Good Essay About Market Analysis Of Nepal

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Nepal, Market, Business, Products, Tea, Spices, Leather, Economy

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/10/22

Nepal is officially known as the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. It is a landlocked country that is located in the South Asia. To be very precise it is located in the Himalayas and basically bordered to the north of the Republic of China and basically by the Republic of India to the south, east and west. Nepal has a very good bonding and prolifically has good ties with both the neighbors that are India and China. Due to the close ties with both the countries India and China, Nepal has been greatly motivated in every aspect starting from market to education and every important field (Kadariya, 2012). Nepal is basically situated on a mountainous region so there are many cons that affect the economy of Nepal. As Nepal is basically listed in the genre of the least developed countries there are major import duty that mostly privileges to import from Nepal to the most developed foreign countries like USA, UK, Canada, Japan, Australia etc and many more. The economy of Nepal is very much adversely affected just because of its political uncertainty. The GDP of Nepal always fluctuates just because of a severe shortage of skill labor. But, looking deeply into the market of Nepal, we can easily found out major pros that help in the prolific growth of the economy of the country. Nepal basically survives on the aspect of export and import as stated above. Nepal is famous for its wide range of products like readymade woolen garments, carpets, leather and leather products, pulses, handicrafts, spices, Teas and coffee, Honey, Medicinal herbs and essential oils. These products basically are the major core of the market in Nepal (Bhujel, 2014). The major market sector of Nepal basically deals with these products. These products are solely used by the people of Nepal to trade-in. As the tourist expedition is one of the prolific aspect that boost the economic structure of Nepal the wide range of unique products helps the market to flow in real rhythm. The market of Nepal basically deals with woolen garments which are quite unique and attractive which actually helps the traders to earn a huge amount of benefits through this sector. As Nepal is situated in the mountainous region, most of the times it faces a cool climate and due to the climate factor the woolen garments are the most valuable and most selling objects in Nepal (Maraseni, 2008). The woolen garments are one of the most unique products which are basically made of genuine wool which makes the products soft and legible which is a very good aspect.
Most of the tourists visiting Nepal are very much fond of the woolen garments and it prolifically is one of the best readymade products that are available. Apart from the woolen products Tea and coffee is another market that sets the standard of the market in Nepal. Tea has been in cultivation from more than a century, CTC and orthodox are the main varieties of tea grown in Nepal. The tea that is grown in Nepal is one of finest tea which is very much famous for the high-yielding orthodox tea which is very much popular among the tea connoisseur. Tea is one of the commercial crops that promises market potentialities both at home and also in abroad (Office & Kyloh, 2008). Another prolific variety of products are also available in the spices market which is traditionally grown in Nepal. Large cardamom, cinnamon, turmeric and fresh ginger are the widely used spices which are basically exported and sold in the market. Spices that are produced in Nepal are the most famous for prolifically flavoring different dishes for delicious food. Spices hold a huge market prospect of Nepal earning them a huge profit in every aspect. Leather products are also available in huge quantity and most of the major products are in fact manufactured in Nepal. The leather products like jackets, handbags, purses, belts etc are the prolific goods that are sold and also exported which actually makes a great and prolific contribution to the earning in the market sector as well as the country’s earning.
The Market of Nepal is wide varied. Products starting from food to necessary products are available in great bulk in the market (Sophastienphong & Kulathunga, 2008). The market of Nepal is prolifically very well balanced but due to its lack in the uncertainty in the political affairs and also the unavailability of unskilled labors are one of the most prolific drawbacks which sometimes bring some issues in the market structure and earning. In fact Nepal was affected by Inflation in the year of 2010-2011 where the market conditions prolifically faced a huge loss in terms of export as well as the in-house conditions in the market. But the market regained it position somehow in the coming years where the inflation was subdued to a nominal three year low to 7%. With the passing days and help of huge investment in the marketing sectors new malls, shops, stores are being opened to upgrade the quality of marketing standard to potentially boost the earning of the businessmen and also the country’s economy (Shrestha & Karki, 2013). Due to this prolific change Nepal market is being more attractive to thousands of people all over the world by attracting major tourists, which helps to create a basic thud and push in the marketing sector to boost.


Bhujel, K. (2014). Market situation of Bio-Briquette in Kathmandu, Nepal. The Initiation, 5(0). doi:10.3126/init.v5i0.10254
Kadariya, S. (2012). Market Reactions to Tangible and Intangible Information: A Case of Nepal.Banking J, 2(1). doi:10.3126/bj.v2i1.5704
Kulathunga, A. (2010). Getting Finance in South Asia 2010. World Bank.
Maraseni, T. (2008). Harvesting techniques and market analysis of selected NTFPs in Nepal. Köln: Lambert Academic Publishing.
Office, I., & Kyloh, R. (2008). From conflict to cooperation. Geneva: International Labour Office.
Shrestha, A., & Karki, S. (2013). Analysis of sickle hemoglobin. Journal Of Pathology Of Nepal, 3(6). doi:10.3126/jpn.v3i6.8989
Sophastienphong, K., & Kulathunga, A. (2008). Getting finance in South Asia 2009. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
Vernooy, R. (2006). Social and gender analysis in natural resource management. New Delhi: SAGE Publications.

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