Good Building Counseling Theory To Help Students In The Educational Process Research Paper Example

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Children, Family, Counselor, Psychology, Nursing, Custody, Counseling, Exercise

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/12/07

Component #1: Developmental Considerations in Counseling

The counselors who work with adolescents are indeed playing with psychological fire because the young blood is a piece of submerged iceberg, and the psychologists have to phish for relevant information and emotions buried underneath the personality of the kids in order to identify the mental problems of those the subject may not be aware. The adolescents have untapped energy levels embedded within themselves, and the counselor had to help them in channeling the reserves in order to achieve great many things in life. The adolescents have to search for focal point in their life where they can apply their talents and emotions in order to attain satisfaction, and they will always respond to empowering thoughts from the counselor.
The counselor of developmental sciences has to take into account the family history of the patient, and then, his or her medical records have to be scrutinized in order to find out historical evidence of psychological issues that remained attached with the patient in the past. The counselor has to understand the fact that the early childhood packs the real causes of depressive behaviors in adolescents, and the incidents in the past can be related to the present of the person through application of logical sense.
A counselor must explain counseling as a helping tool that is going to help a special kid in the process of getting rid of learning and social difficulties, and for a bright child, the same procedure will take the shape of a improvement journey that will enable him or her to outshine others during the academic and professional career as well.

Component #2: Individual Counseling Process

The first stage of the counseling process with Nancy should form a trustworthy relation, and then, the counselor must let her realize that she is fortunate to leave a miserable life of foster care, and now, she has a family. The third stage will permit the subject to develop a socialization experience with the new family. The child should receive guidance to identify common interests with her siblings, and she has to practice patience in order to get results in this regard. Finally, Nancy had to spend time with her new family in order to know them, and eventually, they will accept her.
The term resistance is applied to human behavior that people exhibit towards new personal developments. They intend to hold onto what is familiar to them, and therefore, they have to receive motivation in order to befriend with the newness in their lives. The novelty in life introduces new dimensions in life, and the feeling of past mishaps and failures are going to create fear in one’s personality that behaviorally translates into the unwillingness to try new ventures. The element of resistance and fear does not allow us to take unnecessary risks, and therefore, protect us from potential harms. The resistance to change saves us from making fools out of ourselves. One must take a planned approach when trying to do something new in life.
The counselors can gift the patients suffering from fear with the valuable element of faith because it counteracts the presence of resistance altogether. The integration of planned approach towards life is going to help a lot in this regard as well. The counselor must detach him or herself from the patient by letting them know that the sessions are terminated from now onwards. However, this approach is going to create feeling of abandonment in the patient. Secondly, the counselor can tell the client to approach him or her when the need arises. In this way, the customer will have the control to guide the future of the relation. The counselor can cut the time of the sessions short, and encourage the client to enrich his or her life with other healthy activities. The counselor can let the client know that they will not meet in professional capacity again, but it will create the element of surprise, and therefore, it is not recommended. The counselor can pass the responsibility of terminating the therapeutic process to junior professionals in order to minimize the emotional costs of the process. Finally, the counselors can start ignoring the issues brought up during the sessions by referring to the findings of previous ones, and the client will stop coming as he or she will be able to see that he or she is not gaining anything new.

Component #3: Ethical and Multicultural Considerations

A minor cannot receive counseling in the absence of an elder, and the counselors have to avoid discussing sexuality with underage patients at all costs. The motivational interviewing is a method that works best in the case of adults. However, in collective cultures, one has to take the wishes of the family under consideration. In individualistic societies, the consent of the family does not matter. I will not discuss the issues of faith with a student with a secular academic background because it will drive him or her away from the process as we may create a disagreement in this regard.

Following is the informed consent form that will be used with adolescents and adolescents specifically:-

Contact ---------------------
I hereby consent to the subjection of psychotherapy in order to resolve my depressive behaviors, and I am well aware of the risks involved in the process, and I allow my counselors to prescribe drugs in suitable quantities in the conquest of resolving my mental state.

Component #4: Brief Counseling

The practice of brief counseling builds a relation with the client, and the counselor becomes a friend of a person. The counselor plans to deliver the goods in a specified number of days. The client presents a problem and the psychologist develops a solution. The client has to respond by taking action. The process emphasizes on humanistic relations. The patient and counselor enjoy the journey. Finally, the process gives developmental outlets to the patient. The brief counseling works best in an informal setting, and when client has limited time on his or her hands due to professional engagements. In traditional psychotherapy, the client and the helper identifies the problem, but in the case of brief counseling, the customer must have adequate knowledge of the issue.

