Good Case Study On Managing Change And Diversity At Easiyo

Type of paper: Case Study

Topic: Company, Management, Employee, Workplace, Development, Quality, Safety, Training

Pages: 6

Words: 1650

Published: 2021/02/12

Management challenges at EasiYo

EasiYo Company has always been growing and developing with time following the hard work and dedication of both the management and the employees of the company. The company has been able to provide more than millions of people in China, New Zealand, UK and Italy. However, the company has not reached the self-actualization point where it can expand its services to many other world companies. This assessment paper focuses on identifying some of the management challenges that influence the performance of the company negatively. The paper also focuses on linking the management challenges with relevant information from other business sources and using theory based approach to suggest a solution to the management challenges Waddell, Jones, and George( 2013, PP 111-112).
Lack of automation in EasiYo is one management challenge that affects the operation of the company. It exposes the company to food quality and safety risks. In addition, the management also lacks proper training policies something that makes the production employees to lack concentration in training. Besides, EasiYo management lacks enough management measurement systems that monitor the progress of the company’s operations. Furthermore, the company management lacks touch on its employees hence make them expose the business into safety risks. Finally, the management lacks focus on employee motivation thus making them to work hard without increasing their productivity. This view has been supported by Senior and Fleming (2006).

Lack of enough management measurement based systems

EasiYo Company growth and development is at risk as since the company does not have enough management systems that can help the company to monitor and evaluate its operations as with time. Ideally, this is to mean that the company lacks enough procedures to help it identify any viability that may occur with time that has a great impact to the success of the company. This means that with time the growth of the company may remain constant and start deteriorating. It is important for any company to implement management based measurement to all the steps of its operations in order to ensure that everything goes on as expected. In addition, it should implement such systems to help it in monitory and supervising its operations with so much ease. This is view has been supported by Bernhard (n.d).
Inadequate management based measurement within EasiYo exposes the company to many other management challenges that surround the company operations. This include risks of food quality and safety, inefficiency in production employee training, failure to supervise the employees who exposes the business of the entire company to various safety risks and finally failure to enhance good employee welfare that can foster great growth and development of the company.
Borrowing from other academic sources, it is true that companies need to develop and implement strong management based systems in their operations. Ideally, this is because such measurement plays a crucial role in helping the company to identify some of the issues that may occur that where not planned for. Such issues may have a great impact to the success and general performance of the company. For instance, poor employee relations open ways for reduced employee productivity something that further lead to poor performance of a company. This is to mean that the management based measurement systems control the other management problems from arising hence increasing efficiency of the company with respect to the attainability of its goals and objectives (Brown, 2002).

Theory based approach to help address the management challenge

The best way of addressing the key management challenge affecting EasiYo is to develop and implement strong management based measurement systems in all its operations. First, the management needs to develop and implement management based measurements on the quality of its production. This is to mean that the company should have systems to evaluate the quality of the production of its products. Such systems will the company to know the quality of the products it’s producing. As a result, the company will be able to solve any instance of food quality and safety risks that may lead to food contamination on the side of the customers that ruining the company’s public image.
In addition, the company needs also to develop and implement strong welfare management based measurement systems. These systems should focus on measuring how the company is concerned on enhancing the welfare of its employees in the work place. Employees are the pioneers of any company and it is through their efforts that a company is able to succeed in its business operations. It is therefore important for EasiYo Company to develop and implement employee welfare management based measurements to ensure that the company really offers its employees the best packages that make them feel appreciated and recognized within the company.
Furthermore, the management should also develop management based training and development measurements systems would be very helpful in monitoring the employee training. In addition, such systems would guide EasiYo in determining the quality of training offered to its employees. Besides, these systems may also help the company in measuring the impact of employee training to the employees’ productivity as indicated by the performance of the company.
Moreover, there a great need for the company to focus on both the company’s success as well as the employee welfare. The new CEO of the company clearly observed that the company’s growth was subject to the hardworking of the employees. However, he noticed that the company’s employees were nor productive as it was expected for the company. This was a clear indication that the management needed to do much on motivating the employees. Thu there should exist management based systems to ensure that the employee’s needs and demands are met (Bjørn, and Tom, 2002).

