Good Discrimination Research Paper Example

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Discrimination, Workplace, Social Issues, Organization, People, Employee, Stereotypes, Race

Pages: 8

Words: 2200

Published: 2020/11/05

Discrimination refers to the inappropriate treatment of people based on stereotypes or prejudices based on race, culture, religion, gender, nationality, ethnicity, and other attributes. Discrimination involves the inept treatment or denial of social involvement to people based on their social or cultural associations or other individual characteristics. Discrimination stems from the preconceived notions or prejudices against specific individuals or group of people based on their appearance, interaction, and behavior. Discrimination comprises the unequal treatment or denial of social inclusion to members of the society based on their gender, sexual orientation, race, and religion. Discrimination negatively affects the society and creates a long-term negative impact on the welfare of the society. Most people face discrimination in various aspects of life due to their physical, sociological, cultural, economic, and racial characteristics. Several attributes or characteristics lead to discrimination in various social circumstances including gender, nationality, disability, age, economic status, race, religion, ethnicity, and political affiliation. Discrimination comprises several forms including discrimination in the workplace, discrimination in social situations, discrimination by police, and discrimination in education. Discrimination causes stress in an individual and generates a scenario where people tend to enhance the perspective of prejudice.
Discrimination stems from prejudices and preconceived notions relevant to people belonging to a specific race, sex, religion, and age. Most individuals discriminate against other individuals due to the stereotypes and notions linked to their specific races, religions, and nationalities. One of the most common forms of discrimination includes the inappropriate treatment of individuals in routine social interactions and situations. People may face discrimination in regular social circumstances including interactions with the police, employment, medical examinations, shopping, and traveling assistance. Discrimination exists due to the prejudices, preconceived notions, and stereotypes developed and maintained by individuals due to their personal upbringing, environment, and experience. Most people generalize specific attributes of other individuals based on specific instances and associate the characteristics of all individuals of a specific group. The most common forms of discrimination involve favoritism or intolerance based on gender, race, and sexual orientation. People belonging to a specific race, gender, and sexual orientation experience social exclusion and barriers in a variety of circumstances including education and employment. Individuals because of this perspective feel suffocated, as they believe that discrimination enhances hatred in a society.
Discrimination in the workplace refers to unequal or unfair treatment of individuals in the workplace due to their sex, age, disability, and race. The unequal treatment may involve rejecting candidates, refusing or delaying promotions, sexual harassment, and unfair workload of individuals based on their characteristics or attributes. The management or coworkers may harass, bully, victimize, exclude, and confine individuals based on their appearance, race, gender, and sexuality in professional working environments. Workplace discrimination also involves the inadequate treatment of coworkers and the expressed or implied refusal to cooperate with people due to prejudices and biases. Many people can experience barriers in completing a variety of tasks and lack of equal opportunities with respect to treatment, compensation, and promotion. One of the most common forms of workplace discrimination involves inadequate treatment of employees in routine interactions among coworkers. Most people bully or harass other individuals in the workplace in routine interactions through verbal and nonverbal comments, gestures, remarks, and actions.
Employment discrimination results in the unequal treatment of employees relevant to hiring, promotions, compensation, workload, and the inclusion of projects or tasks. Employment discrimination involves direct and indirect discrimination to pressurize, harass and exclude specific employees from employment and promotion opportunities. Direct workplace discrimination refers to the inadequate and unfair treatment of individuals based on specific characteristics. Direct employment discrimination occurs due to the assumptions and preconceived notions relevant to the abilities, disabilities, aptitude, and capabilities of specific individuals. Direct discrimination involves the harassment, unequal treatment, and unfair inclusion or exclusion of a specific individual by a superior or co-worker. Direct discrimination comprises the intentional, premeditated, and deliberate victimization of particular individuals due to their characteristics, affiliations, and associations. For example, refusing to hire or promote individuals due to their age, gender, race, and sexual orientation is direct discrimination.
Conversely, indirect discrimination involves the development and implementation of an environment that creates disadvantages or unequal opportunities for a specific group of people. Indirect discrimination occurs when an organizational policy creates unfair disadvantages for people due to their disabilities, race, gender, pregnancy, and sexual orientation. Indirect workplace discrimination comprises the intentional or unintentional creation of a policy that physically, socially, and professionally alienates a particular group of employees. For example, implementing policies for specific dress codes can alienate people belonging to specific religions and their religious obligation to wear specific clothes. On the other hand, developing schedules of long working hours can inadvertently victimize people with responsibilities relevant to family and relatives. Direct and indirect workplace discrimination can create significant disadvantages for specific individuals or group of employees and may lead to lawsuits. The discrimination in society and the workplace leads to several long-term consequences for the affected individuals. The long-term consequences of unfair employment opportunities and workplace discrimination can hinder the development and growth of the organization. Organizations can alleviate discriminatory practices and discrimination of specific individuals through effective diversity training of all employees. Diversity training helps organizations to attain long-term benefit and creates a scenario that would result in the upbringing of employees.
Diversity management refers to the process of integrating and encouraging people from diverse backgrounds to work collectively as effective teams and groups. One of the primary considerations of diversity management is the education and training of all employees with respect to tolerance, acceptance, and respect. Diversity education comprises the training and education of all employees with an aim to increase the knowledge and understanding of other cultures and races. An organization in this perspective should embrace change management practices and they should hire a change agent that would implement diversity-oriented practices in the organization. This would benefit the organization as an external member or a senior member of the organization develops criteria that would focus on diversity and diversity management. Diversity education enhances the understanding, respect, and acceptance of all people irrespective of their culture, race, gender, economic status, and disabilities. Diversity education enables organizations to reduce occurrences of discrimination, sexual harassment, and other violations of civil rights. The primary objective of diversity education is to remove prejudices and biases of people with respect to specific races, cultures, nationalities, and religions. Diversity education also allows organizations to create equal employment opportunities and include people from all races, cultures, religions, genders, and ethnicities in the workplace. Employees benefit a lot from such organizational practices as they attain experience to deal with individuals of different race, religion, casts, etc.
