Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Water, England, Environment, Pollution, Great Britain, Agriculture, Infrastructure, Framework

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2021/01/11

The Water Framework Directive is what introduces a holistic approach based on management of quality of water. It establishes a system that protects and improves all aspects of the water environment including lakes, estuaries, rivers, groundwater and coastal waters. The Water Framework Directive also abbreviated as WFD, insists that all coastal and inland waters must reach a good status, and this should have been met by 2015. In order to achieve the targets, management planning is required and the level of river basin with links to other key policy areas (Great Britain et al., 2006). Such areas mentioned for a link include land use, biodiversity, agriculture, recreation, tourism and flood protection. Public participation at key stages is then required to determine future management of the water management. It is the department of environment that is responsible for coordinating and implementing of the water framework directive. This paper aims at exploring environmental issues and the water framework directive in UK.
The Water Framework Directive is being implemented in UK with directives that are referred to as Competent Authorities. These competent authorities are UK environmental agencies that include Environment Agency, Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Northern Ireland Environment Agency. Implementation in the UK helps to ensure a common approach that would give realization strategy. In 2001, member states, and the Commission had a common strategy of implementation of the Water Framework Directive (The Great Britain, 2009). Water directors from member states often meet in a regular trend so that they share knowledge and offer guidance based on their understanding of technical challenges that are posed by the implementation. With implementation, the Commission has acknowledged that the provisions for governance of Water Framework Directive to be significant. River basin management and involvement of stakeholders have had a very significant reform.
Implementation has taken a top-down and bottom-up approach in order to promote governance. A framework has been set; also, the room for flexibility has been made available so that changes could still be possible even after the implementation has started. Methodologies that underpin classification of water within the water framework directive have been established to monitor qualities of ecological statuses. Statistical and Theoretical uncertainties have been involved with further communication regarding the implementation. Evidently, the implementation is not fully addressed and still in the process of completion.
Agricultural pollution has both biotic and abiotic byproducts from farming contaminating and degrading the environment. Agriculture often disrupts all the freshwater systems from their states of pristine. Impacts of agriculture on the environmental water system have physical impacts like drainages and the physical modification of channels of rivers. It also modifies catchments, nutrients, and particulates biocide pollution (Great Britain, 2006). Water Framework Directive of UK implicitly does recognize agricultural pollution when it comes to restoration of water bodies (Davison & Scottish Natural Heritage, 2006). Good ecological quality has been defined by agricultural pollution to be slightly different from the pristine state. Agricultural management has faced implications that are more profound rather than what is realized.
Pollution of the environment and water bodies forms an ideal basis for creating legislation that would design incentive schemes. Such schemes can then optimize agricultural practices and minimize environmental consequences. Agricultural and fresh water systems do have a complex situation and their relationships bring a mesh of many dimensions. The entire land surface is agricultural and forms the catchment areas for water systems at the same time. Everything that happens in the catchment areas and on land then affects fresh waters.
Point source pollution often results when contaminants emanate from a single location. Often in point source pollution, contamination occurs directly in the environment; the said environment includes water, soil and air. Factories that release poisonous chemicals form their stack directly into the air without treatment cause a point source solution. For water pollution within the point source context, chemicals are often drained into streams directly and for soil oil that is dumped into the ground can cause point source pollution. Diffuse source pollution, on the other hand, occurs when potentially polluting substances get to the polluted object or body from numerous points (Great Britain, 2006). Agriculture has been identified to be a major source of pollution that is considered as diffuse source pollution. Urban transport and activities of construction have also been acute sources of diffuse source pollution with an effect on the ecology and quality of many water catchments.
Farmers in the UK often faced restrictions based on how they conduct their farming; such restrictions intend to negate pollution. A maximum limit of 1,000 Becquerel per kilogram of insecticide is allowed to be applied to animals so that pollution is controlled (Great Britain, 2006). They have opportunities to save and re-use water including the household water per capita consumption. The per capita consumption significantly reduces domestic consumption of water. By saving and re-using water, residents enjoys lower water bills; less time spent to collect water, reduced pressure on local waiter resources and increased availability of water that is potable. Livestock and arable farms can have a save of ponds of water in every year. With more efficient use of water, farmers can reduce the impact on the environment as per Dairy Co research. In the UK, farmers can avoid plate coolers in order to save water. Since the plate, coolers consume a lot of water; water used by them can be re-used to wash externally and to clean of animal parlor. Such water can as well be recycled for the cows and other animals to drink. Leaks within farms and animal residents must be avoided so that water is saved. In the UK, farmers of arable activities and those who keep domestic animals are advised to save water by avoiding leaks and ensuring all pipes are closed when not in use.
Farmers in the UK have an opportunity to look at the source of their water and are urged to store pesticides with approved labels of products to minimize pollution. Spraying of pesticides is often characterized to be highly toxic; therefore, all chemicals get tested before use (Great Britain et al., 2013). Since chemicals affect water quality, costs and availability of the water in farms for plants and animals ensure that farmers use water wisely in order to avoid contamination. Rainwater harvesting technologies have also been made available for farmers in the UK (Great Britain et al., 2009). Rainwater harvesting ensures farmers conserve water, leading to huge storage capacities for water. The UK citizenry can then collect and re-use rainwater that is extremely valuable and safe for both plants and animals.
In conclusion, farms make better use of water in the UK by collecting waste and rain water and storing them in old bulk tanks. The Water Framework Directive ensures conditions in farms keep water available and safe. Farmers often ensure that the waste waters are re-used for external washing or foot bathing. The same farmers have invariably ensured gutters and downpipes are clear. They also consider roofing over yard areas in order to collect clean water and prevent it from entering the slurry stores. Farms often reduce their water hose pressures in order to yield big savings. Pressure washers use less water per minute as compared to the ones that are left open, thereby, saving significant amount of water.


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Great Britain. (2006). The Environment Agency. London: Stationery Office.
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Great Britain., Parliament., House of Commons & Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. (2006) The Environment Agency: Seventh Report of Session 2005-06, House of Commons. London: Stationery Office.
Great Britain: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs. (2006). The Climatic Change: UK Programme 2006. London: Stationery Office.
Great Britain: Parliament House of Commons: Environmental Audit Committee. Pollination and Pesticides. (2013) London: Stationery Office.

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Good Essay About Water Management. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/good-essay-about-water-management/. Published Jan 11, 2021. Accessed March 05, 2025.

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