Reference List

Bernhard, H., n.d.. Managing for Change or Stability? Journal of Organizational Change Management, 25-28.
Bjørn, A., and Tom, F., 2002. Eight Steps to a New Performance Measurement System. ASQ Quality Press. [Online] Available at < idea/eight-steps-to-a-new-performance-measurement-system.html>
Brown, B., 2002. Managing change. Havant: Rowmark.
Carnall, C., 1991. Managing change. London: Routledge.
Francis, H., n.d.. HRM and the beginnings of organizational change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 309-327.
Sen, M., 2008. Business management. Jaipur, India: Oxford Book.
Senior, B., and Fleming, J., 2006. Organizational change (3rd ed.). Harlow, England: Prentice Hall/Financial Times.
Waddell, Jones, and George., 2013 3rd Edition. Contemporary Management. Sydney: McGraw Hill, 111‐112.
Zairi, D., 2001. An empirical study of key elements of total quality-based performance measurement systems: A case study approach in the service industry sector. Total Quality Management, 535-550.
Management challenges at EasiYo Company
The case study discusses various challenges that face EasiYo management. First, the company’s management was not more measurement based. When the new CEO Paul joined the company he noticed that the company management did not have enough measurement tools for the employees something that could affect the productivity of the employees. Management of any company that needs to produce good results should employ enough measurement tools with the organization. Measurement based management plays a great role in helping an organization to rate its industrial production efficiency (Waddell, Jones, and George, 2013).
In addition, the new CEO also identified another management challenge that faced the company. According to him the company was operating well by it lacked management systems that are important in maintaining high performance and also foster continued growth and development of the company. Management systems refer to the management processes and procedures that assist a company to perform all the tasks required to attain the planned objectives. Although EasiYo was growing at a very high rate, lack of management systems may impact its growth negatively with time.
Furthermore, EasiYo management had failure in managing the workforce who exposed the business to unacceptable safety risks. It is the role of the management to ensure that the employees follow the health and safety provisions in order to ensure that the working place is not exposed to safety risks. The management filed to supervise the employees closely to ensure that the follow the health and safety rules. This challenge is very fundamental to the company’s success as it may expose the business to safety risks that affect the growth of the company. This is because any injury that may occur in the company may lead to lawsuits that may affect the public image and reputation of the company. This view has been supported by Carnall (1991).
Moreover, the company had lacked automation something that exposed it to quality and food safety risks. In addition, lack of automation presented the company with a challenge of handling its products. Automation is very crucial to any company that produces products in masses and that need to enhance quality and efficiency of its products. This management challenge present in EasiYo may present the company with much risk that may affect its performance. Lack of automation may see the company produce poor quality products. Poor quality of its food product may lead to food poisoning that may affect the company’s reputation. In addition, it may lead to fines and penalties for failure to follow safety provisions.
Finally, the company management has failed to develop good systems for training the production systems. The management needed to develop good training plans where the production staff is also involved in planning. By doing so, the management will be able to motivate the employees to accept the training in order to improve their productivity. Therefore, it is clear that the company did not have clear training policy systems that focus on streamlining the training process. There is also lack of proper communication between the training facilitators of the company and the employees and this reason as to why the production employees were not willing to conduct the training (Francis, n.d).
Lack of enough management based measurement systems
Inadequate management based measurement systems in EasiYo have influenced the development of all the other management challenges the company faces. Management systems in any company are very important as they improve the all the processes and procedures that make the company to operate effectively and efficiently. To discuss the influence of inadequate management systems to all the other management challenges facing the company, the paper will discuss various management systems important in the operation a company and link them to instances discussed in the case study.
There are various management systems that the management of any company requires to apply in order to enhance efficiency within the entire company. Such management systems include quality management systems, welfare management systems and health and safety management systems and employee training policies. Quality management system focuses on enhancing the quality of the products produced by the company. Inadequacy of quality management systems is one management challenge that affects the growth of EasiYo. Paul the new CEO clearly revealed that although the company was productive, it lacked automation systems that would help the company in eliminating quality and food safety risks.
Food producing companies are quality and food safety provisions that they require to follow through out in order to ensure efficiency in delivery quality food substances to their extreme customers. It is through these provisions where the companies need to make use of quality management systems such as automation to enhance food quality and safety. EasiYo being a Yoghurt producer in New Zealand need to ensure high quality and safe Yoghurt in order to grow to a foreseeable future. By ensuring that it provides quality and safe food, EasiYo will be able to develop a good image and reputation to the public. As a result, it will be able to attract more customers hence enhance good performance. All this economies of scale will lead to further growth and development of the company.
In addition, the company lacks enough health and safety management systems that OSHA requires every company to follow. The case study clearly reveals that the workforce of the company exposed it to great safety risks. Ideally, this is a clear indication that the company lacks enough and quality health and safety management systems. It is the role of the management to ensure that its workforce performs its duties in a safe environment. The management of EasiYo should in the forefront in ensuring that there are enough health and safety guidelines to guide the employees as they perform their day to day duties. The management should also use various management health and safety systems to monitor the safety of both employees and the company at large. Ideally, this is what is actually lacking in the EasiYo Company. The management does not supervise the employees closely and this is the reason why Paul the new CEO observed that although the employees are an asset of the company they expose the company safety risks. Such safety risks may lead to injuries, loss of life and wastage of the available resources.
Furthermore, the company lacks enough welfare management systems. Welfare management systems are those processes and procedures that a company uses to ensure that the employees are well satisfied. Some of the elements that make employees satisfied include good salaries, attractive benefits, good working conditions and proper motivation. According to the new CEO of the company, the employees were reliable, hardworking and respectful but they were not able to produce as they are required.
