Good Critical Text Reading On New Markets Critical Thinking Example

Type of paper: Critical Thinking

Topic: Business, Fashion, Increase, Finance, Industry, Products, Sales, Economics

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2021/02/09

The fashion and textiles industry has been relatively stable ever since the economy started to show signs of recovery following the recent Global Financial Crisis of 2008. If not for the intervention that the U.S. Federal Reserve, the financial sector, the housing market, and every other sector that can be linked both directly and indirectly to these two may have been devastated. The Ethical Fashion Debate article, in summary, shows that sales of different designer and mainstream products in the fashion and textiles industry are experiencing a continuous growth and or increase.
Now, that may be related to the aftermaths of the recent GFC. The growth in sales of fashion and textiles products may not really be due to the positive shift of fashion product consumers to the industry or sector but rather due to the increased liquidity in the economy. After all, the economic stimulus package basically allows the U.S. Federal Reserve to issue huge volumes of government bonds from nothing which is then sold to private banks and other influential people.
The end result is a renewed level of confidence of the banks and the private sector in the financial system even though everyone knows that there is a huge crack in it—that the present policies in the financial system encourages widespread speculation. Therefore, if there is one thing that we can infer from the two readings in this case, that would be the fact that the increase in sales of products in the fashion and textiles industry is not entirely due to the organic increase in demand for it but rather on the increase in the level of liquidity in the economy and the increase in the purchasing power of the people. With an increased purchasing power, people would be able to afford designer clothes—something which during the recent GFC may have ben impossible.

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