Good Essay About Consumerism As A Form Of Identity In The United States

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Consumerism, Consumer Economy, America, United States, Customers, Society, Business, Consumer

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2021/03/02

Consumerism is an embedded perception and a common belief that the well-being and happiness of an individual are determined to a great extent on the level of personal consumption, especially the capability to buy material goods. In a society level, this form of happiness is achieved through the consumption of the material possession. The United States is made up of a hyper-consumerist society. The citizens are frequently bombarded with ads advising them to buy goods. According to statistics, the average child is exposed to 25,000 advertisements annually while the average adults observe 52,000 ads in every year (Wright and Joel 1). The ads play two major roles, convincing people to purchase the products, and creating a sense of good life towards the public. Intellectuals have found that not only is the US is a realm of consumers, but it has always been. It is surprising to note that the idea of consumerism has risen at an alarming rate in the recent times (Pendergast 23). Popular culture in the United States is associated with the growth of consumerism, characterized by the cumulative variability of goods and services. The American Society is defined and identified by consumerism. The lifestyle of these residents of the U.S is associated with expensive clothes, electronic gadgets, houses, leisure time, cars, and other products. An American has the courage to borrow money to purchase a bigger house, a plasma TV, and a fancy car.
Consumerism and advertisement go hand in hand, and at some points the terms are interchanged. The identity of Americans is associated with the ability to own the certain products in the market. Consumerism divides the American society into upper and lower class in social and economic terms. Individuals who purchase the most expensive and latest products and services are highly recognized and respected. Media and Television have also played a major role in defining the expectations of American members. For instance, TV programs and shows portray the privileged American lifestyle as an adorable aspect within the society. The situation has changed the perceptions of the societal level because every person imitates the lifestyle. The goal of every American is to fulfill their desire, by gaining the material objects believed to make life better, comfortable, and enjoyable than before. The products that an individual owns and consumers is a standard measure of triumph in the American society. The gospel of consumerism is spread by the media by using the most popular figures in the society; movie actors, sportsmen’s or musicians. The idea of consumerism had been duplicated across the universe, although the commencement is deeply rooted in the US.
Consumerism has eroded the traditional values in the American society. The attention has shifted to the high level of advanced technology that erodes the moral aspects observed in the past. America developed into a consumer society because of the desire of producers to expand the market for their goods. Paradoxically this “required the cultivation of qualities like extravagance, decadence, and artificial obsolescence, which unswervingly negated or destabilized the values of competence” and the Protestant Ethic that had formerly encouraged capitalism (Beder 42). The advertisers enticed the intended audience and encouraged them to purchase their goods to satisfy their desires and wants. The presence of products offered alternative solutions to all people irrespective of their social class. The social structures in the American society diffused the idea of consumerism, and this affected the ordinary citizens. Top businessmen and corporate executives benefited a lot since they manipulated the masses to achieve their financial goals. Ironically, workers encounter the privileges of watching TV, operating computers, and traveling in company’s cars but in their life, they are not in a position to own them. The American system has induced perceptions within the population since they cannot question what is happening in their life. The advertisements in mass media embed them with stereotypes, and they believe that the way to success is to gain material wealth and possessions. Therefore, the ordinary citizen is adamant and cannot in any way question the system because he will appear as obstinate and stubborn.
In my opinion, consumerism does not achieve the American dream. Instead, it induces stereotypes and perceptions within the society where individuals compete to gain material wealth. Moreover, consumerism must be considered a complicated cycle of induced desire that takes away the older traditions and aspects that made the society a better place. An American is identified by the dress code, shelter, car, phone, and all other material possessions. Apart from this, the mass production of products has improved the livelihoods of individuals and introduced a sense of style of Americans. Consumerism goes against the odds of racial discrimination and allows an equal opportunity to all individuals doing away with all manners of class distinction (Guest 140). The patterns of consumption demonstrate that members of the American Society are competing to satisfy their list of wants.
Is consumerism a stressful aspect in the American society? Is it inappropriate when people spend too much of their time shopping? Do acquiring material possessions make someone better than the other? The American-style consumption behavior is a very tricky issue to understand. There are positive impacts associated with consumerism, but the moment it transforms to hyper-consumerism, it affects the society in a negative way. Also, it is evident that time is a scarce resource in the American society. Americans are affected by multiple problems that are unsolved because the cultural pressures and institutional arrangements incorporated in consumerism poses threats to individuals. The question whether the life of Americans would be better with a less hyper-consumerist lifestyle makes me wonder why Americans continues to grip consumerism. I think that they are affected by a systematic consumption bias induced in the mind to ensure decisions made favors consumption. To restore the hyper-consumerism aspect of the American society to the norm, it is important to consider all stakeholders in decision-making. Both the government and the consumers have a bigger role to play to ensure that effective consumer protection is a national priority (Guest 139). If the consumers’ issues are worked on, consumerism will develop a positive identity of the American people.


