Good Essay About Hindu Saints And Mysticism

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Religion, Hinduism, India, Soul, God, Spiritual, Body, Training

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/10/12

Jane Doe

Hinduism, an ancient Eastern religion practiced by a large number of individuals throughout the world, but primarily in India and Nepal. The religion is unlike other religion based on monotheistic beliefs of a single being referred to as God. Hindus believe in God as a Supreme Being, Creator of the Universe and unmanifest reality, where cycles of birth through reincarnation occur based on karmic deeds during life in the physical body. The cycle of re-birth continue until the soul perfects itself, reaching moksha, at which point the soul becomes a part of its source, God the Supreme Being. There are four primary denominations of Hinduism, which are Saivism, Shaktism, Vaishnavism, and Smartism.
A lot of interesting discussing could be had on the topic of the Hindu religion, but the focus of the paper is on sainthood and mysticism as experienced through Hinduism. Sainthood in the Hindu religion is an integral part of the aim to become self-realized. Often referred to as Guru’s or Yogi’s, they are teachers whose soul is evolved to a point of having spiritual powers not seen in less evolved souls. The purpose of the Guru is to help awaken this realization in his or her students through the practice of meditation. A particular mantra is usually given during the initiation process when a saint allows an individual to become a devotee (a spiritual student). This initiation ritual is important because there is a belief that the souls of the saint and devotee are now connected at a higher spiritual level to begin enlightenment for the devotee.
The mystic belief of the magical power of the saint is a common practice in followers of the Hindu religion. A lot of reverence is given to the saints because the idea that the soul of the Yogi has already reached moksha yet are choosing to come back to the physical body just to help souls still working towards self-realization. The relationship of sainthood and mysticism in Hinduism are intertwined and complex.

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