One of the most effective methods for alleviating misconceptions, prejudices, and biases regarding other people is to increase the knowledge and understanding. The knowledge and understanding of norms, traditions, and values of other cultures, races, religions, and nationalities help to reduce discrimination in the workplace. The management can educate employees through information and knowledge regarding various races, cultures, religions, ethnicities, and nationalities. One of the most effective management to train employees is through effective diversity training and development. Diversity training also enables most individuals to rectify specific biases and prejudices against a specific group of people. The changing demographics of multinational organizations in the modern world necessitate diversity education and training to avoid discrimination. The advent of globalization focuses on this perspective that organization of today’s world should focus on elimination of discrimination from their respective organizations. Discrimination in the workplace stems from the discrimination and prejudices of people in the society. The social environment influences the perceptions of the people in a specific society and leads to an increase or decrease in discrimination. Diversity education is essential for the society as compared to diversity education in the workplace. The decreased prejudices in the society will lead to decreased prejudices and discrimination in the workplace.
In certain cultures a ceiling is placed usually at the top managerial position or in certain executive positions too that would create hindrance for women to enhance their working sphere. This ceiling do not allow women to reach the top and at times work in certain departments. Certain ceilings in the corporate environments resist minorities to reach some of the positions. This phase initially started in the year 1985 and enhanced the level of discrimination in most of the organizations. The failure of women and certain minorities to reach the top position in most of the organization is only because of this ceiling. Different leaders of the organization resist minorities so that males can play a proactive role in the development of their respective organization. Organizations do not promote this perspective yet most of the organizations believe that they should place a ceiling in their respective corporations. This negative perspective has changed with the advent of time and several multinational organizations do not focus on this scenario in the current era. The glass ceiling commission came into existence developed in the United States that focuses on providing equal opportunities to minorities and different individuals. Different social service organization and decision makers believe that they should try their level best to curtail this perspective to attain viable returns for their respective organizations.
Stereotyping is another negative scenario present in most of the cultures and several organizations experience this scenario. Different stereotypes have negative impact on the development of most of the employees and employees feel that they cannot prosper in such scenarios. Employees that experience stereotyping suffers from different negative scenarios like over-eating, irrational behavior, inability to focus, aggression, etc. Aggressive behavior creates negative scenarios when it comes to performing proactively for the welfare of the organization and managers believe that stereotyping results in this perspective. Different tests on employees and other members of the society depicted that when people face such negative scenario they act differently as compared to their normal behavior. The effects of stereotyping hurt people time to time and these affects hurt the performance of people. Employees believe that they cannot work in such situations and ultimately this would affect the optimum performance of an organization. Strategists believe that people should try their level best to reduce these aspects to attain long-term benefits and benefit their organizations on long-term basis. Training and effective development can reduce this issue and organizations should try their level best to attain training from different certified trainers so that they can benefit organizations from these negative scenarios. Similarly, organizations should try their level best to hire an internal trainer so that he/she can train according to the norms of the organization.
Sexual harassment in the workplace is an aspect that nearly occurs in every part of the world. This harassment takes place against different minorities and most of the time they face negative scenarios against the ruling individuals of the organization. Sexual harassment initiates from unwanted sexual advances and threats towards sexual assault. This might even lead towards the aspect of rape and other negative scenarios. Usually, low wageworkers suffer a lot from this scenario because of the fact that their higher authorities harass them because of their position in the organization. Several gigantic organizations of the world suffer from this menace and organizations believe that this negative scenario affects the performance of workers. Most of the higher ranked workers threaten their respective employees by asking them for certain sexual favors. However, strategists believe that not only women suffer negatively because of this but in certain scenarios, men also face sexual advances from their superiors. The comments from the employees and other members of the organizations make the individual uncomfortable that he/she cannot perform proactively in her own organization. Workplace harassment with respect to sex is one of the most difficult and insidious issues to tackle, because victims face financial constraints if they do not oblige with the demands of their supervisors. Victims believe that if they do not comply with these scenarios they might even lose their jobs and this would negatively affect their societal factors. Perpetrators are much older than their victims are and they force their orders and even involve others to play with the victim. This creates a horrendous situation for the employee because an individual in such situations feels like being an object that people would utilize for their sexual pleasure.
Many perpetrators claim that it was just a fun-filled activity and they were not serious about it. They save their face through such scenario and initially try their level best to save themselves by threating the victim. However, it all depends on the fact that how much importance is given towards cultural and societal values. Numerous incidents report daily and several individuals claim that they cannot work in such organizations because of the aspects of sexual harassment.
Conclusively, discrimination in the society creates problems for different members of the society and that is why strategists believe that they should develop viable techniques for the eradication of these issues. An organization should always try their level best to curtail these aspects because without the eradication of these perspective employees cannot fulfill their organizational responsibilities and this would affect the performance of an organization in a negative manner.


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