

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"Good Beauty: It Is Not What Is Seen To Be Believed Essay Example." WePapers, Dec 29, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.
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Good Beauty: It Is Not What Is Seen To Be Believed Essay Example. Free Essay Examples - Published Dec 29, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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