Finally, the company lacked formal training policies that should guide the management and the employees in handling any formal training in the work place. A company like EasiYo needs to have very strong training policies in order to offer the management an easy time to handle the employee training and since they are not available, the production employees clearly did not seem to be ready for the training. Training of employees has a main purpose of ensuring that there is increased productivity from the side of the employees, if the formal training does not make employees improve their productivity then it implies that it is inefficient.
Relevance of the management challenge to key management concepts
The main challenge appearing in the case study is inadequate management based measurement systems within EasiYo Company. This management challenge is the main cause of the other management challenges that surround the entire company. This management challenge can be linked to key management issues as discussed on various sources. Many resources acknowledge that it is important for any company that wants to succeed in its business to maintain strong management systems. Management systems are seen as the standards against which the functioning of a company is based. For instance, companies need to use the management system to monitor and evaluate their operations continuously. Management systems provide the company with some expectations for a given period with respect to objectives attainability. This view has been supported by Sen (2008).
When the company applies its management based measurement systems through its entire operations, it becomes easy for it to monitor the efficiency of one step to another. As a result, the company is able to identify some constraints that may prevent it from attaining it’s laid down objectives and goals. Therefore, the management systems help the company to identify the problems that arise thus enabling the company to apply courses of action to elevate the problems early in advance. Once such problems are corrected, then the company stands a very good chance of attaining its planned goals and objectives. However, it is important for the management to update it systems to match with ever changing world following the rapid growth and development of technology sector of economy.
Use of a theory based approach to address the management challenge
The most important thing that the management of EasiYo needs to focus on in order to solve the underlying management challenge is to develop very strong internal management based measurement systems. According to Zairi (2001, PP 535-550), strong management measurement based systems play a great role in enhancing efficiency of any company hence helping the company to attain its laid down objectives. The management systems should cover various areas of the company’s operations as discussed below.
First, the management needs to develop strong quality management based measurement systems. Quality management systems are processes and procedures developed by a company to assist it in attain it quality policy and objectives that lead the company towards meeting its customer needs and preferences. The main focus of EasiYo Company is to provide its customers with quality milk products that meet the specifications and preferences. It is therefore important for the company to develop quality management systems that will guide and direct the employees producing the products to attain the required quality.
In addition, the company needs to develop strong health and safety management systems. Health and safety systems play a great role in developing a conducive working environment for the employees. The company needs to follow the provisions of Occupational safety and health Association’s provision on safety and health working environment for companies. These management systems will ensure that employees do not expose the business into risks that may affect the performance of the company negatively. Close supervision of the employees during their duty performance by the management is also important in enhancing safety in the work place. Besides, the close monitory of the employees should be linked with the management systems in order to determine whether the employees are working within the provisions of the OSHA.
Furthermore, the company needs to focus on developing welfare management systems. Welfare management systems focus on enhancing employee satisfaction in the work place. Ideally, the welfare management system play a role in supporting the administration of human services that offer remuneration, medical, and other benefits to the employees. It also focuses on enhancing the knowledge and skills of the employees to foster productivity. Therefore, the management of EasiYo should develop such systems to ensure that their employees receive better services from the company as the policy dictates.
Finally, the company needs to develop strong training policies to guide and monitor training of employees within the company. The policies should dictate when the required employee trainings in specified time. They should also provide the expectations from the employees after the formal training is administered. The company should also involve the employees in developing these policies in order to foster their acceptability. After their development, the employees should be made aware of the policies and when the formal trainings are due. This will play a great role in ensuring that employees respond positively to any training that comes their way.
For any company to be successful, it is important for the management to have strong management systems to guide them in monitoring and supervising all the forms of operations of the company. The management based measurement systems need to match with the company’s goals and objectives. The main purpose of the management systems is to monitor the operations of the company to ensure that they are in line with the company’s goals and objectives. This is to mean that the company should apply the management systems throughout its entire operations. Continuous use of the management based measurement system play a great role in helping the company to determine any errors that may occur in its operations thus able to develop a course of action to prevent the error from affecting the attainability of the laid objectives of the company. Good management systems within a company are very important in ensuring business success.
The bright future of the EasiYo Company is subject to the efforts meant to improve the welfare of the employees. Many of the management issues affecting the company cut across the employee welfare. Some of these issues include employee training, employee safety, employee handling of the company’s products and employee motivation. If the employee welfare is well managed the company will stand to grow to greater heights in the future. With the tireless efforts of the new CEO Paul I have the feeling that the company is going to succeed.
Reference List
Bernhard, H., n.d.. Managing for Change or Stability? Journal of Organizational Change Management,25-28.
Bjørn, A., and Tom, F., 2002. Eight Steps to a New Performance Measurement System. ASQ Quality Press. [Online] Available at < idea/eight-steps-to-a-new-performance-measurement-system.html>
Brown, B., 2002. Managing change. Havant: Rowmark.
Carnall, C., 1991. Managing change. London: Routledge.
Francis, H., n.d.. HRM and the beginnings of organizational change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 309-327.
Sen, M., 2008. Business management. Jaipur, India: Oxford Book.
Senior, B., and Fleming, J., 2006. Organizational change (3rd ed.). Harlow, England: Prentice Hall/Financial Times.
Waddell, Jones, and George., 2013 3rd Edition. Contemporary Management. Sydney: McGraw Hill, 111‐112.
Zairi, D., 2001. An empirical study of key elements of total quality-based performance measurement systems: A case study approach in the service industry sector. Total Quality Management, 535-550.

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