Good Essay About Creative Non-Fiction

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Aliens, Uncle, Blood, Time, City, Real Estate, Apartment, Bow

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/29

At the age of sixteen, I was the savior of the city. We had been attacked by aliens that sucked human blood for survival. The aliens had broken into my best friend room and inflicted injuries that left him dead. The security officers had tried to prevent the attacks, but their efforts proved futile. I was gifted with supernatural powers in which I could foretell the next spot that would be attacked by the aliens. With this in mind, I planned the best way to eliminate the two aliens that caused mayhem in the city.
I had a bow and arrow that I was given by my grandfather during my fifteenth birthday. The weapon was unique and had the powers to bring an enemy to death. Surprisingly, my instincts predicted that the aliens would attack the apartment where my uncle lived. I could not imagine the entire family of my uncle being murdered. I had to act fast and come up with a decision that will solve the mess in good time. I packed my bow and arrow and bade my parents’ farewell.
The visit was a surprise to my uncle. He could not have imagined I could have paid a visit at such time. I was welcomed with open arms little did they know that the aliens were on their way thirsting of blood from them. In a fraction of a second, I jumped out of the house as I heard heavy footsteps dragging themselves towards the apartment. I released my arrow which aimed at destroying the sight of the biggest alien. Luckily, the arrow pierced the eyes of the alien as it projected towards the brain. The other alien ran for its life as everybody cheered my heroism act. Believe it or not, I realized it was just a dream as my mother shouted that I was getting late for school.

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Good Essay About Creative Non-Fiction. Free Essay Examples - Published Dec 29, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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