Wright, Eric O., and Joel Rodgers. "Consumerism." American Society How It Really Works. WW Norton & Company, 2010. Print.
The chapter illustrates the extent at which consumerism affected the residents of the United States. The author suggests the factors that may have contributed to the commencement of consumerism especially the rise of capitalism. In the article, the role of advertisements depicts the consumption norms that defined Americans. The chapter clearly demonstrates all aspects of consumerism in American society and suggests solutions to the problem. The information in the chapter is backed up with data making it a credible source for reference.
Pendergast, Tom. "Consuming questions: Scholarship on consumerism in America to 1940." American Studies International (1998): 23-43.
Guest, Jim. "Consumers and consumerism in America today." Journal of Consumer Affairs 36.2 (2002): 139-149
The article will address the concept of consumerism in America. Consumerism has played a significant role in widening markets to accommodate the rising production and created the authenticity of the social system where it has increased workers’ income. According to the author, it would be difficult for workers to question their working conditions. The article reaches a consensus by emphasizing that it would be awkward for workers to question this system.Etzioni, Amitai. "Spent: America after consumerism." The New Republic (2009): 17.
The article highlights how America faced economic constraints after applying the concept of consumerism. According to the author, consumerism is portrayed when the purchase of goods is used to satisfy the higher wants. Consumerism will be removed from its central place if replaced by something. The article reaches a consensus by emphasizing that the better life will be realized if people transform the economic stress into a freedom from the fascination with consumer goods.
Beder, Sharon. "Consumerism–an Historical Perspective." Pacific Ecologist 9.1 (2004).
The article will address the concept of consumer and consumerism in America. The consumer association has played a significant role in fighting for an unbiased market for every consumer. According to the author, we should provide effective mass oversight in competitive markets. The article reaches a consensus by stressing that institutions will boost the consumer welfare, public loyalty and become effective if allocated resources, power, and public back up.
Dreams, Common. "America the Possible: Breaking the Chains of Consumerism | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community." Common Dreams. N.p., 10 Sept. 2012. Web. 18 Apr. 2015.
The article addresses the possible ways of America eluding the concept of consumerism. According to the author, consumerism occurs when the purchase of goods is used to satisfy the higher needs. Consumerism leads to economic crisis and increases in social problems. The author reaches a conclusion by coming up with policies that shift cultural norms will be critical to reducing consumerism.

Work cited

Beder, Sharon. "Consumerism–an Historical Perspective." Pacific Ecologist 9.1 (2004).
Dreams, Common. "America the Possible: Breaking the Chains of Consumerism | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community." Common Dreams. N.p., 10 Sept. 2012. Web. 18 Apr. 2015.
Etzioni, Amitai. "Spent: America after consumerism." The New Republic (2009): 17.
Guest, Jim. "Consumers and consumerism in America today." Journal of Consumer Affairs 36.2 (2002): 139-149
Pendergast, Tom. "Consuming questions: Scholarship on consumerism in America to 1940." American Studies International (1998): 23-43
Wright, Eric O., and Joel Rodgers. "Consumerism." American Society How It Really Works . WW Norton & Company, 2010. Print.

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