Good Essay About Red Hot Chili Peppers – Blood Sugar Sex Magic

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Song, People, Life, Pleasure, Sexuality, Experience, Partner, Women

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2021/03/29

Popular songs that focus on sexAt the end of the 20th century there was a tendency in the world to the cultivation of sex. Sex stopped to be the internal part of people’s souls, they start to talk about sex, to think more often about it and in consequence to sing about it. In the music there was a kind of sexual revolution and as a result now we have a huge part of the most famous songs, where the main topics are relations between people and sex itself. The key point of this essay will be sex in modern popular songs and the feelings and thoughts people perceive while listening to them. It is important to mention that mostly every song makes us to reflect, gives us an experience of the author of the particular one and also it gives an opportunity to feel something new for us. Songs focused on sex help us to notice an author’s desires and his understanding of sexuality. To prove it I want to analyze three songs with sexual ground.
The first song is Rihanna – CockinessTo analyze this song first of all it is necessary to know some facts of the biography of the vocalist. She grew up in such a kind of family where the father is dominating personality, but another important fact is that she was the eldest child in the family. It means that on the one hand she didn’t have even a piece of control in the family as a whole, but she could order her younger brothers to do something. This fact shows us that it there was some prerequisites of Rihanna’s striving to the domination in her life and in sex in particular. Also influential for her character was her military experience. Such events in the life leave anyone without changes. The singer became more assured in her wishes. Every aspect of the life of Rihanna insinuates that she is very hot-headed, confident in the achievement of her goals, very persuasive. And these and a plenty of other facts make her definitely sexual in our eyes. In the song every listener can see her lust and a definite wish to achieve her goal, to receive her lover totally, to make him do what she wants. Rihanna shows us honestly that she doesn’t want to stop, that her wishes should be considered as a law, that only her pleasure is the only important thing she needs. It is also important to mention, that all this song gives a clear hint that when she will understand that for she receives pleasure, her partner will be satisfied too. Another point in this song is Rihanna’s adoration of herself. While listening this song appears an image of perfect naked person. It is she. And she wants everyone to understand that she has no disadvantages. She wants to be the idol for her partner. For everyone. She wants to be the subject of worshipping. It is obviously that the singer adores her hair, eyes, every curve of her body, every feeling. Rihanna also wants her partner to show that he wishes her. Her words in the song about the Harlem and St. Tropez make us understand new things in her understanding of sexuality. She really needs her partner to be the opposing matters in the entire one.To sum up the idea of this song it is necessary to say that the key point is that Rihanna’s wishes and pleasure, the satisfaction of these things are the most important things in the world and everyone should deal with it. It broadens the listener’s sexual views, because it is definitely interesting to try to fight with such kind of personality, try to conquer her. Despite dominative way of behavior she hints that it is the thing to try, because the award for it will be enormous in the amount of pleasure. Rammstein – Pussy
As we know, everyone on the Earth is unique. So preferences in sex are different too. In this song we can notice that Till Lindemann shows us his attitude to sexual relations. He wants to his partners to accept him as he is, with his pros and cons. He’s talking about his way of life. He thinks that he’s life is a long road with sudden turns. So his partners should catch the moment to have fun and pleasure. They should do this now and again. They should have sex with anyone they want, because we have only one life and to lose opportunities and new experience is not acceptable. He tries to tell people that they should be free in this life, because nobody knows the future. They should live in the present catching every moment of life and sex. Also it is easy to mention that Till thinks that sex is not as it’s shown in films and books. He knows that sex is a kind of filthy thing with the alcohol in blood and lust in the mind . It means that from this point of view people went not very far from animals. The main difference of people from the most of animals is that other creatures have sex for posterity, but people need it first of all for pleasure, more and more. He thinks that the main thing in life of the people is that it is totally short and in consequence we should do everything we want, because of the unknown future after the death. So he tells us that he can’t wait, he wants to make deeds. It is obvious that Till is like alfa male among the people. It means that he has a huge amount of women striving to have sex with him, despite his disadvantages, which he doesn’t want to hide. He says that such disadvantages like too big dick or too small are not essential. Another point is that women want sex equally with men, but they are used to resist against men’s wishes. Till doesn’t understand it, because from the one side mostly every people are equal in their desire for sex and from the another side it is a well-known fact that women’s pleasure from sex is greater that men’s, because everyone has the physical prerequisites for sex, the problem is only the people’s minds. He says the problems goodbye in the song with his words in the chorus.

Here is an another attitude to sex. This song totally broadens our understanding of sexuality, because it shows us sex as the opportunity to become closer not only to the partner, but to the gods and eternity. It proves us that sex is something eternal, that it is not only physical activity, it helps us to think about such things that are far away from us. Sex opens doors for the unknown. It gives an opportunity for us to know the deep soul of the partner, to discover something new in our minds, to broaden the palette of feelings. This song encourages the woman to be a spiritual partner, that means that women should play an important role in the life of the singer, he really needs it. It proves that sex brings people together and links them. So the song makes the listener feel that sex is a spiritual rope between the people. It’s magic brings people a huge amount of different feelings like happiness and madness, wish and fear, pleasure and pain. Another point in this song is an interesting attitude to the woman. It is mentioned that in every woman there is something from the Aphrodite, the possibility of bringing an important fire to the relations between people, that will follow the couple in their way to the eternity. Talking about my reaction to this experience I should say that it really helped me to broaden my mind in the sphere of sexuality, because being a student I understand that my sexual life is only on the beginning of its way. Listening to this songs made me to understand that it is really important to have a person who shares your personal views on sex. Also it is essential for both of people in the particular couple to develop during all the life in the understanding of sexuality of each other, to grow up in this sphere, to make inventions about new points of pleasure and so on. So I think that people who are able to have sex are gifted by the possibility of discovering new feelings and to understand their limits. So this experience helped me to understand that I known a smaller part of this huge piece of pleasure, bodies, feelings and unknown. I think the key point of such experience is to show that in sex is much deeper than it seems, so we need to use this knowledge to achieve not only physical, but spiritual satisfaction.Also it is important to say that my native country is China, which is traditional enough. This fact influences on sex education in the country, so I have only a little piece of information about the human sexuality. I am not experienced enough, but I can say that I’m on the start of the way to the understanding of sexuality. It is essential for me, because I think that sexual experience is an important part of our life and our mind and personality cannot be considered as totally developed without our individual understanding of sexuality.

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