Component #5: Play Therapy

In the first case, the teacher must return the responsibility to the child because forcing her into playing will create more emotional issues. In the second case, the professional must restate the content of the game so that the need to have fun can be rekindled in the child. The third case requires the counselor to enjoy the process of painting with the kid and the leader must track her progress as well.

Component #6 Counseling At-Risk Children/Adolescents

The suicidal tendencies are the byproducts of hopelessness and lack of faith in good, and the interventions in this regard have to be crafted by giving hope and he or she should receive belief in human effort. Substance use is a symptom of lacking self respect, and esteem in an individual. However, a sensible counselor promotes self love in the patient in order to make the individual realize his or her worth. The depressive disorders originate when kids lose interest in life because of an emotional trauma, and the counselor has to render help in terms of letting the person moving forwards in life.
The counselor has to breach confidentiality when a concerned person loses his or her ability to make rational and informed decisions. Finally, the counselors have to refer patients to other relevant professionals when the issues enter into a domain over which the material professional does not have full authority

Component #7: Referral/Resource Guide 

Following are the list of resources that can be availed in order to manage the issues mentioned in the relevant component : -
Center for Divorce Education. The CDE at Ohio University researches and publishes resources about parent education programs. For more information please contact: Dr. Don Gordon, P.O. Box 5900, Athens, OH 45701, or call CDE at (740) 594-7173.
Keilitz, Susan L. Domestic Violence and Child Custody Disputes: A Resource Handbook for Judges and Court Managers. 
Williamsburg, VA: National Center for State Courts (1997).  The handbook addresses the issues that arise in cases or claims involving the custody or visitation of children whose parents may be divorced or divorcing, separated or separating, or filing a petition for an order of protection from abuse
Zeitler, Michelle and Samantha Moore Children Come First A Process Evaluation of the Nassau County Model Custody Part. (December 2008). Center for Court Innovation This report presents a process evaluation of the Children Come First (CCF) Program, a problem solving matrimonial court piloted in Nassau County, New York. The program seeks to provide a more effective and child-centered response to high conflict divorce cases involving custody issues.
A Judge`s Guide: Making Child-Centered Decisions in Custody Cases. (2001).Washington, DC: ABA Center on Children and the Law While written for judges, it is a valuable resource for any professional engaged in child custody practice.
Babb, Barbara A. et al. Child Custody Evaluations: Review of the Literature and Annotated Bibliography. (April 2009). Maryland Judiciary Research ConsortiumThis report contains an analysis of issues on child custody evaluation policies and protocols and an annotated bibliography of pertinent custody evaluation literature.
Model Standards of Practice for Child Custody Evaluation. (2006). Madison, WI: Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Task Force for Model Standards of Practice for Child Custody Evaluation Standards cover general practice, evaluators, training and core competency, records, communication with other parties, data gathering, assessment instruments, team approaches, conflicts, child interviews, collateral source information, and presentation and interpretation of data.
Proposed Guidelines, Standards, and Requirements for Parent Education Program. (2003). Albany: New York Parent Educational Advisory Board Education programs for divorcing or separating parents are a response to the growing recognition that, while the divorce or separation of their parents is stressful and upsetting to children, long-term problems are not inevitable and how children fare in the aftermath of their parents' breakup depends in large measure on how parents handle the ending of their relationship
Stamps, Leighton E. Age Differences Among Judges Regarding Maternal Preference in Child Custody Decisions. (Winter 2002). Court Review 38, no. 4: 18 Over the last 30 to 40 years, sweeping changes have occurred in societal attitudes toward divorce. These changes have been reflected in the laws governing divorce and child custody.
Best Practices and Good Ideas in Child Support Enforcement 2002. (2002).Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Child Support Enforcement Series of actual solutions undertaken at the state and local level. This is the seventh edition of the manual.  See 2001 Sixth Edition and 2000 Fifth Edition .
National Child Support Enforcement Association (NCSEA). The NCSEA site includes a searchable database of citations, abstracts, and full documents of child-support-related articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, and reports to federal, state, and local governments. The database is searchable by use of any keyword or phrases, including the names of authors, journals, or topical subjects.
National Conference of State Legislators Child Support Project. Contains information about state programs, innovations, state-by-state information on child support guidelines, and links to state offices.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Child Support Enforcement. Includes factsheets, handbooks, tribal resources, and links to state IV-D program sites
Compendium of Family Court Practices. (2006). Florida Office of the State Court Administrator, Office of Court Improvement See page 21 for a discussion of innovative practices and improvements in dissolution of marriage case processing in various Florida Circuit Courts.
Family Law in the 50 States. (January 2011). Family Law Quarterly, The American Bar Association The Family Law Quarterly publishes family law charts from the 50 states annually.  See Chart 1 for alimony/spousal support factors, Chart 4 for grounds for divorce and residency requirements, and Chart 5 for property division in the states as of January 2011.
In my state, the governmental bodies are working in order to address the issues of youth, and National Conference of State Legislators Child Support Project along with National Child Support Enforcement Association is prominently working and engaging in this regard. These resources are adequately resolving the prevalent issues of youth, and therefore, no further incursions are needed at this point in time.

