Good Critical Thinking On The Interview Questions And Their Answers For The Position Of Vice President

Type of paper: Critical Thinking

Topic: Leadership, Management, Business, Quinoa, Cereal, Leader, People, Manager

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2021/02/09

What do you know about Cereal stuff?

Cereal stuff is a medium cereal company that seeks to provide grain products to the global market. Cereal Stuff operates on a democratic model of leadership called adhocracy. Primarily, this is an organizational system designed to be flexible and to address the needs of the organization as they come (The Nuttall Encyclopedia).
Cereal stuff believes in using only the quality organic foods. As well, it values placing the customer needs first. In addition, Cereal Stuff values sustainability in its production and packaging processes.

Are you a leader or a manager?

I am a leader but also a manager in view of this job.

What is the difference between the two?

One of the primary functions of a leader is to inspire people to action through his lifestyle. Indeed, he is a transformational person who persuades people to follow in the new ventures. On the other hand, the manager is more transactional rather than transformational in his approach. In this vein, managers tend to enforce submission among their subordinates through the promise of rewards. Also, leaders are charismatic while managers are authoritative. The leader focusses on the people while the manager concentrates on getting the work done. Managers are risk avoiders and averters, but leaders are risk-takers (Leadership vs. Management).

Which of the two do you think is suitable for an organization?

I think both are good, but I tend to support the leader style more than the manager style.

Please explain your stand in light of your work?

The manager position is important because we must get things done. The leadership model is equally important since the people need inspiration to work and produce impressive results.

What activities do you intend to do to inspire your team towards the goals?

Firstly, I would like to state that the best inspiration I can give to my team members is setting a good example of integrity by walking the talk. Secondly, I will seek to listen to their concerns and ideas as much as possible for us to arrive at the best solutions. I will also reward them to the best of my understanding for every good work. I will organize a business party once in a year to celebrate our successes and chart the way forward (Latumahina, n.d)

What do you know about the grain market in Canada and Mexico?

Canada is one of the main producers of quinoa in Europe, alongside countries such as Brazil, Argentina, USA, Chile, and England. The Canadian Prairies of Manitoba and Saskatchewan also grow the product in a small percentage. Canada and USA consumes a combined consumption of 300 metric tons of quinoa. Indeed approximately 80 % of the food market in Canada is the organic food. The shipments of quinoa to the Mexican market target the gourmet food sector and the organic markets Mexico is a potentially viable market for the quinoa (Alberta Agricultural Food and Rural Development)

What do you know about quinoa?

Quinoa is a pseudo grain. Technically speaking, it is not a cereal grain. Botanically, quinoa relates to vegetables such as spinach, chard, and beets. Interestingly, its leaves and grains are both edible. Quinoa has numerous health benefits. For instance, it is potentially useful in reducing the risk of diabetes. As well, it keeps one satiated for a longer time and is a more nutrition’s option for the gluten –free diets (Whole Grains Council).

What are your sales projections for the first year of business?

I would like to ensure that Cereal Stuff has firm links with the Canadian Market for quinoa. I intend to have two to four viable outlets in which we sell our products. I aim to make at least $500,000 in profit in the first year of business.

Paint for us your picture of the in the 21st century business world.

The 21st century business world is dynamic and radically changing. Modern technology in the information and production industry has brought increased connectivity. The home-based business connections have significantly replaced the traditional office models. As well, there are new ecosystems that will demand that I forge stronger partnerships with our customers and even our competitors. With this in mind, there is a need for strategic partnerships and collaborations among the stakeholders in the corporate world. Companies will act as communities in which people share resources for the common good, employee turnovers will soar thus there will be a need for persuasive rather than coercive leadership style (Ardi, 2014). Thus, I will need to learn the things that motivate employees in different cultures and embrace novel bottom lines that maximize shareholders values (Brush, 2015).

In your view, what key qualities should the business leader in the 21st century have?

I believe that the 21st century business leader must be adaptable; there will be a need for him to be more aware of himself that is his strengths and weaknesses. He will need to be decisive, purposeful and have collaborative skills. As well, he will need to be innovative and keep in touch with technology (Tice, 2007).

Why should we give you this job?

I believe that my years of experience in the food industry coupled with my academic credentials accord me a sound technological basis for handling this work. As well, my unique approach to leadership also gives me a better edge in addressing the problems facing the team members.

Please state the amount of money we should pay you in a year?

Being an international role, I would that you pay me according to the international standards. I suggest that you pay me $450,000. However, I am willing to negotiate this figure based on your corporation’s salary scale.

Please explain why we should pay you that amount?

This amount will assist me to meet my personal needs and to promote the realization of my personal goals and ambitions.


Alberta Agricultural Food and Rural Development. (2005). Quinoa The Next Cinderella Crop for Alberta? Retrieved April 10, 2015 from$department//quinoa_final_report_june_05.pdf
Ardi, D. (2014). The Future Of Business: Four Ways Companies Will Change. Retrieved April 10, 2015 from
Brush, K.(2015). Seven Skills for Competing Globally. Retrieved April 10, 2015 from
Latumahina, D.(n.d) 50 Little Things You Can Do To Empower Other People. Retrieved April 10, 2015 from
Leadership vs. Management. (2002-2015). Retrieved April 10, 2015 from
The Nuttall Encyclopedia. Meaning of Adhocracy. Retrieved April 10, 2015 from
Tice, C. (2007). Building the 21st Century Leader. Retrieved April 10, 2015 from
Whole Grains Council. March Grain of the Month. (2003-2013). Retrieved April 10, 2015 from

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