Good Essay About Crime And Morality

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Crime, Ethics, Money, Women, Social Issues, Morality, Society, Duty

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/09/23

On most occasions, there is always a contradiction between a crime and a moral obligation. A crime is something that has been done against the set laws of the governing body. A moral obligation or duty refers to a situation where an individual acts in line with what is good or bad. Therefore, a moral duty is not documented in any piece of written material but it is known in the society.
In the case mentioned above, the fact that the woman did not inform the person dropping the 100QAR on the flow about it is considered a moral wrong rather than a crime. It is not documented that picking something that has been dropped at a particular place is wrong. However, in the eyes of the society, it is important to return the amount to the owner since it is considered to be the right thing to do.
Nevertheless, under certain circumstances, this situation can be turned into a crime. This will happen under special circumstances such as informing the police about it. If the person who had dropped the 100 QAR had reported that he or she had lost the money at the grocery stores, then this will be treated as a theft case. As a result, the woman will be a suspect for stealing the money. However, it is important that the person, who has lost the money, makes an official report of the matter to the police or the security at the grocery store. His claims will be null and void if he or she confronts the woman of stealing the money because the money is not labeled with the name of the assumed thief. If the person files a report of the missing money and then identified the woman as the one in possession of the 100 QAR, then the woman will be charged with theft without.

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