Component #8: Bibliotherapy 

Barkley, Russell A. ADHD and the nature of self-control. Guilford Press, 1997.
Braswell, L., & Bloomquist, M. L. (1991). Cognitive-behavioral therapy with ADHD children: Child, family, and school interventions. Guilford Press.
Brockner, J. (1988). Self-esteem at work: Research, theory, and practice. Lexington Books/DC Heath and Com.
Cline, S. (1999). Giftedness Has Many Faces: Multiple Talents and Abilities in the Classroom. Distributed by Winslow Press for The Foundation for Concepts in Education, 770 East Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach, FL 33483.
Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000). Beyond boredom and anxiety. Jossey-Bass.
Deutsch, M., Coleman, P. T., & Marcus, E. C. (Eds.). (2011). The handbook of conflict resolution: Theory and practice. John Wiley & Sons.
Garner, D. M., Olmstead, M. P., & Polivy, J. (1983). Development and validation of a multidimensional eating disorder inventory for anorexia nervosa and bulimia. International journal of eating disorders, 2(2), 15-34.
Kaminer, Y. (1994). Adolescent substance abuse: A comprehensive guide to theory and practice. Plenum Medical Book Co/Plenum Publishing Corp.
Kassinove, H., & Tafrate, R. C. (2002). Anger management: The complete treatment guidebook for practitioners. Impact Publishers.
Kressel, K. (1985). The process of divorce: How professionals and couples negotiate settlements (pp. 138-53). New York: Basic Books.
Liberman, R. P., DeRisi, W. J., & Mueser, K. T. (1989). Social skills training for psychiatric patients. Pergamon Press.
Martell, C. R., Addis, M. E., & Jacobson, N. S. (2001). Depression in context: Strategies for guided action. WW Norton & Co.
Matteson, M. T., & Ivancevich, J. M. (1987). Controlling work stress: Effective human resource and management strategies. Jossey-Bass.
Orpinas, P., & Horne, A. M. (2006). Bullying prevention: Creating a positive school climate and developing social competence. American Psychological Association.
Vrij, A. (2000). Detecting lies and deceit: The psychology of lying and implications for professional practice. Wiley.
Wallace, M. J. (2004). Study Skills in English Student's Book: A Course in Reading Skills for Academic Purposes. Cambridge University Press

 Component #9: Writing

This component will discuss the ethical principles those the counselor has to follow in order to enhance his or her capability to help a specific patient. The civic principle of basic biomedical practice should take a parole in this regard, and the vision of providing well-being to the client against all costs has to remain a paramount concern for the involved professional. However, the counselor cannot endorse hopelessness and negative emotions in the personality of a patient, and therefore, he or she has to repair the damage inflicted on oneself by the entire society.

Component #10: Scholarly Writing

The counselor has to take the emotional state of an adolescent into consideration so that he or she may not trigger a cardinal response in the patient. The working professional has to keep the power of a patient to make rash choices in mind. Failed counseling sessions oftentimes lead to active suicide attempts, and therefore, the practitioner cannot risk hurting the person that will push him or her to the point of no return. Furthermore, the personality type of the adolescent has to receive a proper weight in the due process of psychological help because the introvert will take forcing negatively, but the extrovert would not comply without sensible use of a firmer hand.


Chiavenato, I. (2001). Advances and Challenges in Human Resource Management in the New Millennium. Public Personnel Management Vol 30(1) , 17-26.
Dweck, C. S. (2005). Self-Theories of Intelligence . In J. Aronson, & E. Aronson, Readings about the Social Animal (10th ed.) (pp. 217-231). New York: Worth Publishers .
Meyer, B. B., & Fletcher, T. B. (2006). Emotional Intelligence: A Theoretical Overview and Implications for Research and Professional Practice in Sport Psychology. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology Vol 19(1) , 1-15.
Vernon, A. (2010). Counseling Children & Adolescents. New York: Love Publishing Company.

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