Good Essay About Comparing And Contrast Of Two Article The Final Come Back Of Axl Rose And The Pretenders

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Artists, Art, Audience, Public Relations, Celebrity, Comeback, Impression, Recognition

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/11/12

A lot has been said about pop culture and the need for artists to be accepted and appreciated. The celebrity stunt is weighing down many artists, both young and old. The pressure of being the person that fans need to see in a celebrity rather than appreciating that they really are has made many makes changes, both to their lifestyles and looks. The articles the final come back of Axl rose and the pretenders act as an eye opener to the adjustments that are made by celebrities, just to keep their fans happy and excited. The changes range from acquiring new hairstyles, just to look like a particular celebrated artist and changing their lifestyles just to have a desired celebrity body. In this paper, we shall compare and contrast the concerns that have been raised by two authors as they look at the world of celebrated artists and their efforts to please their fans.
The final comeback of Axl Rose is an ironical look of an artist who decided to acquire a new look with the hope that he will gain more recognition from his fans. The description given about his look reveals how worse he looks compared to his former self. After an artist has been off the scene for quite sometime and announces his comeback, the people who loved his musing and acts will often gather in large numbers just to hear and see the new things that he has for them. Every artist knows this, and hence piling pressure on them to deliver as per the expectations of their fans. This is what Axl went for, a new look that will probably excite his fans and even make them more attracted to his performance. The pretenders on the other hand look at the masks that are worm by artists just to please their audience. The irony about this is that they do not seek after acquiring a totally different look but copying the look of a more celebrated artist. This is done with the hope that they will create an impression of being that artist and hence being celebrated the more.
Both articles talk about the issue of originality, where artists where masks just to impress their fans. It is unfortunate that the audience itself fails to appreciate originality and will only draw their attention to those artists who pretend to be somebody else just to create an impression. Pop music is a big business whose success lies in the size of the audience and fans a person has rather than just talent. Since most pop artists are more concerned about their income rather than their wellbeing, they fall into the pressures of their fans and therefore trading their personal image to that which is desired by their fans. It is unfortunate that new music sang by a new artist will take time to make it at the top, or may even never do so, unless the artist makes adjustments to their image and lifestyle. Most artists in fact prefer to have performances sang by other celebrated artists and make sure they are wearing an image similar to them so that they get the recognition that they need. Despite the temporal fame, money and lifestyle it earns them, it becomes disastrous not only to them but also to their fans who could not empathize with their situation.

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Good Essay About Comparing And Contrast Of Two Article The Final Come Back Of Axl Rose And The Pretenders. Free Essay Examples - Published Nov 12, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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