Good Essay About Supply Chain Management

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Supply, Supply Chain, Management, Business, Products, Customers, Organization, Company

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/11/10

Supply chain management involves the organization of the activities of the supply side of the business so as to ensure that customers get maximum value as well as enable the organization to gain a competitive edge in the market. The suppliers of the products put in a lot of effort to develop economical and efficient supply chains. The supply chains cover all the stages involved from the time of production to the moment the product reaches the customers (Hines, 2004). Companies use the supply chain management as a tool for linking the production of the product with the distribution of the product. Management of the supply chain enables the company to cut down on costs, and ensure that the system is fast in the delivery of the products to the consumers.
Companies can increase the effectiveness of supply chains by creating strong controls on internal production, internal inventories, inventories of the buyers of the products, sales made by the buyers of the products, and distribution of the products. The supply chain management is built on the idea that a product reaches the market due to efforts made by several organizations. The groups of organizations are linked due to the roles they play in the supply of the product. The linkages form a supply chain that needs to be managed so as to ensure that the product reaches the customers and satisfies their needs (Hines, 2004). The supply chains have been in the market for a very long time, but many companies had not paid a lot of attention to them. Currently, most companies are aware of the importance of supply chain management, and are seeking the best ways of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chains.
The supply chain management has various functions that it plays in ensuring that the products made by the company reach the consumers in good condition. These functions include management of inventory; management of distribution; management of payments; management of distribution channels; management of finances; management of suppliers; management of customer service; and management of transport. These functions are very critical in the supply of products to the consumers, and they need to be properly management so as to meet the needs of both the organization and the consumers.
The use of supply chain management enables the organization to benefit in various activities. The organization is able to benefit from the use of experts who are specialized in the various stages of the supply chain through collaboration with other companies. The various companies are able to focus on their areas of expertise, and facilitate an efficient supply chain. Information technology, outsourcing, and globalization have made the process of supplying products to the consumers very easy (Wieland & Handfield, 2013). The interactions among the various companies have led to the formation of an organization network that does not have a structure; however, the various organizations in the network are able to concentrate on their areas of expertise leading to a very effective and efficient supply chain.
The emerging trends in supply chain management include innovation; visibility; sustainability; partnerships and integration; and predictive analytics (Cuccureddu, 2013). Innovation involves thinking out of the norm so as to improve the performance of the supply chain while saving on costs. Visibility involves reducing the time taken by a product from the supplier to the consumer. Sustainability involves focusing on the best solutions that will enable the satisfaction of the customers’ needs. Partnerships and integration involves strengthening the supply chains because there are indications that the supply chains are becoming weak. Predictive analysis involves the use of business intelligence in the management of logistics and other areas of the supply chain.

Works Cited

Hines, T. Supply Chain Strategies: Customer Driven and Customer Focused. New York: Oxford Printing Press, 2004. Print.
Wieland, Andreas & Handfield, Robert, B. The Socially Responsible Supply Chain: An Imperative for Global Corporations. Supply Chain Management Review 17.5 (2013). Print.
Cuccureddu, Gianluigi. Five Emerging Supply Chain Trends in 2013. 1 Jan. 2013. Web. 13 Feb. 2015.

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