Good Essay About Elected Representative Letter

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Education, Family, Children, Birth Control, Abstinence, Students, Sex Education, Society

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/11/29

Dear Governor

Re: The controversial sexual education bill
Owing to the above matter, I hereby take this opportunity to request you to drop the sex education bill which has proved to be controversial and contentious. Although yours is a good intention to ensure that children and the youth have a better understanding about their sexuality, this move contravenes a number of morals in our society. Abstinence is the key word every parent would wish their children to appreciate. It is important that you get to understand the anger of the parents towards your move of supporting this bill vigorously. As much as it is not a bad idea, it would make a lot of sense if alternative mechanisms were employed first.
Instead of supporting the sex education bill and introducing such studies to the classroom environment, I request you to explore other available mechanisms. Whereas yours is a noble intention, it contravenes a number of beliefs and approaches the parents employ to address the same matter. For a long time, abstinence has been the best solution to this subject matter. With proper knowledge of the implications of pre-marital sex, children are more likely to cease from engaging in sexual matters (Winn et al. 98). Giving them education in schools would, more or less, act as a rubber stamp for them to engage in the activities. This is likely to elicit uproar from the society. In the current society, we learn by seeing. We put into practice what we have been taught. We test what we already know. This means that if children are taught on how to use a condom at a very tender age, then there is a high probability that they will experiment it. Although contraceptives play a major role in protecting individuals from contracting deadly and killer diseases, the children should be encouraged to practice abstinence until marriage. This is in tandem with the social and cultural values of Utah. Priority should be given towards encouraging abstinence. If you give children sex education and motivate them to use contraceptives when engaging in sexual activities, then there is a high likelihood that they may eve forget to use such contraceptives whenever they are unavailable. This would prove to be suicidal.
In order to protect our future generations from perishing and being consumed by HIV/AIDS, there is need to encourage them to abstain. This can be achieved by using both legal and rudimentary measures. Educating them on how to use contraceptives is not a solution. As a matter o fact, the students (children) should not be exposed to any materials that would make them think there is a substitute to abstinence. I would like to refer you to the move that Franklin County (North Carolina) took in the fall of 1997. In this matter, the school board opined that there was need to delete and cut off any chapter in textbook that addressed issues of contraceptives and sexual behavior. This was based on the belief that the materials were inconsistent with the requirement of the law for public schools to encourage and teach their children on abstinence. Whereas such program would be necessary, giving them alternatives to abstinence is suicidal. The board’s move was rather fascinating, aiming to completely reducing cases of sexual intercourse among the children (students). Rather than educate he on contraceptives and sex, the school advised teachers to teach the children on failures from contraceptives whenever any query arose. Whenever a student asked a question about AIDS and condoms, the teachers were to instill the fear factor by only teaching on the disadvantages and why such moves should be discouraged (Winn et al. 102). Although this did not capture the real position with contraceptives, it played a significant role in reducing sexual activities in the region among children and the youth. I request you to consider this approach as it is more likely than no to yield positive results and protect the future generation of Utah. This is the only way that we can be sure that our orals are respected in the society.

Thank you in advance


Works Cited

"Governor Vetoes Controversial Sex Education Bill |" Utah News, Sports, Weather and Classifieds | N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2015.
Winn, Sandra, Debi Roker, and John Coleman. "Knowledge About Puberty and Sexual Development in 11‐16 Year‐olds: Implications for Health and Sex Education in Schools." Educational Studies (1995): n. pag. Print.

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